COVID and the housing market

Supposedly coming to Etobicke is a car condo. It doesn't sound like a parking garage for your soccer van as minimum size is a four car. It sounds like an option for a wealthy condo owner with a car collection.

There was mention of an elevator for the cars but that presents a problem. The last time I looked at that option users need an operators licence to run a freight elevator.
Supposedly coming to Etobicke is a car condo. It doesn't sound like a parking garage for your soccer van as minimum size is a four car. It sounds like an option for a wealthy condo owner with a car collection.

There was mention of an elevator for the cars but that presents a problem. The last time I looked at that option users need an operators licence to run a freight elevator.
I saw an article on the car condo. I agree, toy garage more than transportation. It's possible car travels without driver (in theory at least) to get around operator laws. Hop in, pick your floor, hop out. Car goes up freight elevator, person goes up people elevator.

I was in one small condo building with a car stacker. Something like four or six cars in each stack, two stacks beside each other. Swipe your fob and it brings your platform level with the floor so you can drive in. Scary thing to own. If it breaks, only two people (or less) have access to their vehicles.
I saw an article on the car condo. I agree, toy garage more than transportation. It's possible car travels without driver (in theory at least) to get around operator laws. Hop in, pick your floor, hop out. Car goes up freight elevator, person goes up people elevator.

I was in one small condo building with a car stacker. Something like four or six cars in each stack, two stacks beside each other. Swipe your fob and it brings your platform level with the floor so you can drive in. Scary thing to own. If it breaks, only two people (or less) have access to their vehicles.
I vaguely recall a car stacker around Yonge / Dundas a half a lifetime ago or more. It was not visually appealing and I wonder about the cost of going up instead of digging down. At the price of real estate on Yonge street digging produces gold.

Freight elevators, especially the old ones, had all kinds of risks. It was luck of the draw that another worker had his foot seriously injured in one and not me.

For the toy garage a licensed concierge 24/7 also security could be built into the fees. This isn't soccer mom territory.
In the past, I agree. With the current math, I have significant doubts. Rent doesnt remotely carry most, if you are buying new build condo fees seem to be a teaser rate, etc.
You're gonna freak. The rent is 600$ month and it carries everything and more now that the mortgage is paid off )
I vaguely recall a car stacker around Yonge / Dundas a half a lifetime ago or more. It was not visually appealing and I wonder about the cost of going up instead of digging down. At the price of real estate on Yonge street digging produces gold.

Freight elevators, especially the old ones, had all kinds of risks. It was luck of the draw that another worker had his foot seriously injured in one and not me.

For the toy garage a licensed concierge 24/7 also security could be built into the fees. This isn't soccer mom territory.
The stacker I saw went up and down. There needed to be room above and below to allow access to any car in the stack. The building footprint was really small. If they tried a conventional garage I dont think you could have navigated it with a car even if it had no parking. Not enough room for the ramp corkscrew.
I know the Covid thread went but I thought you might like an update on a currently available business premises in Kingston.

Belleville wild wings lost their liquor license too. Owner gave same BS line about it not being legal to pry into her patrons medical history. Some people have a strange definition of legal that directly contradicts laws.
Belleville wild wings lost their liquor license too. Owner gave same BS line about it not being legal to pry into her patrons medical history. Some people have a strange definition of legal that directly contradicts laws.

If you want some real entertainment from this story there’s a bunch of videos online. Apparently the owner of the Kingston place started going to a church recently to invite some crazies into his establishment to support his “crusade”. There were 15 people sleeping overnight in his ****** bar including some kids. As the police broke in some were praying while others were wandering about with phones muttering about nazis. Hilarious stuff. Ended with a whimper not a bang!
Belleville wild wings lost their liquor license too. Owner gave same BS line about it not being legal to pry into her patrons medical history. Some people have a strange definition of legal that directly contradicts laws.
You can say anythhing you want but you get a $300 ticket if you don't have a handicap plate and park in a handicap spot. You don't have to divulge your ailment just go through the medical procedure. "I have a mask exemption" without a medical certificate is a joke. I think Alberta needs the certificate. It doesn't tell anyone who you are sleeping with etc. No mask. No entry. Order your stuff online.
In many parts of the world renting is just life for many many citizens , Canada is slowly becoming like the rest of the world in urban centers.
Agree. Or 99 year mortgages where you never expect to pay off the house, you pass to the kids and they keep paying. Instead of rent you pay interest but you have some stability.
Agree. Or 99 year mortgages where you never expect to pay off the house, you pass to the kids and they keep paying. Instead of rent you pay interest but you have some stability.
I would buy an investment property with a 99 year mortgage....why not? Rent it out to someone, let the kids keep the renter and build equity over an extended period of time. Unless you can't use it for investment properties...then I'll buy for myself, while I rent out my house.
Another strange pricing game on a house. Listed for xxx for one week. Listing pulled and listed again for 150K more. I think they were trying for a bidding war and failed and now put the price they want. My thinking is whatever you got offered in the week it was up was probably close to what it was "worth" regardless of your feelings. Fwiw, I think their "bidding war" price is probably close to the hammer price and they are just dreaming on their current price.
Article on rent mess and some property management companies requiring specific rent to income ratios which is apparently a violation of the human rights code. Company got caught with their pants down and blamed it on a junior leasing agent misspeaking. Yeah, I'm sure that the junior leasing agent came up with specific salaries required to be eligible to rent a property on their own. They misspoke by saying the quiet part loudly. It would be nice if OHRC could execute a warrant and audit their records and wreak havoc on that PM company.

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Times like this I really wish we held out and kept the rental....thing would've been a goldmine in today's market!
But multiple kids in your small house would have made things tough with the wife and wfh. She is worth more than the rental.

I guess you could have rented out the small house and the rental and paid rent on a family house but I think you're like me and probably don't make a great renter.
But multiple kids in your small house would have made things tough with the wife and wfh. She is worth more than the rental.

I guess you could have rented out the small house and the rental and paid rent on a family house but I think you're like me and probably don't make a great renter.
I am not...I'm not a very handy person, but even now I just came back from site and I'm like 'I got time....' 30min of lunch and kept at it with the Christmas lights....50% done now. Will finish the rest tonight if it's not too dark/cold. Otherwise...back to blowing leaves again.
@george__ can you work remotely in interior BC? 600 sq ft 2 bed/1 bath, 1100 sq ft heated shop and your own go kart (cough minibike) track for 625. Still not affordable but looks like fun.

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