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Kids are back in school now.But 2 snow days in 2 weeks is a bit much.What do you do with your kids during lockdown (or snowdays)?
Little Harley wasn't interested.Look carefully.He's on the couch looking at a Bateman art book.
Yes, headaches from wearing them all day IS a real thing, even for teachers...the pressure behind the ears is a lot after a full day...I have that band with buttons on it to loop the mask ear loops around and that definitely helps to take pressure off the backs of my ears..
I use a mask where I pulled the adjustable ear loops out (I have a big head, and most masks bug my ears in about 10 minutes) and replaced them with a long elastic, which will loop around the back of my neck, up through the sides of the mask and then around the back of my head. Most comfortable way of wearing a mask by far.
I use a mask where I pulled the adjustable ear loops out (I have a big head, and most masks bug my ears in about 10 minutes) and replaced them with a long elastic, which will loop around the back of my neck, up through the sides of the mask and then around the back of my head. Most comfortable way of wearing a mask by far.
If you're popping it on and off often, the ear loops are convenient. For a mask you wear all day, behind your head is more comfortable and stays on better. Not sure why the overwhelming majority of masks are ear loop. Thanks for the reminder, I need to get my mom to make some masks that go behind the head as ear loops on a three year old are not a good system.
I would make a lousy lawyer. The day after they hung my client I'd say "Hey, I just thought of something."

Earlier I commented about getting a mask exemption by just asking for one with no questions being asked while getting a handicap plate took doctor's visits and a list of rules and regulations.

I just thought of a situation where Ford and company have ignored another precedent.

Peanuts and peanut products are banned in schools because there might be a few students who have an allergy.

The rights of a vegan to take a legal, non-meat, non dairy sandwich to school have been taken away to prevent a possible danger to a minority. Some schools ban home made cookies or treats because only packaged ones have a list of ingredients.

My points continues to be:

You need medical evidence of a condition to get a handicap sticker for a vehicle. The reason for you getting that sticker is covered by doctor patient privileges. All you have to show is the sticker. No explanations are needed short of a court order.

A person, rudely, inconsiderately and illegally taking a handicap parking spot will create a hardship, possibly extreme, for an individual. The cost to the general public will not be the perpetuation of a pandemic costing a trillion dollars, 20,000 dead and countless businesses and lives destroyed.

A school board can arbitrarily stop a person from entering school premises if the person is carrying anything (Peanuts) that might be of a danger to a few others.

However in the case of Corona-virus, a disease that has the potential of attacking everyone in the school, anyone can get an exemption by making a phone call with no medical reasons given.

I believe that alcoholism is a disease but I don't believe that an alcoholic has the right to drive drunk and endanger others on the road by means of an exemption card.

If your MP, MPP, premier and Prime Minister can't get the above through their heads they need to be replaced.

Yes, there will be a few that need special considerations but that consideration can't come at the risk of the general public.
See, no charter violations. You are free to walk out (and in another amazing move by gov't, potential fine for doing it is lower than the cost of the hotel).
What a joke. Useless useless and more useless.
I wanted to travel and visit my 95 old grandma this year.
I put it off because of all the quarantine rules in both countries - but seeing this makes me go
I wanted to travel and visit my 95 old grandma this year.
I put it off because of all the quarantine rules in both countries - but seeing this makes me go
You could have travelled, seen your grandma, and effectively stay within the rules in Canada so long as you quarantined.

If you didn’t, no big deal. No penalties anyway.
You need medical evidence of a condition to get a handicap sticker for a vehicle. The reason for you getting that sticker is covered by doctor patient privileges
My GP asked me if I wanted one. &@:+* smartsss.
Another one for you. Part of the goon squad JT gave contracts to was extorting and sexually assaulting travellers. Amazing.

A security guard has been accused of attempting to extort and then sexually assaulting a woman at a residence in Oakville during a COVID-19 travel quarantine compliance check.

Halton police say that the suspect is employed by one of four private security companies that were hired by the Public Health Agency of Canada to conduct compliance checks under the Quarantine Act.

They allege that the suspect visited the victim’s home on Feb. 18 to conduct a compliance check, at which point he told her that she was in violation of the Quarantine Act and demanded that she pay a fine in cash.

Police say that when the victim refused to pay the fine, the suspect sexually assaulted her.

The 27-year-old suspect, whose full legal name according to police is Hemant, was arrested on Feb. 23 and charged with sexual assault and extortion.
Nothing surprises me at this point.
I give JT a lot of crap but there are obviously both bad people and morons everywhere. I would hope that PHAC required contractors to conduct police record checks on their employees and I would hope that the contractor had done so. If this step was required but skipped, I am ok with naming, shaming and cancelling the contract. There needs to start being repercussions for taking public money and sucking at what you were hired to do. There is always the chance that the guy has no record and it would be hard for anyone to identify him as a threat (or the victim made up the story).
I give JT a lot of crap but there are obviously both bad people and morons everywhere. I would hope that PHAC required contractors to conduct police record checks on their employees and I would hope that the contractor had done so. If this step was required but skipped, I am ok with naming, shaming and cancelling the contract. There needs to start being repercussions for taking public money and sucking at what you were hired to do. There is always the chance that the guy has no record and it would be hard for anyone to identify him as a threat (or the victim made up the story).
JT has as much responsibility for this as Doug Ford for the actions of police officers...
JT has as much responsibility for this as Doug Ford for the actions of police officers...
Not quite. Police officers are subject to long running contracts that are almost unchangeable. PHAC drawing up emergency contracts to expand forces is entirely on the federal government. It is JT's responsibility to have a procurement minister that is competent and efficient, it is her job to make sure the civil servants are competently executing her requests. Many degrees of separation but choices directly made my JT can effect the outcome (even more if there were any conversations he was privy to that tailored the contract to his chosen recipient).
Shoulda woulda coulda abounds.

These are not normal times.

Contact-tracing by smartphone app should have been mandatory from day one. No smartphone? sign paperwork. Business doesn't want to do their end of the deal? Shut them down. Some companies - one of my big customers, for one! - have taken this into their own hands. You want to enter any of their plants worldwide (very large multinational)? They have their own smartphone app. Fill it out. Not getting past security if you don't. I have no problem with this. Last time I used that app? Today. They know who came and went from every plant worldwide.

Quarantine should have taken effect day one. Should have affected all means of travel. Truck drivers who had a destination in Canada to go to, in their own truck, and were returning to USA same day, are effectively quarantining inside their truck. Fair enough.

Quarantine in your own house? Sure. But. Random checks. If you're not there, you get found and whisked off to hotel quarantine ... you pay.

Re paying for quarantine ... Anyone who left the country prior to some publicly announced date and was returning, government pays. Anyone who left the country AFTER that date - therefore ought to have known about quarantine upon return before they left the country - they pay.

Don't want to deal with quarantine? too bad, don't travel. There's a sign in airports concerning you submitting to being searched. "You are free to decline being searched if you choose not to board the aircraft" - or something to that effect. Same deal. Don't want to quarantine? Don't travel.

Mask exemptions? It's compared to the handicap sticker. If I remember right, the handicap sticker has a number on it so that where it came from, who issued it, and why, can be tracked. Should be the same with mask exemptions. Don't want to wear a mask? Then produce a piece of paper signed by your doctor, AND, you have to use alternate means of shopping, e.g. curbside. You can still shop ... you just can't come inside. The piece of paper itself might not have to explain why you can't wear a mask, but your doctor had better have a good explanation.

Next up is going to be "immunity passports" in lieu of being tested. Vaccination documents aren't new. They've been required for international travel to certain places for decades. This isn't any different ... it's just bigger in scope.
Shoulda woulda coulda abounds.

These are not normal times.

Contact-tracing by smartphone app should have been mandatory from day one. No smartphone? sign paperwork. Business doesn't want to do their end of the deal? Shut them down. Some companies - one of my big customers, for one! - have taken this into their own hands. You want to enter any of their plants worldwide (very large multinational)? They have their own smartphone app. Fill it out. Not getting past security if you don't. I have no problem with this. Last time I used that app? Today. They know who came and went from every plant worldwide.

Quarantine should have taken effect day one. Should have affected all means of travel. Truck drivers who had a destination in Canada to go to, in their own truck, and were returning to USA same day, are effectively quarantining inside their truck. Fair enough.

Quarantine in your own house? Sure. But. Random checks. If you're not there, you get found and whisked off to hotel quarantine ... you pay.

Re paying for quarantine ... Anyone who left the country prior to some publicly announced date and was returning, government pays. Anyone who left the country AFTER that date - therefore ought to have known about quarantine upon return before they left the country - they pay.

Don't want to deal with quarantine? too bad, don't travel. There's a sign in airports concerning you submitting to being searched. "You are free to decline being searched if you choose not to board the aircraft" - or something to that effect. Same deal. Don't want to quarantine? Don't travel.

Mask exemptions? It's compared to the handicap sticker. If I remember right, the handicap sticker has a number on it so that where it came from, who issued it, and why, can be tracked. Should be the same with mask exemptions. Don't want to wear a mask? Then produce a piece of paper signed by your doctor, AND, you have to use alternate means of shopping, e.g. curbside. You can still shop ... you just can't come inside. The piece of paper itself might not have to explain why you can't wear a mask, but your doctor had better have a good explanation.

Next up is going to be "immunity passports" in lieu of being tested. Vaccination documents aren't new. They've been required for international travel to certain places for decades. This isn't any different ... it's just bigger in scope.
I have a country for you that works like this . It is called China . If you want to live in a police state .

Scary that there people willing to give up their freedom that easily . While not holding the politician responsible .
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