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Thats not a loaded question.

There are plenty of cops on this forum but asking them to ID themselves is a waste of time. Motorcycling is transportation or pleasure and even if its "only" transportation you're still taking some pleasure out of it. So if a very large majority of anything police related on GTAM is ANTI-police why identify yourself as one? So something you take pleasure in can be ruined by a few?

Police on GTAM "could" be a huge resource to the members on here but just as one "bad cops" actions can stain all police so can one bad GTAM member stain a community of motorcycle enthusiasts.

I am for once however surprised that this thread hasn't turned into a FTP/Cop bashing thread.

? I just put it out there, mainly only wanted to know of how the "motorcycle police" get to become "motorcycle police" etc and for other vehicles they use, if they're asked to drive, ride, cycle etc...and a resource / reference / source of information of their answer if they wanted to mention they were a cop and what their vehicle is and how they got that vehicle :D

I am for once however surprised that this thread hasn't turned into a FTP/Cop bashing thread

Sure there are bad ones out there that spoil it for the rest and everyone thinks they are all the same, just like everyone thinks all young people drive fast, do drugs etc.
But it is sad, that when the police do break the law (criminal activity, drugs, go power crazy) their team sticks up for them :angry7:
But it is sad, that when the police do break the law (criminal activity, drugs, go power crazy) their team sticks up for them :angry7:

"Their team" are also usually the ones who investigate, charge, and give evidence against the ones who do get charged. No cop likes to be tarnished by the criminal actions of another cop.
"Their team" are also usually the ones who investigate, charge, and give evidence against the ones who do get charged. No cop likes to be tarnished by the criminal actions of another cop.

Right. But, they try to cover up or keep it on the DL from the media/public from hearing about the scumbags. And its pathetic that some cops / politicians / people with power get off or a slap on the wrist that commit some serious crimes, for example...
"Their team" are also usually the ones who investigate, charge, and give evidence against the ones who do get charged. No cop likes to be tarnished by the criminal actions of another cop.

That's such B.S. The reason they don't want to be tarnished is that they don't want anyone looking into what *THEY* are up to.
Right, and how many "allegations" are malicious at their root and turn out to be frivolous because someone was just trying to get an officer in trouble. Everyone loves saying cops are crooked and corrupt but in the last 10 years how many real stories of CANADIAN cops have hit the news? There is way too much American content that people are seeing and just superimposing onto all police. Thats not including the stereotypes people have of police from other countries that they bring with them. I have a Russian friend that goes into a cold sweat everytime he sees a cop car
I personally know a large number of police and a H.R. officer within the forces. I'm not guessing, I'm telling you: a lot (as in, a majority) of the cops are hypocrites that engage directly in the things that they fine and jail other people for. A sizable number of them are outright crooks.
I just haven't been able to figure out why motorcycle cops in North America wear the same "gear" as the ones who are riding horses. Someone needs to step up and give them peeps some proper gear.... maybe they'll feel a bit more appreciated. :D

As far as police "issues" you have to look no further than the RCMP.... they need help!
"Their team" are also usually the ones who investigate, charge, and give evidence against the ones who do get charged. No cop likes to be tarnished by the criminal actions of another cop.

Given the lack of success of the SIU, I am not so confident.
Hard to get on, yes, very! Especially now!

Ex-coppers, no, definitely not. Like I said, some of them are awesome guys, but the majority are just idiots.. I watched two of them take down a guy half their size last week, smash his face into the ground, break his nose (blood everywhere) and shout "Yeah!? You wanna be a tough guy! I told you not to **** with me" while putting the cuffs on.

Very professional...put on a great show for the crowd.. And in the end, TPS showed up and released him at street level. Didn't want to charge him due to excessive force..

I personally know a large number of police and a H.R. officer within the forces. I'm not guessing, I'm telling you: a lot (as in, a majority) of the cops are hypocrites that engage directly in the things that they fine and jail other people for. A sizable number of them are outright crooks.

made under the


Police Officer:

2. The Oath or affirmation of office to be taken by a police officer, special constable or first nations constable shall be in one of the following forms set out in the English or French versions of this section:

I solemnly swear (affirm) that I will be loyal to Her Majesty the Queen and to Canada, and that I will uphold the Constitution of Canada and that I will, to the best of my ability, preserve the peace, prevent offences and discharge my other duties as (insert name of Office) faithfully, impartially and according to law, so help me God. (Omit this line in an affirmation.)

Impartiality: (also called even-handedness or fair-mindedness) is a principle of justice holding that decisions should be based on objective criteria, rather than on the basis of bias, prejudice, or preferring the benefit to one person over another for improper reasons.

Part VI

Schedule of Conduct

section 2. ss(1) Any Chief of police or other officer commits misconduct if he or she engages in,
(a) Discreditable Conduct, in that he or she,
(I) fails to treat or protect persons equally without discrimination with respect to police services because of race, ancestry, place of origin, color, ethnic origin, citizenship, creed, sex, sexual orientation, age, marital status, family status or disability,

(ii) uses profane, abusive or insulting language that relates to a person's race, ancestry, place of origin, color, ethnic origin, citizenship, creed, sex, sexual orientation, age, marital status, family statusor disability,

uses profane, abusive or insulting language or is otherwise un-civil to a member of the public,

is guilty of a criminal offence that is an indictable offence or an offence punishable upon summary conviction,

contravenes any provision of the ACT or the regulations, or

(xi) acts in a disorderly manner or in a pre judicdicial to discipline or likely to bring discredit upon the reputation of the force of which the officer is a member;

Deceit, in that he or she,
knowingly makes or signs a false statement in a record,

(v) improperly uses his or her character and position as a member of a police force for private advantage;

Unlawful or unnecessary Exercise of Authority, in that he or she,
(I) without good and sufficient cause makes an unlawful or unnecessary arrest, or
(ii) uses any unnecessary force against prisoner or other person contacted in the execution of duty;


Constitution of Canada:
The Constitution of Canada (La Constitution du Canada in French) is the supreme law in Canada; the country's constitution is an amalgamation of codified acts and uncodified traditions and conventions. It outlines Canada's system of government, as well as the civil rights of all Canadian citizens and those in Canada.

schedule B


whereas Canada is founded upon the principles that recognize the supremacy of God and the rule of law:

Fundamental Freedoms
section 2. Ss (b) freedom of thought, belief, opinion and expression, including freedom of the press and other means of communication. (I.e. you have the right to use something like a go pro at all times to record an encounter with the police or anyone else)

Legal Rights
Section 8. Everyone has the right to be secure against unreasonable search or seizure.
Section 9. Everyone has the right not to be arbitrarily detained or imprisoned.
subject to individual will or judgment without restriction; contingent solely upon one's discretion: an arbitrary decision)
(Detained: To keep from proceeding; keep waiting; delay, to keep under restraint or custody, or to keep back or withhold as from a person.)

Section 10. Everyone has the right on arrest ordetention "from proceeding, delayed"
ss. (a) to be informed promptly of reason therefore;

Section 11. Any person charged with an offence has right,
ss (a) to be informed without unreasonable delay of the specific offense;

(d) to be presumed innocent until proven guilty according to law in a fair and public hearing by an independent and impartial tribunal;

Section 12. Everyone has the right not to be subjected to any cruel or unusual treatment or punishment.

Equality Rights
Section 15. (1) Every individual is equal before the and under the law and has the right to the equal protection and equal benefit of the law without discrimination and, in particular, without discrimination based on race, national or ethnic origin, color, religion, sex, age, or mental or physical disability.

"These are just some of the rights cops break all the time of citizens, and in reality even a single right of yours broken as a citizen makes the cop a traitor of the Queen / Canada and its constitution and its people!"

Police officers are "CIVIL SERVANTS" they SERVE US! We PAY FOR THEIR SALARIES not the other way round! They should be afraid of us! not the other way around, people are only afraid of what they don't know, if everyone exercised their right properly no government official would dare try to exercise their powers beyond its limitations on and over us, fact is most people don't know enough about the workings of this country.

I always treat people with respect even police officers that pull me over, I have not been pulled over for a very long time till few days ago, and that is something I dealt with on the spot and nothing happened because I knew my rights and I knew the law and I also have documents with me at all times of the Constitution of Canada the Police Act - etc. But I have come to realize everyone needs to carry a small camera with them, and use it, specially now days!

The reason why cops get away with abuse is because they know people don't know thier rights, or the law, or police limits, or have any video proof, yet cops have video proof on their dash, so when they give you a ticket in court they have proof and anything they exaggerate is also proof since you have no physical proof or witnesses against that, so if they record you saying sorry officer, you just convicted yourself.

If you have a camera on and the officer is aware, he will not say a single word nor say anything rude or over step his/her boundaries, because now you have the truth on them.

I've never had an issue with cops, they do seem nice most of the time "im always nice to them regardless, as I know my rights and am not afraid of them for this reason, so I don't need to be rude to them either", but I have come in contact with power trippers a few times, with those ones you just don'tsay anything, record everything said and done, then take it to court, always remember, the court is your time to show whose boss, not the streets, unless the cop is overstepping his boundaries with no real reason to pull you over, then that is when you pull out your constitutional rights, and his police Act which they all have to follow, and let him know politely how you know how he is breaking laws protecting you and the country, it contains everything they can and cannot do and if they do anything wrong by it they can get in big S! This is why I have never had any cop try to do anything to me, because im nice but show them I know the law and my rights if need be, and that they have no reason to be afraid of me or agress me either since im not doing anything wrong or mean harm to anyone anything further is their actions against them in the court of law.

Also, if you are religious, and follow the commandments and break no law of God, you essentialy are not breaking any laws that will get you in trouble then, that is another useful tool in court to use if one needs to go that far, because the laws of God are > mans rule of law, as Canada is founded on principles that recognize supremacy of God in Canada also.

Knowledge is power, and all you need is a small camera at all times, I think without it, no matter how much one argues no cop or court will listen, even taxis have cameras, stores, streets, so should citizens!.
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See, the whole religious thing in there is also a real pisser. I want no church to have anything to say (in a legal sense) about what I do with my time.
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See, the whole religious thing in there is also a real p1sser. I want no church to have anything to say (in a legal sense) about what I do with my time.

There is a difference between Church and God, also, the Canadian government does not force God on anyone, even when making the oath a person has a choice of an oath with the words for God and one without, but the truth is its because of God and principles based on it is the reason everyone has these freedoms & rights, weather people like it or not. Its actually protecting you from all rules of law "created by man" most if not all rules and laws created by man, piss most people off, all these bills, by-laws, and sneaky revoking of constitution is done by man made laws, with no fundamentals of Godly morals, therefore priciples of non God laws will always be SELFISH to man itself.

The day you have removed God (his laws for mankind) from your life (land) is the day you have removed protection of your rights to life!(from evil). Essentially a nation of Atheist or world of no God removes all constitutional rights of all lands that denounce God, if people think they are treated bad now without this people would have no right to life, would be slaves like the times of the pharoahs, the constitutions of nations is the newer version of the tablet of old., it protects people by having rights and freedoms so people can't be harmed in any way, because only God is non selfish to man, man is always selfish to another man. As for Church and religion, that is separate from this, it has nothing to do with God or the constitution.

And the mentioning of using God law instead rule of law, was for someone like a preist to use who was charged with an offense, he could use his Law of God over rule of man in court, this is allowed, an average person wouldn't know enough about it to do so properly, or if he/she did they could use it too.
There is a difference between Church and God
blah blah god is great blah

Believe what you like to, but your foolish assertion that without your god evil would reign is absurd.

I'm allowed to have my own beliefs right?

I think the Luciferians were on to something. Hell, I've actually read the bible three times front to back, and one thing is pretty clear: there's a good reason to fear the God of the bible. And this Jeebus guy and Paul that wrote all that story about him? Sounds like a pleasant story, but doesn't at all jive with the old testament.

I repeat: I don't want any laws based on a book of tales, primarily written by poor sheep herders and feckless city philosophers trying to scrape an existence out of misleading people into calling them prophets; for coin. I view the whole thing as another avenue of the elite trying to profit from the naivety of the people.

But I have to admit, Constantine was one hell of a thinker. Born a sun god worshipper, died a sun god worshipper, but founded the Catholic church. He managed to spy on and control his subjects and simultaneously corralled the upstart Xians that were threatening to change the Roman way of life. The Diet of Worms must have been a real party. But that's another story.
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