I'm in a bit of a different catgory since my business is just fine in this pandemic so far, and we are expecting a boom coming out the other side.
My wife on the other hand is a front line worker right now, in a large GTA hospital. She's gowned/masked/face shield and booties all day. And we are both THRILLED the hospitals are under whelmed and over equiped for the rush we aren't getting. Its awesome to have nurses and aids actually getting dinner breaks for a change, because pre pandemic , 50% of the time 12hr shifts went with coffee for lunch and no dinner. The Pandemic has been great for ER doctors because morons that treat ER as a walk in clinic are scared away, the doctors and nurses have a chance to treat actual sick people,
Keep the programs we have in place to keep stupid people at home. Some easing sure, and if a lot of businesses fail? Well that sucks, but buggy whip manufactures went away to.
We are well under the curve since medical professionals preached "close it down" , not enjoy your march break and we'll sort this out. Open too soon and we will be F'd.