Cops should watch this !!!

I would put blame as 50% cop, 50% rider.

Yikes dude, you really gotta introduce me to your dealer.. The cop was sent to MHD to write tickets.. It's not like a lowly PC (or what passes for one in Cali) can say "Geeez.. I'm so tired of this crime-fighting thing.. Let me go rob people instead! [muahahahahahahhahahaha evil laugh]" So, he's over there, as ordered by his superiors, in a known problem area. Squidboy is riding along and doing relatively well, when he sees a cruiser and decides to panic and dumps the bike in the process (instead of doing what he should have done - commit to the turn and then have a few seconds to decide whether you wanna pull over if or run). OMG :shock: A cop on a public road :shock: We should crucify the [snout-equipped animal] for doing his job :shock:
In this one I assume some of you will insist that it's the bus driver's fault. After all if he wasn't there driving, there would not be an accident:

I wouldn't say it was the cop's FAULT, but his strategic placement, which was no accident, spooked a rider who was only trying to have some fun. He second-guessed the legalities of his actions and that's what caused him to go down. Would the same thing happen if there was a petite dark-haired, dark-eyed, sexilicious topless chick with nice, 0.7 waist:hip and firm DDs? Maybe. Maybe the rider's reaction would have been the same, who knows. What I am saying is that by placing yourself in a position to surprise someone who is riding a motorcycle when you are a symbol of authority which causes people to become more self-conscious about their actions, you contribute to the liklihood of a disaster of some kind or another. Surely this is plain to see to everyone.
I wouldn't say it was the cop's FAULT, but his strategic placement, which was no accident, spooked a rider who was only trying to have some fun. He second-guessed the legalities of his actions and that's what caused him to go down. Would the same thing happen if there was a petite dark-haired, dark-eyed, sexilicious topless chick with nice, 0.7 waist:hip and firm DDs? Maybe. Maybe the rider's reaction would have been the same, who knows. What I am saying is that by placing yourself in a position to surprise someone who is riding a motorcycle when you are a symbol of authority which causes people to become more self-conscious about their actions, you contribute to the liklihood of a disaster of some kind or another. Surely this is plain to see to everyone.

Your assuming.
You're right, I am assuming that, I don't know for sure. I should qualify my statement with an IF condition. IF his placement was purposeful and strategic, then I stand by my comments. If not, and he was indeed just there by accident, or finishing up another task, then I withdraw my comments entirely.
cop could have been stopped there for any number of reasons, and none are in any way illegal. if the cop stopped closer towards the exit of the turn the guy may have grabbed that front brake a little later and highsided. next you would say that the cop should have stopped even farther back on the straight, the guy would grab that front brake and fly clean over his bars.

the accident is 100% rider error, to blame anything on the cop is a joke, if anything the cop should be thanked for pulling forward and throwing on his lights, to caution oncoming traffic to watch out for the downed rider.
The rider needs to pay attention to what he is doing.

When he gets distracted by a cop or an accident or a hooker at the side of the road, he is endangering himself and other road users, and he has no business riding if that is the case.

I see him as a second accident waiting to happen. If the cop was going to clock him for speeding he had already done it before the biker fell off. Bikes are much more stable when on their tires, so there is no excuse for him to fall off the bike.
Obviously it wasn't the cop who dumped the bike, but hanging out there is a dick move! I guess that's their whole job some days :) Mission accomplished!

The video a few posts up, was... the camera mans fault, he clearly masterminded the bus drivers schedule and the two riders destinations all to be recorded for his personal gain!! bwahahahaha
It wasn't even a survival reaction. He just had a total lapse of judgement. Questioning the cops right to exist, doesn't make the rider anymore right, he fell off.
If a pretty girl happened upon you and your friends near a dark alley, and ran into traffic to avoid you, and was killed would it be your fault?
If you don't get the basic premise, you might crash in the same situation and blame the cop. If that is the case then it scares me that you are on the same road as I. People need to learn from & take ownership of their own mistakes, and learn from the mistakes of others.

I wonder what the track guys think. Would they want this guy to take it to the track, or is he too dangerous?
You're right, I am assuming that, I don't know for sure. I should qualify my statement with an IF condition. IF his placement was purposeful and strategic, then I stand by my comments. If not, and he was indeed just there by accident, or finishing up another task, then I withdraw my comments entirely.
What!!!???? You're kidding right??? What difference does it make why the cop was there? He just was. 100% rider fault regardless of why the cop was there. The rider is just lucky the cop wasn't in motion on the roadway as they met at the corner, otherwise he'd be picking bumper out of his teeth.
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What!!!???? You're kidding right??? What difference does it make why the cop was there? He just was. 100% rider fault regardless of why the cop was there. The rider is just lucky the cop wasn't in motion on the roadway as they met at the corner, otherwise he'd be picking bumper out of his teeth.

I never said it was the cop's fault the rider fell. Just as it wouldn't be my fault if I ALMOST punched your face, and you flinched and fell down and hurt yourself.
I never said it was the cop's fault the rider fell. Just as it wouldn't be my fault if I ALMOST punched your face, and you flinched and fell down and hurt yourself.

The difference would be that almost punching someone in the face would be interpreted as assault. The cop had every legal right to be there in performance of his duties.
The difference would be that almost punching someone in the face would be interpreted as assault. The cop had every legal right to be there in performance of his duties.

Show me the illegality of "almost assault" in any legal text. Also, for the record, I'm 100% not arguing the cop's LEGAL RIGHT to be where he was at all. He had full right (probably, unless there are some strange rules about not parking a car there, etc) to be there.
lack of owning up to ones mistakes like some of you are spewing here is whats leading this world down the shitter and has turned the US into a litigation mecca.

"coffee's too hot when i spilled it while driving!!" sues McDonald's and wins...

"I made a mistake because i got spooked by a cop standing on the side of the road = not my fault!"

I think we are missing the point here. The title of the thread is that 'Cops should watch this' and I agree. Cops should watch this and hopefully learn not to set speed traps in corners, whether or not the cop in video had a speed trap there doesn't matter.

When I am driving and I see a cop, I hit the brakes whether I am speeding or not. It's a natural reaction. I completely understand why this rider went down.
I think we are missing the point here. The title of the thread is that 'Cops should watch this' and I agree. Cops should watch this and hopefully learn not to set speed traps in corners, whether or not the cop in video had a speed trap there doesn't matter.

When I am driving and I see a cop, I hit the brakes whether I am speeding or not. It's a natural reaction. I completely understand why this rider went down.

It may be a natural reaction, but it's one that motorcyclists have to train themselves to resist. Physics dictate that grabbing a handful of brake in a corner, at any significant lean angle, will either result in pavement surfing of straightening up, running wide, and going off-roading. Control of your vehicle trumps what's at the side of the road, every time.
It may be a natural reaction, but it's one that motorcyclists have to train themselves to resist. Physics dictate that grabbing a handful of brake in a corner, at any significant lean angle, will either result in pavement surfing of straightening up, running wide, and going off-roading. Control of your vehicle trumps what's at the side of the road, every time.

It's a learned reaction and its dangerous. By the time people see the cop, he's already got them if he wants them. When they slam on the brakes like that, they're behaving erratically and he might see it as being in the best interest of the public to get them off of the road.
Duplicate post, please ignore.
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Dumb riders should watch this!

anyone who even remotely suggests it was the cop's fault should get spanked.

Ditto. I volunteer to stand on the other side of his *** to make sure no cheek is spared. :D

Edit: Sorry for the double post. I can't delete the copy for some reason.
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Show me the illegality of "almost assault" in any legal text.
Physically taking a swing at someone, whether you make contact or not, is assault.

When I am driving and I see a cop, I hit the brakes whether I am speeding or not. It's a natural reaction. I completely understand why this rider went down.
I tend to ride/drive within an acceptable range of the speed limit, and therefore do not hit the brakes when I see a cop. I usually only have to brake because the driver in front of me inexplicably stomps on them.
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