Yeah I projected 5-6k saved by mid Feb if I can utilize what I've learned from a friend of Hebrew descent.
Hebrew descent ? That is interesting. Shouldn't that be Jewish ? Wait, for it....Wait, for it.... I feel it coming.
Yeah I projected 5-6k saved by mid Feb if I can utilize what I've learned from a friend of Hebrew descent.
that makes no sense. you pay what has the highest interest rate first, how much is left doesn't really help youIf it's all gone to collections, try and settle with everyone, reasonably. Long time ago in a galaxy far away, I got behind a wee bit. Paid minimum payments on everything but the smallest debt. Pay everything you can on the smallest one till paid off. Move on to the next smallest - rinse and repeat. If you can't even float the minimums, you're in trouble. Like has been said, make a life adjustment. Get a roommate, move back in witht the folks, sell stuff, live very frugally for a while. If you think you have a problem with the poker - be honest with yourself. Maybe cancel the interweb for a while? If it's poker that got you to where you are, perhaps you should try something more…financially rewarding.
To answer your question, you lose nothing by trying to settle when they call.
The plan
Pay MasterCard in full; settle visa/chase for lowest possible amount. Start dumping money into tfsa/savings acc; obtain fresh MasterCard to stack and payin full end of month. Obtain increase after 1 year and never let this happen again. Get back into full tilt poker on side and rebuild bankroll for extra income. Strong credit rebuilt by 28.
The plan
Pay MasterCard in full; settle visa/chase for lowest possible amount. Start dumping money into tfsa/savings acc; obtain fresh MasterCard to stack and payin full end of month. Obtain increase after 1 year and never let this happen again. Get back into full tilt poker on side and rebuild bankroll for extra income. Strong credit rebuilt by 28.
Call one of those many many many debt reduction places that claim they can get you out of debt paying 20% of what you owe or something.
I was always thought growing up that the Banks your best friend and not to ever cross or lose that friendship.... So on that note You ****ed up and lost your best Friend... till this day my best friend's name is credit unio...
I spoke with the collection agency. For a settlement , they are only willing to knock 200$ off the original balance.
1750$ for Bmo.
that makes no sense. you pay what has the highest interest rate first, how much is left doesn't really help you