Cops came looking for me...

Obviously you weren't around when they called in pretty much every owner of a Camaro in southern Ontario, in to examine/ask questions during the hunt for the killer's of Christen French/Leslie Mahaffee back in the '80s.

Turned out to be a red-herring.. Paul Bernardo drove a 300zx. It shows precident, however.

Wasn't that a cream coloured Berlinetta model? I remeber a neighbour down the street having one and thinking hmm..
Is there a time limit on arresting someone for murder? It could be a cold case that was in the papers years ago.
Is there a time limit on arresting someone for murder? It could be a cold case that was in the papers years ago.
No statute of limitations for indictable criminal code offences. That includes ordinarily minor but hybrid criminal offences that can be pursued either summarily or by indictment.
Is there a time limit on arresting someone for murder? It could be a cold case that was in the papers years ago.

Same colour and model of bike, according to the story. The bike doesn't look too old so it should be fairly recent
Years ago I got temporarily detained roadside because the car I was driving was the same as one seen leaving a nearby break in. Cop was decent, no attitude and then he apologised when they found the suspect car was a different make.
The story rings true to me. Not every bad thing happening makes the news. And, having seen how cops operate, that's exactly what I would expect patrol officers following up on general information would be doing - anyone that is close to matching the description of the perp is gonna get grilled. Lucky for the OP he wasn't arrested, put into the system and interrogated at the station. As it is, he's only in the system for having been detained and questioned so he doesn't have to disclose this incident when crossing the border.
Why hasn't the murder, and body-burying of an 18 year old girl in North York made the local news?

Back in high school my friend's cousin was stabbed in the back of the head while we were running away from some people we shouldn't have associated ourselves with. He died. Not on the news.

I can't believe some people find this unbelievable though lol
I listen to the OPP and TPS online. They are not encrypted. The OPP is digital, but they aren't encrypted. There was a plan to move to encryption, but that hasn't happened yet
Not everything goes over the radio. If this was a few days old case than at the beginning of their shift they would have been told to look for XXX during their briefing.
So the only thing they know about their suspect is that he hangs out in the yonge and finch area, and rides a bike exactly like the OPs?
This whole story is BS

+1 if anything all they were doing was checking to see if the bike rider was drinking and if the bar is known for a young crowd that would mostly likely mean someone with an M2, which means no alcohol allowed in your blood at all. But still, the entire story sounds ridiculous.
Is this the story? its a long shot but thats the closest thing I can find
This is it., actually a friend of mine showed me that pic (the guy) in a local Persian paper the next day.
And for all of you who thought the story was BS. Do you seriously think someone is bored enough to come up with a story like that and write half a page at 4:30 am to impress you? really? Youre either kidding yourself or youre actually that bored yourselves lol Plus, i knew writing this will attract some flamers but youre on every thread anyways, there is no stopping you lol. this is what happened to me.
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