Cops came looking for me...


This was just a scary encounter with cops
A few nights ago i was at a lounge in north york with my bike parks in the front on yonge st when two cops came in which is normal. They usually come and check for underage drinking and ... They went with the owner and checked the place (washrooms, kitchen and ...), came back and as they were talking, one of the regulars walks up to me and tells me to leave from the back door cause theyre looking for me! The only think i could think of was the possibility of me having ran a red or speeding or something along those lines because otherwise im clean and yet for some stupid reason (just in the moment) i actually walked out of the backdoor and some guy brought my helmet and jacket which was behind a couch. Walked for about 100mt when i realized, either way, they have my license and that im clean so i figured i should just walk back and find out why are they looking for me. As i walked back towards the back door, the cops came out of the backdoor and one of them saw the helmet in my hand and bolted towards me (which was a pretty freaky moment). after much questioning and checking my id, ownership, insurance, the bikes serial number and asking pretty much all the details of my life with the angriest tone right up in my face and pretty much ready to take me down(which left me even more baffled) , he went back to his cruiser(asking me to stick around), came back after 35 min and after apologizing told me that some dude with the same bike as mine, same color and model is wanted for MURDER of an 18 yr old girl which he buried in the area after killing her (R.I.P little girl). Apparently this was his chilling spot so as soon as they saw my bike, they thought bingo!
def one of the weirdest experiences of my life!
...or maybe....
Thats such BS!! Exactly like jonnyhockey said, why havent we heard about this on the news! That was a lame excuse to harass you and if I was you would look into it more and get the cop info.
Thats such BS!! Exactly like jonnyhockey said, why havent we heard about this on the news! That was a lame excuse to harass you and if I was you would look into it more and get the cop info.

This whole story is BS
Thats such BS!! Exactly like jonnyhockey said, why havent we heard about this on the news! That was a lame excuse to harass you and if I was you would look into it more and get the cop info.

agreed . . . would have been on the news. Also cops would never disclose who they were looking for and why. AAaahhh this forum is getting trolled like crazy these days . . .

if you were a possible suspect in a murder investigation they wouldn't confront you at a kareokee bar

also, if they had all the info of the bike, ex plate/ vin, they wouldn't bother looking for you cause they know its not the bike they're looking for.

thats like saying a red civic was seen leaving the scene, therefore lets question every single red civic in the area.

like i said.. bull

if you were a possible suspect in a murder investigation they wouldn't confront you at a kareokee bar

also, if they had all the info of the bike, ex plate/ vin, they wouldn't bother looking for you cause they know its not the bike they're looking for.

thats like saying a red civic was seen leaving the scene, therefore lets question every single red civic in the area.

like i said.. bull

Obviously you weren't around when they called in pretty much every owner of a Camaro in southern Ontario, in to examine/ask questions during the hunt for the killer's of Christen French/Leslie Mahaffee back in the '80s.

Turned out to be a red-herring.. Paul Bernardo drove a 300zx. It shows precident, however.
thats like saying a red civic was seen leaving the scene, therefore lets question every single red civic in the area.

LOL. Cops do this all the time. It's called canvassing the area. You think police work is super scientific forensic driven **** you see on television?

Its almost always a fishing expedition on their part.

Completely believable story.
I'm glad that your acting like you were guilty didn't get you into trouble.
LOL. Cops do this all the time. It's called canvassing the area. You think police work is super scientific forensic driven **** you see on television?

More recently, Russell Williams was linked to a murder in the Trenton area in the same way.
we dont hear about half the **** that happens in the city. ask your cop buddies

Police scanners are monitored by many. If something like this were to break, the media would be ALL OVER it. Think about it, digging up the body of an 18 year old? And if it were to be all hush-hush, would the cops reveal to this dude exactly what happened?

This story smells like the dump my coffee is about to induce.
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