My wife just got her call, getting her shot in about a half hour.
I found this article a little interesting. My take away is the gov still has work to do in terms of allowances/restrictions, but I understand some communities in the GTA (peel) have had some trouble with following the rules, social distancing, gatherings, etc and makes this situation challenging.
‘Makes no sense’: Archbishop slams COVID restrictions that allow more people inside a liquor store than a church funeral
Cardinal Thomas Collins urges parishioners to contact MPPs to request restrictions on places of worship “use a percentage of capacity as opposed to an arbitrary number.”
Yes rules are good. GTAM has rules about insults. Telling other members that their posts are dumb, is an insult. Ok?Put rules in effect that make sense . Then people will follow them .
Just like speed limits . Make them reasonable and people will follow them .
It doesn't make sense.I found this article a little interesting. My take away is the gov still has work to do in terms of allowances/restrictions, but I understand some communities in the GTA (peel) have had some trouble with following the rules, social distancing, gatherings, etc and makes this situation challenging.
‘Makes no sense’: Archbishop slams COVID restrictions that allow more people inside a liquor store than a church funeral
Cardinal Thomas Collins urges parishioners to contact MPPs to request restrictions on places of worship “use a percentage of capacity as opposed to an arbitrary number.”
It doesn't make sense.
That means that a funeral happening in downtown’s St. Michael’s Cathedral next weekend must be capped at 10 people “while around the corner dozens can enter the local liquor store” or stream into the Eaton Centre, Collins wrote, noting the arrangement “makes no sense.” The cathedral has a capacity for 1,500 people.
The one thing that may be a stumbling block is that stores can halt entry when the numbers hit the limit. It is somewhat inferred for regular church services "Everyone welcome". How do you enforce?
A bit of open dialog with Ford would help.
And how many of those activities require being there in person to stay alive? While I don't agree with the rules as they have implemented them, some of the pushback is also stupid. Do you really want to put 150+ seniors in a room and have them hang out for an hour? I guess that speeds up the churches access to their estates.How long do you spend in a restaurant generally vs how long for a church service vs how long in a bar vs how long do you spend in a store getting groceries?
Have you seen the articles about the church in KW? Straight-up rejecting science and trusting god. Packing the church, not wearing masks week after week. Pass the plate to cover the fine. They aren't the only ones. Being stupid is not affected by religion. The safest thing by miles is avoiding contact. Sure you can spread out and wear masks and minimize the risk, but the odds are still infinitely higher than if you just didn't go and spend an hour in a building listening to someone talk.I would have to say most if not all church going people I have met, and worked with have all been very respectful. If there is a group who would generally respect the rules in place it would be them. Groups at restaurants drinking beers not so much.
Plus with the size of some of these religious venues are quite large and could easily accommodate more people with distancing.
Not all seniors go to church, I know plenty of youth groups involved in their community churches.
Basically there is no clear easy way to deal with this chit. And after a year, it's becoming numbing.
but the local grocery stores are allowed almost full capacity in line ups
March 2021: Pretty much the same as March 2020, except now we have toilet paper.