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Show me what enshrines your right to walk around? It's not the constitution.

As far as active cases, by the time you include asymptomatic and/or not diagnosed, you likely have close to 10 infected for every 1 you know about. This has been supported by antibody studies in many countries. However many cases they officially had, 10 times that many people showed evidence of infection. For prevention measures to work, everybodies default position has to be that they are infected.

Sometimes I wish this pandemic was Ebola. No waffling, no denying, no hanging out with friends. The stupid would very quickly remove themselves from the gene pool. It would be brutal but the vast majority of the casualties would self-select.


While I am a socialist at heart I get upset with people defending their rights, rights that only exist because someone else was responsible.
Enough said, no point in carrying this debate on any further.

I laugh at people calling for ‘this is my right’ blah blah blah.

Go live in a country where you actually have very little rights. Check that side of the world out and you’ll kiss the Canadian soil every chance you get. I was young when we left communist Poland but ‘rights’ got you a beating if you’re so luck from the govt.

Lineups for meat, fruit, medications in shortage, people disappearing without a trace in the night....we are living in a paradise and your rights are not being infringed upon by trying to solve / minimize the damage here. These are inconveniences.

Majority of the people in Canada and the US have zero clue what actual hardship is under an oppressive regime where your rights change with the wind.

Did you ever consider that places like communist Poland became they way they are, because at the outset people were eager to throw their rights away for some sort of security (physical, financial, etc.)? This is how every fascist/communist regime in Europe has started for the last 100 years. I would definitely classify curfews as a lot more than an inconvenience, especially so when the people imposing them just got back from their Caribbean vacations.

Your "it could be worse" mentality is not sound either. Who is to say your experiences in Poland were so bad? There are starving people in Africa who I'm sure would love to wait in line for food, medicine, or have any government at all (even a communist one).

It's funny seeing comments like these, and then when I look through your post history I see you recently went to the cottage, picked up some supplies for a home reno (essential I'm sure), went toboganning, and more. But I'm the entitled one for wanting to go for a walk in my empty neighbourhood after 8PM? Please.

You haven't answered the question?

Which is?
You taught me a new word today...lmao!
As far as I know, he has still never locked down his definition of it though. There are definitions of that acronym that go either way and every time I press him for the one he thinks applies I get a snide remark and no answer.
So a couple I know just posted proudly on Facebook, telling everyone how happy they are that their bmw 1250's were just delivered to them down in Florida.
I'm not sure what's worse, going to Florida this year, having the bikes delivered so they could travel, or posting it all on social media so everyone can judge them.
Meanwhile, we're talking about 8pm curfews...

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And twenty minutes later, the post has been removed.
I guess they didn't like the comments.

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As far as I know, he has still never locked down his definition of it though. There are definitions of that acronym that go either way and every time I press him for the one he thinks applies I get a snide remark and no answer.
I just googled that, that’s funny cause I’ve never seen or heard it before
And twenty minutes later, the post has been removed.
I guess they didn't like the comments.

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I'm always entertained by people that are absolutely clueless. I think about posts and know which ones are going to generate blowback.
I'm ok with optional at this point. I'm not ok with a prisoner getting a shot if there is a healthcare worker that wants one and there are none available.
And as expected JT's team has f'd this up. UHN is out of vaccines. They have 6000 healthcare workers booked in for shots this weekend and nothing to give them. Hillier says Ontario is not getting any more in time But don't worry, high risk prisoners got their shot.
And as expected JT's team has f'd this up. UHN is out of vaccines. They have 6000 healthcare workers booked in for shots this weekend and nothing to give them. Hillier says Ontario is not getting any more in time But don't worry, high risk prisoners got their shot.
Im sure glad rapists and murders get vaccined before first responders...?
Did you ever consider that places like communist Poland became they way they are, because at the outset people were eager to throw their rights away for some sort of security (physical, financial, etc.)? This is how every fascist/communist regime in Europe has started for the last 100 years. I would definitely classify curfews as a lot more than an inconvenience, especially so when the people imposing them just got back from their Caribbean vacations.

Your "it could be worse" mentality is not sound either. Who is to say your experiences in Poland were so bad? There are starving people in Africa who I'm sure would love to wait in line for food, medicine, or have any government at all (even a communist one).

It's funny seeing comments like these, and then when I look through your post history I see you recently went to the cottage, picked up some supplies for a home reno (essential I'm sure), went toboganning, and more. But I'm the entitled one for wanting to go for a walk in my empty neighbourhood after 8PM? Please.

Sure let me answer one by one for you...

1. Sure did. But once again, you fail to convince me that these restrictions are a route to fascist/communist tendencies in Canada. In addition, please remember that communism entered the country once WWII was over and the country got split in half b/w the East and West. East had communism, West didn't. The people did NOT have a choice in becoming a communist country. It was thrust upon them and if you didn't toe the line, you disappeared. Maybe Germany had a choice in moving to fascism....Poland didn't.

2. It could always be worse. I can't speak for Africa as per your example because I've never been to Africa, don't plan on going to Africa, and have no need to go to Africa. I've seen the slums in India and those are 100x worse than any condition I can imagine here. But I didn't experience it outside of a casual drive by. Just like people, there are those better off than we are, and worse off than we are.

3. Each and every one of those things I did were within the guidelines. Cottage is iffy...but I justify it to myself as not contacting anyone outside of the property and keeping to ourselves while up there. If Doug can go to his cottage, then I guess so can I? I picked up materials when the stores were open, I went tobogganing when the hills were allowed...what's your point? Home Depot is closed, I haven't bought anything new. If I needed it, I'll follow the guidelines. Easy.

As for the curfew, yes it'll suck once it gets here. But you know what, I'll stick to it when it does. So far no curfew, but if it comes, I'll ***** and complain about it....but stick to it.
I figure another week or so before they really clamp down on everything....

I figure another week or so before they really clamp down on everything....

A week... I use australia as an example a lot and here is another after talking to family yesterday, One of the cleaners from the quarantine hotels in Brisbane messed up her ppe protocol and got the UK strain covid... the entire city of Brisbane is now locked down for 3 days and everyone who has been to a place she has been to have been told to monitor and get tested. There was 20 something total new cases in the entire country yesterday, this is how seriously they take the virus.
How could I not know what it means? It’s your default reply to every single post
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