Const. James Forcillo shot Sammy Yatim - the trial

Unfortunately it's almost any group. Human nature? Cops are supposed to be held to a higher standard due to their position. As are priests. Unfortunately the bad apples drive down the group.

We know it human nature and their will always be the few bad apples. The issue is how the many deal with the few. If the many good would draw that line and deal with the few bad swiftly and harshly then the majority of people can respect and understand. Show leadership and integrity if not it makes you worse than the bad ones since you are now actively covering up for them and shielding them.
Unfortunately it's almost any group. Human nature? Cops are supposed to be held to a higher standard due to their position. As are priests. Unfortunately the bad apples drive down the group.

IMO most cops start with good intentions but get it from both sides. A cop is a slimeball if he gives someone a ticket but an under performer to his superior if he doesn't generate enough income. Forcillo is possibly an aberration that wouldn't have lasted long anyway except that when the blue line is being attacked from both sides it tries to avoid internal division as well.

THE PROBLEM IS WITH THE POLITICIANS that pimp out the cops instead of letting them do the right thing. "Serve and Protect" is BS. It's "Serve and Collect". Don't enforce anything unless it has the maximum payout.
Well since a jury is made up of "the peanut gallery" as you call it, should that no longer be an option in the courts either?
Even if this killer is somehow found not guilty, it will just prove one thing, the whole system is completely corrupt and unreliable now.
Doesn't take a genius to read the testimony, see the video, and realize we have a problem with lying bully cops and anger management.
Anyones grandparents would watch that and call it an out right slaughter, and after seeing his performance in court, would call him a terrible liar too.
Incredible that all those people trapped in the streetcar for a couple mins weren't killed by such a violent individual.

I think if Canada passed a law tomorrow saying you could sacrifice a baby to make it rain on your crops, you'd think that's just fine because "it's the law" now. That's what happens when you go through the brainwashing program, apparently, you lose all independent thought and become a robot.

The LAW of man is now above logic, common sense or even rational decision making.
Wait until it's someone you love, then you'll look at things differently.

Let's just throw out a scenario, your son goes to the bar and someone puts something in his drink because they think it will be funny.
He has a bad reaction and winds up in Sammys position, on the bus, thinking someone is trying to kill him.
When he gets shot dead, you'll walk over and congratulate the cop for doing his job right?

The peanut gallery has spoken.

Well said.

IMO Forcillo is just plain mentally unstable and should not be wearing a badge. How he passed the psychological interview is beyond me.
Well said.

IMO Forcillo is just plain mentally unstable and should not be wearing a badge. How he passed the psychological interview is beyond me.
There lays the problem, he is exactly what they are looking for.

I wonder if they make 100k a year with pensions, benefits, vacations, etc etc.....

There lays the problem, he is exactly what they are looking for.

A friends nephew is in training now, he's 19, doesn't know nuttin', i wouldn't let this kid borrow my mower because he hasn't learned anything in life yet.
He's a guaranteed shoe in for the following reasons.
No father figure at home, he will listen to anyone that has something to offer him, and he likes money. A YES man.
In great shape, lifts weights, takes those silly supplements etc.. he will surely say yes when offered steroids by his peers.
Enjoys first person shooter video games.
Likes the thought of driving fast, chasing suspects and having some form of authority and purpose.
We will have to see how he turns out.
We know it human nature and their will always be the few bad apples. The issue is how the many deal with the few. If the many good would draw that line and deal with the few bad swiftly and harshly then the majority of people can respect and understand. Show leadership and integrity if not it makes you worse than the bad ones since you are now actively covering up for them and shielding them.
That's what he was talking about, he wasn't saying it's human nature to have a few bad apples. It's human nature to rally around those who we see being part of our 'group'. Families, workplace colleagues, teammates, gendre, religion, political leaning, hair colour, whatever.

It takes a strong effort to recognize when we're behaving that way and then separate ourselves from whatever association is restricting our perspective. Cops might be worse at it though because they wield quite a bit of power, and they have a natural inclination to bully others to get what they want (that's almost their job description).
I wonder if they make 100k a year with pensions, benefits, vacations, etc etc.....

A friends nephew is in training now, he's 19, doesn't know nuttin', i wouldn't let this kid borrow my mower because he hasn't learned anything in life yet.
He's a guaranteed shoe in for the following reasons.
No father figure at home, he will listen to anyone that has something to offer him, and he likes money. A YES man.
In great shape, lifts weights, takes those silly supplements etc.. he will surely say yes when offered steroids by his peers.
Enjoys first person shooter video games.
Likes the thought of driving fast, chasing suspects and having some form of authority and purpose.
We will have to see how he turns out.

This is exactly what is wrong with our police force.
They hire D-bags. I have a friend that applied, former military reserve, university graduate (engineer), cool level headed fair guy, travelled & has some life experience (late 30's when he applied).
Met all the physical tests. Didn't make the cut. I was shocked when he told me. But in reality the force probably wants a blank slate to start with. You don't want independent thinkers that might not be a "team" player.
So if Forcillo does get convicted, which I doubt, how long before sentencing?

This has been going on for 5 years with no end in sight

And I also wonder what you have to do to get fired from the police Just an FYI, showing a woman a picture for your erection and saying "Yes, its really that big" is probably not a good pickup line
And I also wonder what you have to do to get fired from the police Just an FYI, showing a woman a picture for your erection and saying "Yes, its really that big" is probably not a good pickup line

You can't make some of that stuff up:)

I just had to sit through a 4 hour mandatory training course on harassment last Tuesday with 2 hours focused on the new Ontario Labour standards. We have 0 tolerance, so if you did anything mentioned in that article you would be out the door with cause. And I agree with that. People should be able to go to work without the fear of harassment, sexual or otherwise.
So many sexual predators with a badge. yikes.

It seems to come with the uniform and the number makes it hard to fight. Police, fire, military all have bad apples and if they didn't defend them the settlement costs would be embarrassing so they pile massive amounts of money into fighting claims.
I see you're in charge of handing out man cards in various threads.
Haven't handed one out yet, neither to man shooting others 9 times or man seating around complaining about woman.
Nothing to discuss.

The actions of an honourable man vs the actions of a gutless idiot.

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