Yup, he should have been taking Hydroxychloroquine like Trumpy to keep him save from the made up china virus.He's been the National Security Advisor for 10 months. He was due to get called an idiot and fired soon, anyway.
Yup, he should have been taking Hydroxychloroquine like Trumpy to keep him save from the made up china virus.He's been the National Security Advisor for 10 months. He was due to get called an idiot and fired soon, anyway.
While progress is encouraging, and investment unprecedented, work on coronavirus vaccines has been ongoing since the 60s without success.
I also fear we are become hygiene fatigued. I already see it. A month ago everyone Sanitized hands upon entering any store. Since masks became mandatory, sanitization and gloves seem to be less of a priority. No more wiping down cart handles, hand sanitization stations are going unused.
Close, but incorrect. Both can be respiratory, flu is influenza virus, Covid-19 is corona virus, as are many common colds that we have never been able to solve with vaccines. Flu and Covid are very different animals.There's lots of coronavirus vaccines. We have one every fall for seasonal influenza which is also a cornavirus.
I think the US NIH and NCI Cancer research is about $50billion a year, compared to an estimated $6B on COVID.And nothing pushes science to make new breakthroughs like a pandemic and the endless research dollars that come along with it. If cancer suddenly started killing 20% of the population and the world focused its attention and endless research dollars on it (versus the relative drop in teh bucket they work with now) we may develop a cure for it as well inside a year or three.
Either would be acceptable.Anyhow, best approach right now, vaccine aside, is a treatment. Even if people continue to get sick with it if we have a treatment that can reduce it to the severity of a bad cold or a minor flu, suddenly that's a game changer.
Great insight. I think I'll forward your post to the WHO so they can update their info Modes of transmission of virus causing COVID-19: implications for IPC precaution recommendations.It's not really because we've got fatigued, it's because as science has learned more about Covid19 we've increasingly come to the understanding that the contact method of transfer is very low risk comparatively. So, now knowing what we know, the extreme levels that were being taken early on (cart sanitation, gloves everywhere, wiping down every grocery item you bring in the house, sanitizing your doorknobs and doorbell buttons, steering wheel, door handles, etc etc etc ad infinitum) isn't really necessary anymore - just wash your hands after being out and you're gonna be OK....the risk is primarily breath related now.
Great insight. I think I'll forward your post to the WHO so they can update their info Modes of transmission of virus causing COVID-19: implications for IPC precaution recommendations.
think the US NIH and NCI Cancer research is about $50billion a year, compared to an estimated $6B on COVID.
He's been the National Security Advisor for 10 months. He was due to get called an idiot and fired soon, anyway.
Well if he was wearing a mask and face shield, he would have been protected from the crazy.One of the reasons why I don't like the mask frenzy:
Yes I know where, I stopped there on the way back Moonbeam last year, saw the polar bear at the toursit centre
On the same trip, met a lady in North Bay who showed me photos of snow in May...
All nice country up that way, but yikkies!
only 2 good things about that stretch of road
the UFO
and burning off carbon!
It’s all about the sound bites. Nothing else. Whatever sounds good to pacify the majority is what they go with.what is it that politicians need to use the words, we have been doing the good work, the good work we've done, and we will continue to do good work, seems the words good work in there mind makes it sound more important