COVID and the housing market

Like grabbing the electric fence right after you grab your buddies arm. Getting three or four older kids to tell the new kid at 4H club that a milking machine may be the ultimate masturbation machine knowing he’ll probably end up in ER, having 100 acres to ride your dirt bike and not needing permission, your nieghbor let you ride all over his also.

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Like grabbing the electric fence right after you grab your buddies arm. Getting three or four older kids to tell the new kid at 4H club that a milking machine may be the ultimate masturbation machine knowing he’ll probably end up in ER, having 100 acres to ride your dirt bike and not needing permission, your nieghbor let you ride all over his also.

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One of these things is not like the other…
I found a townhouse I like, but it has an illegal suite built on the first floor. Squamish having a serious rental problem, is overlooking such suites. Lots of people rent similar units. My issue is with the fact that the townhouse is listed including the extra sqft, suite and bathroom. The selling agent and my agent are unaware or ignoring that on prints the house isn't really what they are working with. Truthfully, I want the suite to supplement my mortgage for a few years. Who is responsible and who will be responsible for this unit being sold the way it is? The seller, agent, or the home inspector if he picks it up(he really should)?
Who is responsible and who will be responsible for this unit being sold the way it is? The seller, agent, or the home inspector if he picks it up(he really should)?
The answer is almost always the buyer is stuck with it (and insurance will hate you for an illegal suite without proper fire separation). Home Inspector may see some questionable things but can't comment on whether the suite was inspected and approved. Agents probably bear some liability if they promoted it as a legal suite but I suspect most are smart enough that they go with something like "inlaw accomodation" so they are part of your family and don't need to be licensed or constructed as a separate dwelling. Seller probably knows it's dodgy but unless they sign something saying it's legal and you get confirmation that it's not, good luck. Also, many sellers in BC seem to live in China. Even if they were liable good luck getting them to send you money.
I think I misused the term suite. Let's call it an extra room + bathroom with a kitchenette. The extra space is not even on the title. The listing agent listed the house including the built basement at ~1700 sqft vs the title ~1200. I suppose they just took the owner word for it? That is quite negligent and a misrepresentation.
I think I misused the term suite. Let's call it an extra room + bathroom with a kitchenette. The extra space is not even on the title. The listing agent listed the house including the built basement at ~1700 sqft vs the title ~1200. I suppose they just took the owner word for it? That is quite negligent and a misrepresentation.
There is always some conflict between legal square footage (above grade) and finished square footage. I dont know why government leaves that distinction in. It causes more problems than it solves imo.
There is always some conflict between legal square footage (above grade) and finished square footage. I dont know why government leaves that distinction in. It causes more problems than it solves imo.
The square footage is the amount of finished space that has been approved. Used to be important as it factored into the way property tax and flat rate utilities were assessed. Below or above grade is irrelevant, if a basement or attic is finished under permit, it become part of the homes overall square footage.

Some areas still use it that way. One of my places up north still uses finished square ft for flat rate waster/sewer. Last year I finished 1000sq basement, my flat rate water & sewer rate went up $300/year.
Here's why housing in this country will NEVER be affordable, its our national occupation, even the guy running for PM on making housing more affordable is a speculator.

Its like expecting mexico to clean up its drug corruption, everyone is in on it.

Here's why housing in this country will NEVER be affordable, its our national occupation, even the guy running for PM on making housing more affordable is a speculator.

Its like expecting mexico to clean up its drug corruption, everyone is in on it.

Ouch. He got thrown off there. Then provided a non-answer. Now, I'm not sure whether personal financial questions are offside or not but I didnt like how he handled it.
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Everybody in power has their hand in the pie. Zero chance, zero of any real action to reduce the investment of the people in power.

They will whine and say they’re there to help people get into housing, but nothing will change because that means their investments tank…which won’t happen.
Here's why housing in this country will NEVER be affordable, its our national occupation, even the guy running for PM on making housing more affordable is a speculator.

Its like expecting mexico to clean up its drug corruption, everyone is in on it.

How do these journalists get access to sensitive information like mortgages and such?
Those numbers seemed pretty accurate/specific!
How do these journalists get access to sensitive information like mortgages and such?
Those numbers seemed pretty accurate/specific!
Yeah, I don't like the way the question was asked. They could have left out many of the details and had the same question without violating his privacy. Based on how much he stumbled, I highly suspect that the amount take out was used for 30% down on another property but he didn't want to say that and the reporter didn't follow up.

Alternatively, to MP's point, maybe he knew all the rate hikes were coming so he paid off his personal mortgage as the investment mortgage is tax-deductible. He couldn't say that without risking access to the old-boys club.
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