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They "lost" money the same way everybody else did. It was just a paper drop but if they were to cash out today, they would have a lot less money than if they cashed out last week. Over the long term, the only people that actually lost a significant amount of money this week are those that panic sell at the bottom and buy again after it recovers. If you stay in, it is just a bump in the road. If you went all in yesterday, you made a crapton of money (who knows whether that gain will stick or not though).

Right, but who are these investors that are panic selling? Everyone on gtam seems to be excited to buy, but somehow stock markets got a time out on Monday. Everyone is freaking about their retirement. Are RRSP managers selling off stocks?
Of course those parasites would. This virus could potentially get to the point where thousands die here, double digit unemployment, serious downturn in our economy and real estate agents will be telling gullible idiots, "Buy buy buy, its the best time right now, you will make 20% in one year!"
And there's a good chance they will be correct. Commission based sales people have never been in it for the good of the buyer. If this pandemic got to the point of a general order to remain in your home for an extended period of time, how many condo people do you think would be seriously re-evaluating their living arrangements? A small fridge and not much personal space works well when the city is your living/dining area but if you lose that freedom, a condo quickly becomes hell.

Also plunging interest rates will drive property values way up. Of course, I locked in for the next four years a month ago as the fixed rate was 0.75 below my variable rate and I didn't think there would be that much drop in the next few years (0.25 at a time, a drop or two a year was expected. 0.5 followed by probably another 0.25 or more in the first two adjustment periods was not).

As an aside. I don't like standing stop-loss orders. I am sure they can work in some situations, but often they could get triggered by a dip and then you miss the recovery so you lost more than you saved. I guess if I was invested in some horrendously volatile equity with high valuation and no assets to back it up, I might set one at -30% to try to avoid getting wiped out in a collapse. I don't invest in those things though.
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Trigger pulled. I'm all in (well soon, limit should buy in a dip). Now no more looking at markets for a while. First dividend shows up Mar 17.
Stupid panic. My wife keeps seeing all the people posting about toilet paper shortages and worries about running out because we only have 36 rolls and a four year old that uses a lot. If we can't get any before that runs out it's because people are being ridiculous and hoarding. Does anyone know why people started a run on toilet paper for Covid? It makes no sense to me. The people doing it probably have no canned food or water so it's not like they can self-isolate anyway.
There is going to be a run on installing bidets.
Invest in bidet futures ;)
Right, but who are these investors that are panic selling? Everyone on gtam seems to be excited to buy, but somehow stock markets got a time out on Monday. Everyone is freaking about their retirement. Are RRSP managers selling off stocks?
It could be standing stop-loss orders that got triggered and furthered the plunge (I suspect this may be a bunch of it). It could be many people really don't get it and dump on the way down. It could be people stressing out and converting to safer investments (although they picked a terrible time to do that). Also TSX got the timeout. Canadian dollar was plunging wrt USD. People could have been moving to another currency (that's why RESP is invested in USD but CDN hedged. I have no idea which way or how far CDN/USD will go so I took it out of the equation).
There is going to be a run on installing bidets.
Invest in bidet futures ;)
I've been trying since I got back from Asia. Frig me are they expensive here. Also, no outlets near toilet makes it a pain in the ass to install.
I read that there was a run on tp in Australia.
Then news of Costco running out in California and it went from there.
Americans are strange animals. We have family in North Carolina and they have stock outs of white bread and milk everytime there is a hint of nasty weather down there .

I went for groceries this morning and there was some tp but the shelves were 3/4 empty.

Last night there were empty shelves at the Walmart up the street from me.

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A friend in Oz (sydney burbs) can't find TP. The moms are supporting each other and sharing.
I've been trying since I got back from Asia. Frig me are they expensive here. Also, no outlets near toilet makes it a pain in the ass to install.
lol just install a water pic next to the toilet.
... water pic hand shower that is not a toothbrush.
Right, but who are these investors that are panic selling? Everyone on gtam seems to be excited to buy, but somehow stock markets got a time out on Monday. Everyone is freaking about their retirement. Are RRSP managers selling off stocks?

If you're fully invested and have no funds or margin to tap, then a popular strategy is to follow the herd over the cliff: sell on the way down and time it so you deploy the chutes and buy back right before you hit the bottom.

The only problem with that strategy is you don't know where the bottom is. Could be 1,000 feet. Or it could be 10 feet. And then the market bounces up far and above where you sold. And so you buy back in again. Selling low and buying high, like most investors do.
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I'm just sitting tight, I have about 15K in cash that will buy up some stock in thge next week or so but I'm not selling anythging. Its a big blip on the radar but it will come back, always does.
I do have 120 rolls of TP in the closet.
This seems much worse than any previous financial and it hasn't even started. Once we are out of hospital space like Italy we will be screwed. They have stopped treating heart attacks strokes etc. Over an hour for an ambulance and no treatment if you are over 60 or have high blood pressure diabetes etc. Millions are about to die in North America and nothing is being done in preparation. This could change things for a very long time.

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This seems much worse than any previous financial and it hasn't even started. Once we are out of hospital space like Italy we will be screwed. They have stopped treating heart attacks strokes etc. Over an hour for an ambulance and no treatment if you are over 60 or have high blood pressure diabetes etc. Millions are about to die in North America and nothing is being done in preparation. This could change things for a very long time.

Sent from my moto g(7) plus using Tapatalk
Home care.
you shouldn't even be going to the hospital unless it is for hospital facilities.
Home care.
you shouldn't even be going to the hospital unless it is for hospital facilities.
The ones in hospital are the ones on respirators approximately 15 percent of cases can't do that at home. If you are over fifty or have any other issue like high bp or diabetes there is a good chance you will need ICU until it is full then you can die in the hall. Latest prediction in the nation post is we will have 1 million Canadians that will need a ventilator, there are 5000 in all hospitals nation wide. Government needs to get on this close schools churches concerts immediately to slow the curve. Also need to ban travel to infected countries including the US where most of our new cases are coming from.

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Home care would be my pandemic isolation solution of choice, and you are right the hospitals are already full of people that need the hospital facilities.
Retail business is hurting right now. Place i usually get my jerk chicken fix was empty today, the line up is usually out onto the streets. Swiss Chalet down the road parking lot was empty. Only place busy right now is gas stations and those places that sell TP.
Thinking about my experience with the Ontario health care system over the past two years and this situation.really leaves me scratching my head.We are in a messy situation.
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