You live out towards Prince Edward County right?
Stay away! Prince Edward County health unit says tourists aren’t welcome at local vineyards
Belleville area bans bookings from tourists amid warnings Ontario is poised to repeat the mistakes of the past by easing COVID-19 restrictions on a region-by-region basis with the province more vulnerable from highly contagious new
I read that a few days ago.
This is what was happening, and will happen, next week. HALTON is opening up, PEEL isn't. Winston Churchill is the line that is the divider b/w the two. Last time we had this issue, restaurants were open west of WC, but everything was shut down east of WC. Guess where everyone went? Guess what happened next? Yup....back to lockdown.
Yes. PEC is 40 mins away. Lovely place but I’m not going to visit until they want visitors again. I respect where they are coming from. Many months ago when we were open and the GTA was closed I chatted to a restaurant owner there. She said she was glad of the business but at the same time worried about the visitors coming in.