COVID and the housing market

Median FAMILY income in Mississauga is $83k per year

Median house cost $1 million

Average basement apartment going for $1700-1800

So at 25% of income for shelter, median households can afford a basement. :rolleyes:

You think this whole house of cards, pardon the pun, might just break sometime :coffee:
Median FAMILY income in Mississauga is $83k per year

Median house cost $1 million

Average basement apartment going for $1700-1800

So at 25% of income for shelter, median households can afford a basement. :rolleyes:

You think this whole house of cards, pardon the pun, might just break sometime :coffee:
The number I always see is 1/3 not 1/4. Now at 1/3 I am sure there is absolutely no getting ahead.
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The number I always see is 1/3 not 1/4. Now at 1/3 I am sure there is absolutely no getting a head.
That's for "affordable" housing not housing that you can afford by compromising elsewhere. Most people (renting and mortgaged) are above 1/3. Probably in the ballpark of half (rent or mortgage+maintenance+property tax).
While Mattamy isn't considered by many a 'quality' builder, they do have a reputation of being pretty clean cut in the process.

and that's something these days

A Canadian billionaire and homebuilder just gave the Hospital for Sick Children (SickKids) the single largest donation in the hospital's history. Peter Gilgan, the founder of Mattamy Homes, donated $100 million to SickKids to help redevelop the hospital's campus.

I'm sure there are counter opinions but...........
On the listing / selling price scam, a bungalow down the street listed at $1.249 M when $1.6 was more realistic.

Surprise! It sold in four days at $1,624,800. The realtor worked hard to get an extra 30% out of it (Not).

Quite livable but not a candidate for Architectural Digest.
I haven't been in their offices for a while but they also had a reputation for hiring a specific look. You'd think you were walking into Ford Modeling Agency not a home builder.
:ROFLMAO: back when they had to twist peoples arm to move ALLLLLLLL the way out/up to they could set up a 1990 travel trailer in an empty field with a fat bald guy in there smoking a cigarette and they'd sell out.

Another landlord regretting long term leases I guess...

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Median FAMILY income in Mississauga is $83k per year

Median house cost $1 million

Average basement apartment going for $1700-1800

So at 25% of income for shelter, median households can afford a basement. :rolleyes:

You think this whole house of cards, pardon the pun, might just break sometime :coffee:
8 incomes per basement fixes that problem.
:ROFLMAO: back when they had to twist peoples arm to move ALLLLLLLL the way out/up to they could set up a 1990 travel trailer in an empty field with a fat bald guy in there smoking a cigarette and they'd sell out.

Another landlord regretting long term leases I guess...

I remember my dad being thrilled when he sold his 100 acre farm in Milton in 1990 for $4000/acre.
In 1990 that was a fair price, depending on where it was , if he wanted to sit there for another 25yrs , he would have picked up another 3 million. But like all the farmers that cashed out ( my folks ) , they were all done milking cows and took the money and moved to town.

I'm currently laughing at all the signs around North Oakville " Save Our Farms" ...... um who's farms?? and who the F wants to farm in south Halton? Only the guys in 2800sg ft McMansions that like the idea of living near farms are up in arms. Oh and no pig or chicken operations , those stink, just grow corn.
In 1990 that was a fair price, depending on where it was , if he wanted to sit there for another 25yrs , he would have picked up another 3 million. But like all the farmers that cashed out ( my folks ) , they were all done milking cows and took the money and moved to town.

I'm currently laughing at all the signs around North Oakville " Save Our Farms" ...... um who's farms?? and who the F wants to farm in south Halton? Only the guys in 2800sg ft McMansions that like the idea of living near farms are up in arms. Oh and no pig or chicken operations , those stink, just grow corn.
I am trying to buy a farm out this way but have no intention of actually farming it I just want to dirt bike.

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check the zoning on what you can do on your own property , hopefully different out your way . Acquaintance had his motocross track shut down south of Milton and we got in trouble for shooting clay pidgeons in Campbellville .
By-laws .....
check the zoning on what you can do on your own property , hopefully different out your way . Acquaintance had his motocross track shut down south of Milton and we got in trouble for shooting clay pidgeons in Campbellville .
By-laws .....
No intention for an actual motocross track just trails through the woods

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check the zoning on what you can do on your own property , hopefully different out your way . Acquaintance had his motocross track shut down south of Milton and we got in trouble for shooting clay pidgeons in Campbellville .
By-laws .....
Not sure anyone would ever notice if I was shooting clays as there's a gun club one road away

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Well the prices will start running up in Calgary I guess…Frak if only I had the money to build my own real estate empire.

Well the prices will start running up in Calgary I guess…Frak if only I had the money to build my own real estate empire.

We're still considering Edmonton as the alternative. A friend asked why we would consider moving to a place where the value of our home wouldn't increase as much as other places potentially might over time (in his opinion Ottawa and Calgary were better options)... It was an interesting point as it showed the difference in mindset for someone thinking of a home as an investment (him) and someone just looking for an affordable place to live and raise a family (me). My wife and I are both of the mindset of being debt free as early as possible in our lives - what we're looking for (3 bedroom townhome w/ 2 car garage) is about $300K there vs. $1.25M apparently in Uxbridge. Had a few interviews so far but none attractive enough to make the switch yet. Next one is in a couple of weeks and seems to be the most promising of the lot...
We're still considering Edmonton as the alternative.
At risk of sounding patronising, I'm hoping you've spent enough time in Edmonton to be aware of what you're signing up for. I'm talking about things more complex than, "You know it gets cold in the winter there, right?"

For me, having spent time working in both cities, I'd be looking at Winnipeg first, but that's obviously personal preference...
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