Have you considered just STOPPING looking and stressing about a house? Literally just STOP it. [EDIT: I see my comment may seem harsh, it's not meant to be...but I know through here that you're continually looking for more. Better housing, better job, better money, everything for better. Which is fine on it's own, but not when it consumes every waking moment of your life. It's not healthy. Stress is a MAJOR contributor to future health, be careful. Doctors told me a big part of gallstones is that they don't know what truly causes them, but a large component is stress.]
I know a few people your age that I work with, and they have all literally said 'eff it...I'm done'. They found rentals that are ideally steady, and are living it up like champs. Fair enough jobs for both husband and wife, and now I'm seeing they're no longer scrounging for dollars at a down payment they're going to cottages, buying toys, and just enjoying life.
They literally GAVE up their dream of home ownership, and are happier for it (for now anyway).