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Just got back from Metro, no TP as expected, no bread either which was surprising, canned goods was looking a little sparse, same in soap isle. C'mon people! Luckily they had a in store bakery so they can make bread so I got a loaf. I went over to Canadian Tire next, just because, no TP either. Hopefully things get stocked up while people are away for March break.
Ontario has a major shortage of test kits and will no longer test people who have been traveling and have symptoms just going to assume they have it.
Source, not try to doubt it but it does seem plauseable from our Gov?
I foresee a situation developing where for some period of time (a month or two?) after an initial lockdown to manage the rate of spread, visitors to hospitals are disallowed completely, and residents of old-age homes and nursing homes disallow visitors and don't allow their residents to leave, while the rest of us go about our lives in order to recover what's left of an economic system and society after all this.


Healthy people below 60 years old, and especially below 50 years old, generally do not have serious outcomes from this disease. But nobody has natural immunity to it. It's been stated that this infection is likely to eventually infect between 30% and 70% of the population, who would then be immune to it, at least for some unknown period of time.

So let's try to encourage the 30% - 70% that are infected, to be the 30% - 70% with the lowest risk of serious outcome, while developing herd immunity.

Discrimination by age? Yes. Discrimination by health? Yes. Discrimination by living environment? Yes. Would it suck for families? Yes. But the virus doesn't care about political correctness.

I had a long chat on the phone with my (much older) sister yesterday. They are in Florida for the winter and are scheduled to come back home (driving) at the end of March - they're watching for hints of border closure and may move the schedule up. Even if not forced ... they're figuring on going straight home and self-isolating for two weeks, and I'm not going to visit until after all this blows over. I'm in the upper range of having low risk (fiftysomething but without known co-existing conditions) - they're in a high-risk group (seventysomething, and my brother-in-law has multiple co-existing conditions).

So even if not forced to by decree ... we're essentially going to do what I described voluntarily.
I foresee a situation developing where for some period of time (a month or two?) after an initial lockdown to manage the rate of spread, visitors to hospitals are disallowed completely, and residents of old-age homes and nursing homes disallow visitors and don't allow their residents to leave, while the rest of us go about our lives in order to recover what's left of an economic system and society after all this.


Healthy people below 60 years old, and especially below 50 years old, generally do not have serious outcomes from this disease. But nobody has natural immunity to it. It's been stated that this infection is likely to eventually infect between 30% and 70% of the population, who would then be immune to it, at least for some unknown period of time.

So let's try to encourage the 30% - 70% that are infected, to be the 30% - 70% with the lowest risk of serious outcome, while developing herd immunity.

Discrimination by age? Yes. Discrimination by health? Yes. Discrimination by living environment? Yes. Would it suck for families? Yes. But the virus doesn't care about political correctness.

I had a long chat on the phone with my (much older) sister yesterday. They are in Florida for the winter and are scheduled to come back home (driving) at the end of March - they're watching for hints of border closure and may move the schedule up. Even if not forced ... they're figuring on going straight home and self-isolating for two weeks, and I'm not going to visit until after all this blows over. I'm in the upper range of having low risk (fiftysomething but without known co-existing conditions) - they're in a high-risk group (seventysomething, and my brother-in-law has multiple co-existing conditions).

So even if not forced to by decree ... we're essentially going to do what I described voluntarily.
Medical insurance is starting the recall (as expected). One I know of gave clients 10 days (starting from a few days ago) before their insurance stopped working. Pack up, get home.
Ohh I got gas as well, 89 cents (reg) at Shell. If only the weather would warm up a bit to take advantage and go riding.
Ohh I got gas as well, 89 cents (reg) at Shell. If only the weather would warm up a bit to take advantage and go riding.
Winter gas or summer gas?:LOL:
Was on CBC website last night I believe there is a official press release about it as well.
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awesome news because i hate needles
i will wait for the nice men in white suits to come to my door.
39 more cases so far today not good doubling ever 2 to 3 days

Sent from my moto g(7) plus using Tapatalk
Yes 39 new cases today is concerning. 3 In my part of the world Durham, but no further information on who,what and when. Previously they weren’t with holding that info.
Well let me see, how many people here right now do I know of that are presently exhibiting symptoms or recovering from a mild flue like something in 2020? Multiplied by the number of people I came into contact with that did not know they had it.
By my reckoning
I am at ultra high risk right now, you might not want to come around here for a few weeks.
Looking in to my crystal ball I predict an announcement of an Ontario lock down tonight.

Common consensus seems to be going in that direction, but I don't see it happening. Remember that Doug Ford just a few days ago told people to go travelling and enjoy themselves for March break.

Unless the order comes from the federal or local level, I foresee Doug Ford being the last person to act on this.
Common consensus seems to be going in that direction, but I don't see it happening. Remember that Doug Ford just a few days ago told people to go travelling and enjoy themselves for March break.

Unless the order comes from the federal or local level, I foresee Doug Ford being the last person to act on this.
Federal put themselves on vacation. FWIW, the only people I know that followed through on march break flights were teachers.
When was the last time a politician remembered what life was like in the real world?

Tory has said that businesses should continue paying employees even if they cant come in to work. What magic money pool do businesses have? No money is coming in for now, that's for damn sure.

Federal put themselves on vacation. FWIW, the only people I know that followed through on march break flights were teachers.

I know one that cancelled their flight but were thinking of driving instead. With the two extra weeks off driving isn't too ridiculous. Except for the part where they're driving through a Petri dish.
39 more cases so far today not good doubling ever 2 to 3 days

Sent from my moto g(7) plus using Tapatalk

Trajectory is about 3 weeks behind Italy. Their halfhearted lockdown started a couple weeks ago and the full lockdown a week ago.
Here is why a lockdown may need to happen. Its not because "we are locking the barn after the horse ran away" , its because the average Joe canadian may be pretty stupid.

We have friends who have told us we are over-reacting when we told them we would visit them one-on-one and not in a crowded public place. There's still this distrust of the media, especially among right-wingers, and they think they are the ones being "clear and level-headed" while the rest of the world panics for no reason.

Although I'm shaking my head at them, I know they are also shaking their heads at us.
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