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well if shes not mopping the floor then at least she likely makes a decent income..
I think she is a tech, not sure. Not KD money, but not getting rich. The vast majority of people structure their lives to require two incomes to avoid a collapse. Being able to afford GTA housing plus other expenses on a single income is not possible for most.
How else do you suggest we tackle the issue, seeing as how a select portion of society don't seem to think the rules apply to them and our problem is getting worse, not better?
At some point there needs to be a big hammer. The problem people will always be the problem people no matter how many new restrictions are implemented. If they don't want to comply because it is the right thing to do, make them fear the consequences of getting caught and enforce often enough that their is a reasonable chance they face those consequences.

If you put in a curfew, some people will just go over to their friends house before the curfew and leave after it lifts the next day. Almost zero chance of any repercussions (other than catching and spreading but they don't care about that).
I haven't broken any laws. I certainly draw the ire of some people on here for going outside with friends, but that isn't illegal yet thank god.

I mean, why bother having any rights at all? There are crimes far worse than having an illegal gathering yet I don't hear anyone on here suggesting we enact de facto martial law to stop people being murdered, robbed, assaulted, etc. every day. Imagine how many drunk drivers we could arrest if we set up police checkpoints on every road all the time? Maybe make everyone wear a tracking bracelet to prevent crime. Are you telling me you're in favour of that type of thinking?

Hey you know what, we could reduce some burden on the healthcare system by outlawing motorcycles. They're totally recreational toys that no one needs.
I'm getting tired of irrelevant comparisons. Which of those are exponentially contagious?
So, know you don't need to wear a mask when you're outdoors and any significant distance from other people....right?

Do you also wear a mask when you're alone in your car?

Multiple construction sites every day

My mask goes on before my truck door opens. Comes off when I re enter the truck.

Doesnt matter if I am standing outside for an hour long meeting, inside a tank, inside a construction trailer, on top of a water tower....

About 80% common practice by all workers on the sites which is far better than it has been.
Multiple construction sites every day

My mask goes on before my truck door opens. Comes off when I re enter the truck.

Doesnt matter if I am standing outside for an hour long meeting, inside a tank, inside a construction trailer, on top of a water tower....

About 80% common practice by all workers on the sites which is far better than it has been.
probably a good chance we have crossed paths in our day to day work
Multiple construction sites every day

My mask goes on before my truck door opens. Comes off when I re enter the truck.

Doesnt matter if I am standing outside for an hour long meeting, inside a tank, inside a construction trailer, on top of a water tower....

About 80% common practice by all workers on the sites which is far better than it has been.
I had to visit a site yesterday. Condo-type residential under construction. All work happening inside. A few people were wearing masks. Site super did not appear to have a mask at any point. Some trades were using buffs or neck warmers, a few people were nose out. Facepalm. Mask on, do job, go back to car, mask off.
I had to visit a site yesterday. Condo-type residential under construction. All work happening inside. A few people were wearing masks. Site super did not appear to have a mask at any point. Some trades were using buffs or neck warmers, a few people were nose out. Facepalm. Mask on, do job, go back to car, mask off.
probably a good chance we have crossed paths as well if you're around construction sites
I had to visit a site yesterday. Condo-type residential under construction. All work happening inside. A few people were wearing masks. Site super did not appear to have a mask at any point. Some trades were using buffs or neck warmers, a few people were nose out. Facepalm. Mask on, do job, go back to car, mask off.
oh boy.

so one time i went to another site we mfg. at with a colleague back in November. Before she even sat down, she looked around and asked the site supervisor for some disinfectant spray and a clean cloth to wipe the area down (keyboard, mouse, desk, chair, phone, etc). Now keep in mind this is standard for all departments/sites to be given these supplies.

Supervisor hands her the spray then glances around and hands her a semi clean rag, she looks at me and rolls her eyes. I walk out with him and say "where are the clean ones stored, i'll get one for her." He says "well the guys never used them so i told the Cleaner to stop dropping them off".

I literally stared at him with my mouth open for probably 10 seconds. Like, isn't that YOUR job to enforce it?

I'm getting tired of irrelevant comparisons. Which of those are exponentially contagious?

The premise is exactly the same -- removing of fundamental rights based on something that someone may/may not have done. I don't have COVID, why is me going for an evening walk at 10PM suddenly illegal?
The premise is exactly the same -- removing of fundamental rights based on something that someone may/may not have done. I don't have COVID, why is me going for an evening walk at 10PM suddenly illegal?
to be fair, how do you know?
The premise is exactly the same -- removing of fundamental rights based on something that someone may/may not have done. I don't have COVID, why is me going for an evening walk at 10PM suddenly illegal?
Keep posting. You are the poster child.
The premise is exactly the same -- removing of fundamental rights based on something that someone may/may not have done. I don't have COVID, why is me going for an evening walk at 10PM suddenly illegal?
Be a good citizen " follow the rules " . Don't ask questions . Just "follow the rules " . If you want to walk it's only safe at Walmart and Costco . Home depot and Canadian Tire are to dangerous that's why they are closed . As are the empty streets at night in your neighborhood .
Be a good citizen " follow the rules " . Don't ask questions . Just "follow the rules " . If you want to walk it's only safe at Walmart and Costco . Home depot and Canadian Tire are to dangerous that's why they are closed . As are the empty streets at night in your neighborhood .
for the strangest reason, i read this all in Trumps voice. It was pretty amazing.
to be fair, how do you know?
That is a bold statement. It's hard to guarantee you don't have it unless you have not been within spitting distance of another human for weeks. Very very few people can say that applies to them.

Burden of proof rests on those making the claim. Can you prove that I do have it?

Keep posting. You are the poster child.

Aren't you the guy who's all about stay at home, but was then revealed to have bought a brand new motorcycle during the spring lockdown?
Burden of proof rests on those making the claim. Can you prove that I do have it?

Aren't you the guy who's all about stay at home, but was then revealed to have bought a brand new motorcycle during the spring lockdown?
Details please.
Burden of proof rests on those making the claim. Can you prove that I do have it?
I mean, you made the claim? i asked a question.

i asked in the context of being pre-symptomatic or even asymptomatic, as it's a fact that anyone could be a carrier and show no symptoms. And honestly, you do you man. I don't care how or where you spend your time, but you seemed pretty certain, so i was curious as to how.

EDIT: my spouse, like others here is a front line worker. i take every precaution possible with my family and my place of work because i haven't a clue if i'll ever know about being exposed to it. That's all.
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