Crazy on top of crazy. Forcillo playing the role of Yatim ...
You only need to watch a few minutes of that video to see everything he is saying was given to him by his lawyers.
He's not even a convincing liar, total contradiction.
"I never wanted to kill him"
So are we to believe that firing 3 bullets at someone is not likely to kill them?
I assume police officers know that a gun is designed to kill someone and that it fires real bullets right?
Now try and explain how he "didn't want to kill him" with the next 6 bullets.
If he seriously expects us to believe that, then he's either the dumbest individual on earth or he's lying.
Now we're getting down to the nitty gritty.
"In your mind, officers are entitled to bark orders and make demands and expect people to follow, and you were amazed when someone didn't follow," the Crown lawyer said.
"Police officers are entitled to choose what they think will work best in a particular situation," Forcillo contended.
Rupic also said that Forcillo intended to kill Yatim when he fired nine times, leading to a tense exchange.
"Are you suggesting that firing nine bullets at somebody is not likely to kill him?" Rupic asked.
"I fired the bullets at him because I thought he was a threat to my life," Forcillo said.
"I'm asking if you knew you were likely to kill Sammy Yatim," Rupic asked.
"I am not considering whether these bullets are going to kill him. I'm considering whether or not they're going to stop him."