I still think that a small co-pay would clean this up quickly. Family doc is $5, walk-in clinic is $10 and ER is $20. I think it would help a lot for people to decide on appropriate care. If you dont want to pay $5 to see the doc, why should we pay $200? Also pay scale encourages people to select the appropriate level of care.They are all scanning your health card so for people that truly cannot afford that money it just pops up as free.That's one of my peeves -- sniffles at Emergency. I live near Markham-Stouffville hospital and have had to use emergency for a couple of self inflicted injuries and countless times when I took injured hockey players in for broken this and that. 1/2 the people in the ER have sniffles and tooth aches. I remember when I lived in the US, if you had a family doctor issue and showed up at the ER the triage nurse would turn you away to a walk-in clinic.
I can't imagine the cost our healthcare system bears when someone feels they are special and need to visit a hospital when they have a sniffle or an injury that just needs a bandaid.
I also would love a bill with a zero balance on your way out. "Todays visit cost the system $2300". It may open some eyes as to the cost of being told their sniffle is a sniffle.