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Australia and New Zealand are better examples. YES, we have an issue with a land border that they don't have, so we probably couldn't have done quite as well with it. But ... people I know in Australia and New Zealand are travelling around the country, eating in restaurants, going to church as they see fit, and have been doing so for months ... and we're not.
Australia and New Zealand are better examples. YES, we have an issue with a land border that they don't have, so we probably couldn't have done quite as well with it. But ... people I know in Australia and New Zealand are travelling around the country, eating in restaurants, going to church as they see fit, and have been doing so for months ... and we're not.
Yup. Talking to my cousin in Sydney he says when things are good it’s great. But if there’s a whiff of a case in any part of town there’s a massive lockdown within a certain area until they can snuff it out.

No discussions, no excuses, no bull crap, no ‘but ma rights’ at all. Lock it down until it’s safe to come out again.
Right, but because they have been taking this seriously, and jumping on the case quickly, they have mostly been short and sharp lockdowns for a few days until they're sure they've captured all of the potential contacts.
Right, but because they have been taking this seriously, and jumping on the case quickly, they have mostly been short and sharp lockdowns for a few days until they're sure they've captured all of the potential contacts.
I would be very happy to be shut down under a hard lockdown for 2-3 weeks if it meant the rest of the time would return to something resembling ‘normal’ again.
Yup. Talking to my cousin in Sydney he says when things are good it’s great. But if there’s a whiff of a case in any part of town there’s a massive lockdown within a certain area until they can snuff it out.

No discussions, no excuses, no bull crap, no ‘but ma rights’ at all. Lock it down until it’s safe to come out again.
Ya I'm sure your parents left Poland because the human rights were so great .
LoL totally different things.

2-3 weeks of pain can’t be compared to a communist regime / life. But sure go ahead. We’ve gone down this road before and I stand by my statement.
You keep telling yourself that .

I lived the life guess you didn't .
Sure did. But I was a kid so don’t remember.

please explain.

I was kid when I left . But I recall the oppression . The corrupt goverment and the lack of rights . They are so easy to lose . Yet so hard to get back .
I was kid when I left . But I recall the oppression . The corrupt goverment and the lack of rights . They are so easy to lose . Yet so hard to get back .
Agreed. But I still stand by what I said. I don’t believe this is anywhere near close to that type of oppression.

However, it appears it we will not be agreeing on this topic so let’s leave it there.
Agreed. But I still stand by what I said. I don’t believe this is anywhere near close to that type of oppression.

However, it appears it we will not be agreeing on this topic so let’s leave it there.
That is exactly how it starts . One small step at a time .Till it is too late .

You are correct there is no agreeing here .
I have a country for you that works like this . It is called China . If you want to live in a police state .

Scary that there people willing to give up their freedom that easily . While not holding the politician responsible .
I have others. Australia. South Korea. Vietnam. Japan All have low case counts. All take mask wearing and social distancing way more seriously than we do. Police should enforce quarantine...just like they enforce distracted driving laws.
I have others. Australia. South Korea. Vietnam. Japan All have low case counts. All take mask wearing and social distancing way more seriously than we do. Police should enforce quarantine...just like they enforce distracted driving laws.
The difference is that we have a Charter of Rights and freedoms . Not sure what they have or gave up .

So far everybody is ready to jump on their neighbors rights . I don't see anyone going after the government that put us into this situation .

"He who gives his freedom for safety gets none of them". Thomas Jefferson
Shoulda woulda coulda abounds.

These are not normal times.

Mask exemptions? It's compared to the handicap sticker. If I remember right, the handicap sticker has a number on it so that where it came from, who issued it, and why, can be tracked. Should be the same with mask exemptions. Don't want to wear a mask? Then produce a piece of paper signed by your doctor, AND, you have to use alternate means of shopping, e.g. curbside. You can still shop ... you just can't come inside. The piece of paper itself might not have to explain why you can't wear a mask, but your doctor had better have a good explanation.
When I was a kid out west, the local grocery store wasn't self serve. You took in your list, gave it to the lady at the counter and she got the items for you.You didn't browse and do the touchy feely thing. It'll never come back but if an Amish shopper didn't want to wear a mask on religious grounds and didn't have a phone or the net they could hand a list to a store employee while they waited outside enjoying the clean fresh air.
Coronavirus: EU urged to adopt joint 'vaccine certificates' Coronavirus: EU urged to adopt joint 'vaccine certificates'

“some EU states are wary that this would be seen as discriminatory” ****, that’s the damn point!
It is an interesting issue. The vaccine passports probably also need to include when you got second (or booster) shot and which one you had as there is a real possibility that effectiveness drops with time and also that some formulations may not be as effective against some variants. Knowing that you got some shot may still put you in the negative test/quarantine line unless they know you got a shot that is effective against current variants and hasn't faded over time.
It is an interesting issue. The vaccine passports probably also need to include when you got second (or booster) shot and which one you had as there is a real possibility that effectiveness drops with time and also that some formulations may not be as effective against some variants. Knowing that you got some shot may still put you in the negative test/quarantine line unless they know you got a shot that is effective against current variants and hasn't faded over time.

It should be issued after the final vaccine shot. Either after 1 for Johnson and Johnson, or after 2 for the others. As for which vaccine, I don’t think it matters as long as you have some immunity. If one of the vaccines is found to be ineffective at some point then it can be withdrawn and boasters applied. If the vaccine passport is electronic then that could be modified easily to show the new booster.

Also there needs to be consensus on what happens if you travel on a faked certificate. I’d suggest some serious fines/“contemplation time”.
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