cc in collections - settling vs pay in full

Not true, its 7 years in the US and 6 years in Canada.

Also a Line of Credit is one of the most difficult lending products to qualify for. A secured Line of Credit and mortgage are easier because of the collateral of the house.

Dont confuse collections due to utility bills the same as collections due to credit card debit. Underwriters don't care for the $32 collection for Rogers Cable. They know that some utility companies send their clients to collections really quickly. I know the 407 sends you if your more than 30 days past due, tecnically thats a R2 on the bureau. A lot of utilities in collections are unwarrated.

The only thing that repairs credit is time. Every thing is calculated based on the date of activity. If you keep updating the bad debts by making payments your not helping the cause. I was a FICO score specialist trained by Equifax. I know what I'm talking about. Also, the original creditor usually will not buy back the debt as they take a 20% loss buy selling it, then will take a loss again if they buy it back, so to settle fpr a lower amount doesnt make sense.

I was just providing some general guidelines. A $32 collection with Rogers can be a royal pain depending on the scrutiny of the lender and the financial product. Not all are viewed the same way.
and you did it the way that cost you more interest and more money overall. great.advice
the idea is momentum, my interest rates were all between 20-25%, so I was dinged either way.

I'm not trying to be offensive, it just sucks balls to see people in debt/be in debt. As of October 2012 I owe 0.00 to anyone, aside from rent/cell phone. Its a freaking awesome feeling.
Good luck dude, hopefully you solve this quick.
the idea is momentum, my interest rates were all between 20-25%, so I was dinged either way.

I'm not trying to be offensive, it just sucks balls to see people in debt/be in debt. As of October 2012 I owe 0.00 to anyone, aside from rent/cell phone. Its a freaking awesome feeling.
Good luck dude, hopefully you solve this quick.

Maybe I'm missing something (or likely I have to pay $$$ to read more in-depth), but this method seems purely a self-motivating/psychological thing. Hey, if it worked for you and you're debt free, then that's great. But if you're going to give advice, at least explain why your method is more beneficial if it goes against accepted wisdom.
I know this thread is old, but just posting an update.
I bought in for $100 at the casino to play 1/2 nl poker, and ended up going on a heater. Over 8 hrs of play, I cashed out $2600. Paid off Bmo in full, and made put the rest in my savings account. Almost ready to pay visa off in full.
I know this thread is old, but just posting an update.
I bought in for $100 at the casino to play 1/2 nl poker, and ended up going on a heater. Over 8 hrs of play, I cashed out $2600. Paid off Bmo in full, and made put the rest in my savings account. Almost ready to pay visa off in full.

Wow. Nice job.

Once you get stuff paid off, I'd start from scratch and learn how to truly live within your means. Gambling as a way to get out of debt might not always work out this favourably.


Now make enough to buy a cb500 :D ahhaha

Edit) oh and if you can, make minimum payments on that visa. until you can pay in full. in the eyes of credit bureau and what not, the consistency is what helps to save your rating.

@shortstop: yes and no. poker you have a "better control of the game" but then you also get millions of people investing in the stock market which, IMO is the biggest gamble of them all. but it's still viewed as the smart and good thing to do!
i've seen so many people go broke (over bad decisions)... but if he's able to be good enough at calculating his odds at poker, at least there are rules there that can be understood clearly. markets though... :/
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@shortstop: yes and no. poker you have a "better control of the game" but then you also get millions of people investing in the stock market which, IMO is the biggest gamble of them all. but it's still viewed as the smart and good thing to do!
i've seen so many people go broke (over bad decisions)... but if he's able to be good enough at calculating his odds at poker, at least there are rules there that can be understood clearly. markets though... :/

Well, I didn't advocate investing in the stock market either. I simply suggested learning to financially live within one's means. That way one doesn't have to depend on gambling/poker/whatever in order to dig themselves out of a debt hole.
Well, I didn't advocate investing in the stock market either. I simply suggested learning to financially live within one's means. That way one doesn't have to depend on gambling/poker/whatever in order to dig themselves out of a debt hole.
Yeah true... im just reflecting on what "society" portrays as an evil gambling and good gambling :p
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