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If the pandemic had critical implications on each infected person, they would behave much differently. It doesn't need to be death, how about some disease that makes your face look permanently look like the surface of the moon. Would you change your behaviour then?
I can guarantee you that there will still be a huge number of people going "but muh rights! Muh Freedumbs! You can't tell me what to do!!!" and then when they catch it, "It's my right to have health care!!!"

For all we know, Mother Nature is just tuning up to have the fat lady sing...
Wonder what will come of him..

"“I had no objection. Chief Tanner continues to have my full confidence. The chief leads our police service in an exemplary manner and will continue to do so.”"


Sot they favor restrictions as long as they don't restrict. Sounds like that will be very effective. God people are dumb.

The list of things they want done are either already in place or completely off the table (the gov't has a clearly decided that non-essential workplaces basically don't exist).

Ontarians favour stronger COVID measures, but not ones that limit movement: poll​

Ontarians also expressed support for closing non-essential work places (80 per cent), limiting retail outlets to curbside pickup only (75 per cent) and closing nursery, primary and secondary schools – except for the children of essential workers (70 per cent).
The longer these lockdowns drag on the greater the chance of lockdown fatigue.

Just do a super strict over the top province wide lockdown and call it a day

Not going to happen we are in half ass lockdown until the vaccine knocks this thing down. My guess is October.

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Things will improve (somewhat) in the spring and early summer when people spend more time outside.

The problem right now is.....indoors. Specifically, people who don't think the rules apply to them who go to hang at friends places and then get infected and spread to all their coworkers and such.

Speaking of which, we should start seeing the Christmas gatherings and New Years Eve party spikes any day now.

Once people start to spend more time outdoors it'll positively impact things however as spread becomes harder. Vaccine distribution will hopefully get better and faster if the government can get their **** together on all levels.
Are they still diagnosing for just the common flu?

Not asking being a smart ass but wonder how many are getting tested and having negative results just because it's a flu and not covid

It would be interesting to see those stats
Visitors are allowed in nursing homes right now, with appropriate diligence (testing confirming a negative result in the last x number of days and multiple levels of PPE) that basically eliminates all risk. My wife just visited her grandmother 3 nights ago.

Do you actually fact check anything before posting it here?

And again, your "fix" is inhumane and entirely unrealistic. By your logic they're already "locked up" so none should be dying.

Your assumptions and plans are fantastical at worst, and completely and entirely unrealistic at best.

And stop assuming that it's only the old people we need to worry about, FFS.... The 30 to 60 age group (far below what most people expect) makes up 24.9% of hospitalization cases. Factual & direct from the healthbase, look it up yourself. Yes, they only make up 3.4% of deaths (something that we shouldn't exactly makes anyone feel invincible either!) but they're still in the hospital.

That's the bit that so many people can't seem to understand right now....that the hospitals getting overloaded to the point where they can't see people like YOU when you have a heart attack, or a stroke, or a motorcycle accident, or whatever. Not to mention all the people who have medical procedures cancelled (cancer treatment, etc) that are potentially lifesaving, or the difference between a longer survival vs an earlier death.

Look at the bigger picture, not just the simplistic "it's only old people dying, just lock 'em up" simplistic stupidity.
What home is is your spouses grandmother in ? I keep hearing they are not allowed visitors .
What home is is your spouses grandmother in ? I keep hearing they are not allowed visitors .
I know lots that allow visitors. Each resident gets two people on their visitors list. Visitors are required to have a current negative covid test (within a week IIRC). Other than ones in outbreak, I dont know of any that do not allow visitors. There may be some, I dont know about them all.
I know lots that allow visitors. Each resident gets two people on their visitors list. Visitors are required to have a current negative covid test (within a week IIRC). Other than ones in outbreak, I dont know of any that do not allow visitors. There may be some, I dont know about them all.
You realize that the test means at that exact time you take the test you are negative . A few minutes later you could get the VID . Then you go visit someone in an old age home . Bring in the VID . Then you wonder why people in the highest risk group are drying .
You realize that the test means at that exact time you take the test you are negative . A few minutes later you could get the VID . Then you go visit someone in an old age home . Bring in the VID . Then you wonder why people in the highest risk group are drying .
I'm not saying it is a great plan (or even a good one), I am just saying that is the plan they are going with. Hell, you could be infected and still test negative as your counts arent high enough yet.
You realize that the test means at that exact time you take the test you are negative . A few minutes later you could get the VID . Then you go visit someone in an old age home . Bring in the VID . Then you wonder why people in the highest risk group are drying .

turning the heat down might prevent that
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