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Out with the bad air in with the bad air out with the bad air in with the bad air, that should work,
I feel safer already just seeing you wearing it.

Could you contribute something of value to the thread please. This isn't the Toronto Sun - some of us like words more than stupid photos.
Canada actually threatened to do this to Bayer over an antibiotic during the SARS crisis,
what company spiked the price on epipens? i remember they went from like 40 to hundreds of dollars
Could you contribute something of value to the thread please. This isn't the Toronto Sun - some of us like words more than stupid photos.
Likewise. The Trump conspiracy theories are wearing a little thin. Maybe concentrate on your own lunkheads for a while. A Minister of Finance, who can't even keep track of his personal spending for instance.
"in india as cases of covid are rising"
The longest and largest lockdown, slammed in with just four hours notice, millions rendered jobless leading to a massive reverse migration, people called upon to light candles and bang tin pots as a means to banish the virus, hospitals with no bed vacancies and a population living cheek-by-jowl, inadequate testing ... that is a "boots on the ground" perspective.
"in india as cases of covid are rising"
The longest and largest lockdown, slammed in with just four hours notice, millions rendered jobless leading to a massive reverse migration, people called upon to light candles and bang tin pots as a means to banish the virus, hospitals with no bed vacancies and a population living cheek-by-jowl, inadequate testing ... that is a "boots on the ground" perspective.

I'm glad you're back.

However Trump's USA seems to be wanting to work towards the India situation by supporting an inadequate medical system but using special light bulbs and disinfectants instead of the candles and banging of tin pots.
I'm glad you're back.

However Trump's USA seems to be wanting to work towards the India situation by supporting an inadequate medical system but using special light bulbs and disinfectants instead of the candles and banging of tin pots.
Now go hug a tree, kiss the ground and throw some salt over your left shoulder,
just incase.
99 days to get to their first million cases. 15 days to go from 3 to 4 million...

And they *still* don’t get it that something is wrong.

Spent some time on a boating forum yesterday where someone was lamenting the cancelation of some Florida beach/ boat sail in event/party. The 2 or 3 people who said it was a wise decision were beat to a pulp in comments by the masses saying this was all a big “scamdemic” in between anti mask sheep memes.

Meanwhile, back in reality, a lot of Florida hospitals have run out of intensive care beds and are turning away both covid patients and people with other medical emergencies and run of the mill issues like broken bones.

And they *still* don’t get it that something is wrong.

Spent some time on a boating forum yesterday where someone was lamenting the cancelation of some Florida beach/ boat sail in event/party. The 2 or 3 people who said it was a wise decision were beat to a pulp in comments by the masses saying this was all a big “scamdemic” in between anti mask sheep memes.

Meanwhile, back in reality, a lot of Florida hospitals have run out of intensive care beds and are turning away both covid patients and people with other medical emergencies and run of the mill issues like broken bones.


Has the Canadian army placed demolition charges on the international bridges yet, just in case.
Meanwhile, back in reality, a lot of Florida hospitals have run out of intensive care beds and are turning away both covid patients and people with other medical emergencies and run of the mill issues like broken bones

What a lot of canadians dont understand about the US hospital system is that emergency rooms and ICUs are designed to be at capacity all the time. Each hospital has pretty much only enough resources to deal with their day to day needs. Having excess rooms/beds/equipment is a waste of stakeholders money. Even a pile up on a highway will overrun the emergency rooms etc and family members in the same vehicle may end up getting shipped to seperate hospitals by the paramedics. Healthcare is a business down there, thats the reality.
What a lot of canadians dont understand about the US hospital system is that emergency rooms and ICUs are designed to be at capacity all the time. Each hospital has pretty much only enough resources to deal with their day to day needs. Having excess rooms/beds/equipment is a waste of stakeholders money. Even a pile up on a highway will overrun the emergency rooms etc and family members in the same vehicle may end up getting shipped to seperate hospitals by the paramedics. Healthcare is a business down there, thats the reality.

Fair enough, but car accident rates are linear. Infectious disease cases multiply at an exponential rate.

One bad pile-up on a highway doesn't mean there will be three more pileups the next day, nine the day after, twenty-seven after the third day...

Being at capacity at this early stage where such a low percentage of the population is actually infected is not a good sign.
We all tend to think we are normal and that our numbers are similar to the others around us. That isn't realistic.

The "Get the kids back to school" crowd may not consider that people are having families later in life. That kid in grade six could have a fifty year old parent. The kid could survive C-19 but if it got passed onto his parents he could become an orphan.

A lot of people are working from home and in the short term it seems to be working for many. It doesn't work for truck drivers.

I don't know the emotions of a Canadian trucker driving a load through the southern hell of North America. Yeah the rigs have fridges and microwaves but what about resupplys and bathrooms, contacts with US shipping personnel? How fast can you get in and out?

Are any driving time restrictions being waived to get them home faster?

I can see a solo driver being in a bigger jam than a team.

If you take the gross area of Toronto and divide it by the population we each get about 2500 square feet, 250 square meters. That doesn't include roads, sidewalks and parking lots. Thank you OMB.

A person living on a suburban lot with four or five times that might have a problem envisioning the feeling. I can understand a person from farm or bush country getting uptight in the city.

Edited, numbers corrected.
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A lot of people are working from home and in the short term it seems to be working for many. It doesn't work for truck drivers.

I don't know the emotions of a Canadian trucker driving a load through the southern hell of North America. Yeah the rigs have fridges and microwaves but what about resupplys and bathrooms, contacts with US shipping personnel? How fast can you get in and out?

I don't really see what the panic is. People are wearing masks at stores. The infection rate in our province of 15million is only 110-150 per day. The idea was not to eliminate the virus, but to flatten the curve so that hospitals wouldn't be overwhelmed. Elimination isn't realistic. It looks like there's a vaccine coming, that should solve a lot. We're not opening the border either. You get the odd pic of teens partying on the beach or at a cottage, but that hasn't resulted in massively elevated numbers. Things are good. Don't worry.
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