Well since a jury is made up of "the peanut gallery" as you call it, should that no longer be an option in the courts either?
Even if this killer is somehow found not guilty, it will just prove one thing, the whole system is completely corrupt and unreliable now.
Doesn't take a genius to read the testimony, see the video, and realize we have a problem with lying bully cops and anger management.
Anyones grandparents would watch that and call it an out right slaughter, and after seeing his performance in court, would call him a terrible liar too.
Incredible that all those people trapped in the streetcar for a couple mins weren't killed by such a violent individual.
I think if Canada passed a law tomorrow saying you could sacrifice a baby to make it rain on your crops, you'd think that's just fine because "it's the law" now. That's what happens when you go through the brainwashing program, apparently, you lose all independent thought and become a robot.
The LAW of man is now above logic, common sense or even rational decision making.
Wait until it's someone you love, then you'll look at things differently.
Let's just throw out a scenario, your son goes to the bar and someone puts something in his drink because they think it will be funny.
He has a bad reaction and winds up in Sammys position, on the bus, thinking someone is trying to kill him.
When he gets shot dead, you'll walk over and congratulate the cop for doing his job right?
The peanut gallery has spoken.