Thats not a loaded question.
There are plenty of cops on this forum but asking them to ID themselves is a waste of time. Motorcycling is transportation or pleasure and even if its "only" transportation you're still taking some pleasure out of it. So if a very large majority of anything police related on GTAM is ANTI-police why identify yourself as one? So something you take pleasure in can be ruined by a few?
Police on GTAM "could" be a huge resource to the members on here but just as one "bad cops" actions can stain all police so can one bad GTAM member stain a community of motorcycle enthusiasts.
I am for once however surprised that this thread hasn't turned into a FTP/Cop bashing thread.
? I just put it out there, mainly only wanted to know of how the "motorcycle police" get to become "motorcycle police" etc and for other vehicles they use, if they're asked to drive, ride, cycle etc...and a resource / reference / source of information of their answer if they wanted to mention they were a cop and what their vehicle is and how they got that vehicle

I am for once however surprised that this thread hasn't turned into a FTP/Cop bashing thread
Sure there are bad ones out there that spoil it for the rest and everyone thinks they are all the same, just like everyone thinks all young people drive fast, do drugs etc.
But it is sad, that when the police do break the law (criminal activity, drugs, go power crazy) their team sticks up for them :angry7: