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I know at least one female officer (with OPP) is a member here, although I don't think she has posted much over the last few years. She was doing Motorcycle patrol last year but didn't get it in 2011.


Really...? Who.....? LOL.........
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There are a number of police on the board, some openly identify themselves as such, others let it slip. I haven't heard of any member identifying themselves as a motorcycle cop.

Not everyone is willing to openly say their affiliation with the police specially considering all the negative comments that roll around. I know I've taught quite a few and they are some of the coolest guys to work with. Plus many drop by to visit later.

That being said I am still extremely envious of their bike training and I would HAPPILY switch jobs to be on bike as my work even if it means a motorcycle cop. And I would work my *** to keep that job. Ive got one family member whos a cop and he has to test yearly to keep the license they have to ride the police bikes.
I've worked with retards like would think this day in age with every one having a camera on their phones these thugs would cut that crap out.

Hey many actual police officers still don't get it so I wouldn't expect other lesser security officers (not sure what term to use) would get it. At my work we have a contracted security company and two of the buffoons got into a fight with each other in the parking lot. Rumour has it one guy pulled out a knife. Shows you how there are always a few idiots that slip few the cracks.
its a North American thing...

here's NZ Motorcycle Police


Standard motorcycles for many developed countries, except USA and Canada. In fact most European countries employ the same motorcycles as above. The one on the left is the old one, most countries are now employing the new one on the right to replace the old.

I have no idea why harley was used in North America, they have no advantage over cars in any policing activity. People say NA cops are corrupted and dumb most of the time.
There are lots of cops on this forum. This forum is our best resource to know where to find the reckless few.

To answer your question, we all start as rookies and from there the opportunities are endless.
There are lots of cops on this forum. This forum is our best resource to know where to find the reckless few.

I am so crossing my fingers right now that you are the real thing and not one of the regular malcontents posting under a new account.
Any members Cops?

Thats not a loaded question.

There are plenty of cops on this forum but asking them to ID themselves is a waste of time. Motorcycling is transportation or pleasure and even if its "only" transportation you're still taking some pleasure out of it. So if a very large majority of anything police related on GTAM is ANTI-police why identify yourself as one? So something you take pleasure in can be ruined by a few?

Police on GTAM "could" be a huge resource to the members on here but just as one "bad cops" actions can stain all police so can one bad GTAM member stain a community of motorcycle enthusiasts.

I am for once however surprised that this thread hasn't turned into a FTP/Cop bashing thread.
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