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You know those five circles that make up the Olympic logo?

They represent the minimum number of zeros in a bribe.
Maybe in 1900. You couldn't get an email reply from the pounder for that. Even six zeroes is probably insufficient. If you want to get things done, eight zeroes is a good starting place and you can go up from there.
It appears the holiday Covid revenge is upon us.

Ontario population: 15 Million
New Dead Count: 89

USA population: 330 Million (Aprox 20 X Ontario)
Recently dropped to about 2000 dead / day, not too far off our rate (89 X 20 = 1780)

Not wanting to be outdone, the US also celebrated and have managed to double their dwindling numbers to a kiss below 4000.

It seems all those exaggerated predictions by a bunch of snotty scientists weren't so exaggerated after all.

Glad we have such firm and dedicated leadership.

Cynically yours,
Really don’t need science to tell you if you’re moving about in hugh numbers in a pandemic that it’s eventually going to catch up to you

I’m working downtown today and 6 out of every ten people i see has no mask on
How many people can we vaccinate per day?
15,000,000 / 50,000 = 300 days....looks like I’m not getting mine for a while. And I’m not sure if 50k is a good or horrible estimate
How many people can we vaccinate per day?
15,000,000 / 50,000 = 300 days....looks like I’m not getting mine for a while. And I’m not sure if 50k is a good or horrible estimate
We can probably put in way more needles than that if there is sufficient supply. They are talking about rolling it out to family physicians and pharmacies. There are over 4000 pharmacies in Ontario. Pharmacies alone could probably do >25,000 a day with current staffing or way more if they brought in a nurse or NP to administer shots.
We can probably put in way more needles than that if there is sufficient supply. They are talking about rolling it out to family physicians and pharmacies. There are over 4000 pharmacies in Ontario. Pharmacies alone could probably do >25,000 a day with current staffing or way more if they brought in a nurse or NP to administer shots.
Pharmacy is already doing flu shots

This should be a no brainer for the conservative government
They are keeping Northern Ontario locked down till the 23rd same as the rest of the province
Pharmacy is already doing flu shots

This should be a no brainer for the conservative government
That’s what I am confused about. They have a distribution network already, just need to make sure you can supply the demand.
Schools closed until Jan 25.

One of my wifes coworkers broke down at the news. She works in the hospital and has to go to work. They tried to get emergency childcare in the spring and were told she was ineligible. She figures that her husband is going to lose his job now that he needs to stay home for another two weeks.
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Ontario population: 15 Million
New Dead Count: 89

USA population: 330 Million (Aprox 20 X Ontario)
Recently dropped to about 2000 dead / day, not too far off our rate (89 X 20 = 1780)

That's an apples - oranges comparison. You're lumping in eg: Idaho stats while omitting PEI stats Compare the most densely populated state to the most densely populated province. Even although it's still skewed (Cali - 12% vs. Ont - 39%), it's a better, but still tilted comparison. You get Ontario with 15% of Cali's deaths (89-583, and they're 3 hrs. behind) while having 3 times the percentage of their respective country's population.
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Schools closed until Jan 25.

One of my wifes coworkers broke down at the news. She works in the hospital and has to go to work. They tried to get emergency childcare in the spring and were told she was ineligible. She figures that her husband is going to lose his job now that he needs to stay home for another two weeks.
well if shes not mopping the floor then at least she likely makes a decent income..
outside. but i still wear my ppe

So, know you don't need to wear a mask when you're outdoors and any significant distance from other people....right?

Do you also wear a mask when you're alone in your car?

Thanks Quebec for opening the door to this garbage.

How else do you suggest we tackle the issue, seeing as how a select portion of society don't seem to think the rules apply to them and our problem is getting worse, not better?
So, know you don't need to wear a mask when you're outdoors and any significant distance from other people....right?

no i don't wear my mask in my service truck as i'm the only person in it.

But i'm often around equipment operators, so a mask is required by my choice when i'm fixing there mess ups
You are part of the problem.
"The idiots did it. Why can't i?"
I haven't broken any laws. I certainly draw the ire of some people on here for going outside with friends, but that isn't illegal yet thank god.

How else do you suggest we tackle the issue, seeing as how a select portion of society don't seem to think the rules apply to them and our problem is getting worse, not better?
I mean, why bother having any rights at all? There are crimes far worse than having an illegal gathering yet I don't hear anyone on here suggesting we enact de facto martial law to stop people being murdered, robbed, assaulted, etc. every day. Imagine how many drunk drivers we could arrest if we set up police checkpoints on every road all the time? Maybe make everyone wear a tracking bracelet to prevent crime. Are you telling me you're in favour of that type of thinking?

Hey you know what, we could reduce some burden on the healthcare system by outlawing motorcycles. They're totally recreational toys that no one needs.
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