That’s pretty ******** then.
I guess the simple answer is just keep the citizenship and show up every year for the minimum amount of time in order to collect the pensions/benefits and then go to wherever.
Why Italy? And why don’t you like it here? And most importantly if you want to leave why have you not done so? Genuinely curious. Appears you have the means to do so.
Canada is a dump of left wing insane policies and out of control taxation with a lot more to come .
Canadians hate success , freedoms , entrepreneurship and individuality. Thye hate people that standout and go out of their way to block or ban that person from groups they are in ( just look at online forums how cliquey and uptight they are )
They love to tear you down to make themselves feel better,
Look at the government policies , all about punishing success and rewarding losers.
Criminals are rewarded and law abiding citizens punished , cut a kids head off and eat it you are out on the street in a few years with us paying for you to live ....legally own and use a gun at a range and you are pretty much considered a criminal and your property seized, same if you drive too fast.
we allow foreigners to buy houses with cash with no tracing where the money came from ( money laundering) then we as citizens can’t buy a car for cash or make a deposit in a bank over 10 grand without the government having to be notified .
We have hundreds of thousands of people who come here get citizenship and go back to the old country to live , pay no tax here and return here only for medical care
The top income tax rate is 55 percent and after that you then have to pay 13 percent in sales tax on anything you buy.
Everything takes forever to get done with multiple meetings and discussions and committees that go nowhere ( look at the waterfront in toronto for an example )
Italy is my first choice due to lifestyle .
I can’t stay away for 6 months and come back for 6 months due to our horses and dogs . I can’t fly them back and forth twice a year , that isn’t feasible.
Yes I have the means to leave but do I want to sell my business give up millions of dollars in exit tax at this point in my life ?im going to grow it to the point I don’t care about giving up the money as much ... I’m Not ready yet but the time will come soon where giving up the money will override any need or want to live here .
‘I could go on and on but the above are some of the big points as to why Canada is crap.
too many rules , too much tax, too much infringing on personal freedoms and too many jealous petty people