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I didn’t hear his vacation was approved for out of country

The news reported yesterday that he had a vacation approved
Senior bureaucrat overseeing border and travel health accepted Air Canada junket to Jamaica

The Us and Them mentality of the upper govt echelon is mind blowing. Hows this public health agency manager whos husband was even working for Dr Tam AT THE TIME she traveled to Jamaica even still employed.... How is the public supposed to belive anything these people say when what they DO is the complete opposite Do as we say, not as we do is never a good way to govern and just erodes trust in the whole system...
There is probably no clear path for firing with cause. There are some grey areas that might be used. Did the board pass a resolution that employees should follow public health recommendations? Someone approved his out of country vacation though, which probably means at least part of the board. Whoever approved it should also be terminated. We are trying to clear out the idiots here.
The way to do that would be to volunteer for a position on the board and hope the other board members vote in line with your wishes.
... you can't fire board members, they don't draw a salary or at least they didn't use to.
for the strangest reason, i read this all in Trumps voice. It was pretty amazing.
Go see your doctor . Oh sorry you can't . I will give your diagnosis from my Google degree . You have TDS .
If you have to ask the question you wouldn't understand the answer.

Our fundamental rights are always subject to laws. We have the right to freedom of travel in Canada but it is illegal to go through a red light, even when there is no cross traffic.

Of course, no where did I say we have the absolute right to do what we want. I am saying it's completely outside of "reasonable" to order all ~14 million people in Ontario to be under house arrest from 8PM - 5AM.

"Only 3,500 cases and 89 deaths out of 14M from a communicable disease yesterday. I should have the inalienable right to go out drinking tonight if I want."

Some of y'all must have thought those crayons looked like mighty good eating in Kindergarten.

There is a big difference between "I should have the right to go drink in a bar any time" and "I should have the right to be able to leave my house whenever I please". The former is an entitlement, the latter is considered a fundamental right in most western democracies.

I mean, you made the claim? i asked a question.

i asked in the context of being pre-symptomatic or even asymptomatic, as it's a fact that anyone could be a carrier and show no symptoms. And honestly, you do you man. I don't care how or where you spend your time, but you seemed pretty certain, so i was curious as to how.

EDIT: my spouse, like others here is a front line worker. i take every precaution possible with my family and my place of work because i haven't a clue if i'll ever know about being exposed to it. That's all.

The default is not to have COVID, you cannot assume everyone has it and make them prove otherwise because the numbers do not support that. 200k cases for all of Ontario is about 1.4% of the total population infected. Even if you assume an undocumented case rate of 200%, that's still under 5% of the general population. And that's over the entire pandemic, the number of people who have it now is a small fraction of that.
Of course, no where did I say we have the absolute right to do what we want. I am saying it's completely outside of "reasonable" to order all ~14 million people in Ontario to be under house arrest from 8PM - 5AM.

There is a big difference between "I should have the right to go drink in a bar any time" and "I should have the right to be able to leave my house whenever I please". The former is an entitlement, the latter is considered a fundamental right in most western democracies.

The default is not to have COVID, you cannot assume everyone has it and make them prove otherwise because the numbers do not support that. 200k cases for all of Ontario is about 1.4% of the total population infected. Even if you assume an undocumented case rate of 200%, that's still under 5% of the general population. And that's over the entire pandemic, the number of people who have it now is a small fraction of that.
Show me what enshrines your right to walk around? It's not the constitution.

As far as active cases, by the time you include asymptomatic and/or not diagnosed, you likely have close to 10 infected for every 1 you know about. This has been supported by antibody studies in many countries. However many cases they officially had, 10 times that many people showed evidence of infection. For prevention measures to work, everybodies default position has to be that they are infected.

Sometimes I wish this pandemic was Ebola. No waffling, no denying, no hanging out with friends. The stupid would very quickly remove themselves from the gene pool. It would be brutal but the vast majority of the casualties would self-select.
I still don’t know why China is off the hook for this

They should be in the news every day in a negative light
Isn't there a 3 trillion $ lawsuit against China right now from the international community?
Of course, no where did I say we have the absolute right to do what we want. I am saying it's completely outside of "reasonable" to order all ~14 million people in Ontario to be under house arrest from 8PM - 5AM.

There is a big difference between "I should have the right to go drink in a bar any time" and "I should have the right to be able to leave my house whenever I please". The former is an entitlement, the latter is considered a fundamental right in most western democracies.

The default is not to have COVID, you cannot assume everyone has it and make them prove otherwise because the numbers do not support that. 200k cases for all of Ontario is about 1.4% of the total population infected. Even if you assume an undocumented case rate of 200%, that's still under 5% of the general population. And that's over the entire pandemic, the number of people who have it now is a small fraction of that.

You haven't a clue about how "Exponential" works.

While I am a socialist at heart I get upset with people defending their rights, rights that only exist because someone else was responsible.
Sometimes I wish this pandemic was Ebola. No waffling, no denying, no hanging out with friends. The stupid would very quickly remove themselves from the gene pool. It would be brutal but the vast majority of the casualties would self-select.
You are quite the humanitarian .
I laugh at people calling for ‘this is my right’ blah blah blah.

Go live in a country where you actually have very little rights. Check that side of the world out and you’ll kiss the Canadian soil every chance you get. I was young when we left communist Poland but ‘rights’ got you a beating if you’re so luck from the govt.

Lineups for meat, fruit, medications in shortage, people disappearing without a trace in the night....we are living in a paradise and your rights are not being infringed upon by trying to solve / minimize the damage here. These are inconveniences.

Majority of the people in Canada and the US have zero clue what actual hardship is under an oppressive regime where your rights change with the wind.
Rights require respect and I was always taught you have to earn respect, to deny a persons rights you just remove the respect.
Poof, your rights are gone.
Rights require respect and I was always taught you have to earn respect, to deny a persons rights you just remove the respect.
Poof, your rights are gone.
That’s all it takes. Europe has had lockdowns, curfews, restrictions and still fight with it.

My cousins had to have a note stating the reason for leaving the house. My buddy in Paris wasn’t allowed to leave his apartment for months except for food and meds. Do that for a few months with small kids in a 40m2 apartment.
I laugh at people calling for ‘this is my right’ blah blah blah.

Go live in a country where you actually have very little rights. Check that side of the world out and you’ll kiss the Canadian soil every chance you get. I was young when we left communist Poland but ‘rights’ got you a beating if you’re so luck from the govt.

Lineups for meat, fruit, medications in shortage, people disappearing without a trace in the night....we are living in a paradise and your rights are not being infringed upon by trying to solve / minimize the damage here. These are inconveniences.

Majority of the people in Canada and the US have zero clue what actual hardship is under an oppressive regime where your rights change with the wind.

And yet so many want to make Canada "just like home" . I need my ceremonial dagger and my hat, my religion includes beating my wife, Sharia law (spelling?) should be applied here, what do you mean I can't carry my sidearm? i dont leave my house in FLA without my gun??

Don't get me started on the drunk Brits in the pub, EVERYthing was so much better over 'ome . That's why they are here.... it was so much better. LOL
And yet so many want to make Canada "just like home" . I need my ceremonial dagger and my hat, my religion includes beating my wife, Sharia law (spelling?) should be applied here, what do you mean I can't carry my sidearm? i dont leave my house in FLA without my gun??

Don't get me started on the drunk Brits in the pub, EVERYthing was so much better over 'ome . That's why they are here.... it was so much better. LOL
Agreed 100%. If it was so much better back home....go there. When my buddies ***** about how much better Poland is I always tell them ‘why are you here?’ Majority of dreamers go back there only to come back here because reasons.

Grass is always greener and it’s easier to ***** and complain than actually do some introspection and realize YOU are the problem. (Not you @crankcall ).
Of course, no where did I say we have the absolute right to do what we want. I am saying it's completely outside of "reasonable" to order all ~14 million people in Ontario to be under house arrest from 8PM - 5AM.

There is a big difference between "I should have the right to go drink in a bar any time" and "I should have the right to be able to leave my house whenever I please". The former is an entitlement, the latter is considered a fundamental right in most western democracies.

The default is not to have COVID, you cannot assume everyone has it and make them prove otherwise because the numbers do not support that. 200k cases for all of Ontario is about 1.4% of the total population infected. Even if you assume an undocumented case rate of 200%, that's still under 5% of the general population. And that's over the entire pandemic, the number of people who have it now is a small fraction of that.
You haven't answered the question?
You are quite the humanitarian .
Yup. This soft consequence pandemic enforces whatever beliefs each person has. If you believe that you should be able to do whatever you want whenever you want, the odds are very good that you will survive unscathed and that reinforces your belief that the whole thing was overblown and the restrictions unwarranted. There is a higher likelihood that your parents (or someone elses you care about) will die though. It's hard to see the changing odds with a degree or two of separation.

If the pandemic had critical implications on each infected person, they would behave much differently. It doesn't need to be death, how about some disease that makes your face look permanently look like the surface of the moon. Would you change your behaviour then?
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Dick Pound has always been a twit, but his million dollar a year gig sort of hinges on the Olympics so of course he's on the bandwagon, atheletes first.
Like closing ice rink, gyms, massage stands, to all Ontarians except "high performance atheletes"
As usual, he is being intentionally obtuse. He's not dumb. He is a huge ass.

He brought up athlete count but conveniently ignored coaches, trainers, physio, doctors . . . . that support the athletes. If 75% of the people you send are not vaccinated, what was the point? Or are they just get added in with a wink and a nudge and now we are at thousands of doses being diverted to support worldwide corruption.

"“In Canada where we might have 300 or 400 athletes - to take 300 or 400 vaccines out of several million in order to have Canada represented at international even of this stature, character and level - I don't think there would be any kind of public outcry about that,”he said."
As usual, he is being intentionally obtuse. He's not dumb. He is a huge ass.

He brought up athlete count but conveniently ignored coaches, trainers, physio, doctors . . . . that support the athletes. If 75% of the people you send are not vaccinated, what was the point? Or are they just get added in with a wink and a nudge and now we are at thousands of doses being diverted to support worldwide corruption.

"“In Canada where we might have 300 or 400 athletes - to take 300 or 400 vaccines out of several million in order to have Canada represented at international even of this stature, character and level - I don't think there would be any kind of public outcry about that,”he said."
Take 300 or 400 doses....multiple by the support team per athelete (let's say 3 people) and now you're at 900-1200 vaccines that can't go to those that need it. Still a drop in the bucket...but if your loved one can't get theirs because someone wanted to go get laid in Tokyo...I'd be ******.
Here comes the christmas bump :(

I wonder when Douggie sees the numbers vs public release. He can probably see one day ahead of us and when he saw it climbing quickly, he whacked schools.

"Provincial health officials reported 4,249 new infections and 26 more deaths, beating the previous record of 3,519 cases yesterday.

Approximately 450 of today’s cases have been included due to a data upload delay at Toronto Public Health, according to the Ministry of Health."
So a couple I know just posted proudly on Facebook, telling everyone how happy they are that their bmw 1250's were just delivered to them down in Florida.
I'm not sure what's worse, going to Florida this year, having the bikes delivered so they could travel, or posting it all on social media so everyone can judge them.
Meanwhile, we're talking about 8pm curfews...

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