Civic vs. 600

Apparently there is a guy and they call his car untouchable...white civic hatch...says he beat a 600...dont know how true it is...can anyone back that up...

whats the quater mile time for a 600?

is there any 600s willing to race:) I would love to see that! but i heard he only races for money..

I think his car is on TCC (toronto civic club) and TSR (toronto street racing) websites...
Yellowfeevah said:
Apparently there is a guy and they call his car untouchable...white civic hatch...says he beat a 600...dont know how true it is...can anyone back that up...

whats the quater mile time for a 600?

is there any 600s willing to race:) I would love to see that! but i heard he only races for money..

I think his car is on TCC (toronto civic club) and TSR (toronto street racing) websites...

buddy, you have a F4i, why not try him yourself?

stock 600cc SS can do high 10s with a good drag racer.
My bike was suppose to race his car...but i wasnt going to ride it..not to good at launching the bike. (just started riding) my buddy on the other hand was willing to race, so we made the call to him and he said, he doesnt want to waste his time with a 600...
Yellowfeevah said:
My bike was suppose to race his car...but i wasnt going to ride it..not to good at launching the bike. (just started riding) my buddy on the other hand was willing to race, so we made the call to him and he said, he doesnt want to waste his time with a 600...

lol, a 600 will smoke a civ...unless its had some serious work done;not likely....if he doesnt want to "waste" time on a 600....hes too p.ussy and all talk, and knows he will get smoked. end of story. race him and make him look like an, there is no way in hell he will beat a 750 or higher, if he thinks 600's are too slow.
_-'G3'-_ said:
Yellowfeevah said:
My bike was suppose to race his car...but i wasnt going to ride it..not to good at launching the bike. (just started riding) my buddy on the other hand was willing to race, so we made the call to him and he said, he doesnt want to waste his time with a 600...

lol, a 600 will smoke a civ...unless its had some serious work done;not likely....if he doesnt want to "waste" time on a 600....hes too p.ussy and all talk, and knows he will get smoked. end of story. race him and make him look like an, there is no way in hell he will beat a 750 or higher, if he thinks 600's are too slow.

WHy "Not likely"? do you know the guy?

And just for your info
A 600 will out launch a 750
come back when you get a clue
Is the guy running 400 horsepower or something?
white hatch, with a lip on the hatch ? European guy?
May know who you're talking about...he runs his mouth a lot about his car and likes betting big when he races...dunno if he'd be quick enough to beat a bike but i've been told the car's fast...motorwork/turbo...about all i know tho

(if it's the same guy i'm talking about) he lives 30 seconds from my place
Nope, i have no idea who he is, my buddy has a friend that knows him...i just see him at the car Timmys at kennedy commons on wed. and saturdays woodbridge...

it would be fun to watch a race like that...but he only wants to race for cash? anyone wants to put down cash to race their 600 against this dude? Dmitri :D ???
If it's the white civic hatch that my friend Matt(he is on this site as well) built and sold a while back, then it will rip a 600 apart.
most of these guys just like to talk smack, i know enough of could be a wicked car...might not, i havnt seen too many of those....esp if he wasting time at a timmies...if its that fast why not actually race instead of sitting around...but thats just my opinion.

just race, win some lose some. how much u betting?
sombody stupid enough to believe a civic can beat a bike must be on heavy drugs or not neary enough. if he wants to race tell him to find me. **** ive killed lambos. i doubt his civc can beat them, and if so why isnt he at the track. we wont tell him i have an 1100 though i dun think he has the capacity to figure it out anyhow. :evil: ------- maybe it cuz im still emotional from the ride i just took, bloody bicycleists.---------------------------------
but i think ide be wasting my time. keep in mind i raced race my dads 500 RWHP C5 Vette and whipped that.

by chance does anybody actually know the dude, cuz ide really like to know the truth here. im sorry im being harsh but ive never expirianced a civic beat any bike 600 or whatever. this thing must have like 1000 hp,
i want a spot reserved to for this race to, s@#$, Warp speed ill bring the popcorn. u bring the coke.
Wow, fast in a straight line. Very exciting. :sleepy2:
mitch_1100xx said:
Warp speed u bring the coke.

now don't be telling ppl that... tell them it's uhm... PEPSI :lol:
I am more of a pepsi man:D

if anyone is willing to put cash down let me know (ill get a #$)..and ill get my buddy to make him come out, cuz like i said he thinks its a waste of his time to waste a 600...even my car buddies want to see this...cuz they are all cheerin for the bowl of rice

just found out he also uses spray...
yea i know i shouldnt race pinks and i probably wouldnt but i really hate the fast and the furious types. when a honda all of a sudden has a body kit and spoiler, and now the dude has an F18 that does every thing but jirk him off. it really upsets me thats all im saying. in all honesty im not gunna lie even ive only put like 1000 on my bike since i got it the thing is a 99 with out even 3000km( i dun like dorpping the transmission at the corner to smoke the tires cuz i dont abuse what i own)as i dont trust others around it so i ride an ST most days. Some ppl just think that they are invincible and I, as well as my dad, and some of my buddies (with assorted speed machines,) and many others, im sure dont like it either. i know there are a lot of racers that can out ride me and have bikes that kill my bike, my bike aint that fast consitering some of the bikes ive seen and other guys i know running high 7s on a busa. tell me when this happens and maybe ill come down and for the love of god sombody call up a racer and win this race put this dumb *** in his place. ---my offer still stand ill bring the popcorn.------- :)

edit: what shot nos is he using. cuz i cant imagine it being more then 75, i can see all his plugs poppin throught the hood especially if the engine is already tuned high. there is only so much an small engine can take and nobody should kidd themselves there.
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