cc in collections - settling vs pay in full

Had an outstanding Rogers bill against me from 2003 (should be clear this year) that went to collections...... but during that time I got one mortgage approval, three credit cards and a cell phone service.

It was a shoddy $300 bill because I told them I would pay the $50 to cancel my old phone, but they kept accumulating the regular monthly usage without me knowing or sending me invoices. So after years of interest it was in the $700 range.

Either way, doesn't look like it's affected me (or doesn't anymore?).

The general name for it is a Debt Snowball, you pay the most you can on the lowest while still making at least the minimum payments on the other...then you go to the next lowest after the first ones paid, paying the original amount you had on the first cc + the minimum...and so on...worked for me, I had about 6000 in debt(cc +loan), got sort of focused, and had it done in about 2 years
It worked, but did you pay out the least amount of interest? No.
The general name for it is a Debt Snowball, you pay the most you can on the lowest while still making at least the minimum payments on the other...then you go to the next lowest after the first ones paid, paying the original amount you had on the first cc + the minimum...and so on...worked for me, I had about 6000 in debt(cc +loan), got sort of focused, and had it done in about 2 years

and you did it the way that cost you more interest and more money overall. great.advice
Had an outstanding Rogers bill against me from 2003 (should be clear this year) that went to collections...... but during that time I got one mortgage approval, three credit cards and a cell phone service.

It was a shoddy $300 bill because I told them I would pay the $50 to cancel my old phone, but they kept accumulating the regular monthly usage without me knowing or sending me invoices. So after years of interest it was in the $700 range.

Either way, doesn't look like it's affected me (or doesn't anymore?).


lol had a student loan that went into collection but still managed to get 2 mortgage approvals to buy 2 houses since.

it's not the end of the world having bad credit if you have a stable job and lots of cash on hand.
Had an outstanding Rogers bill against me from 2003 (should be clear this year) that went to collections...... but during that time I got one mortgage approval, three credit cards and a cell phone service.

It was a shoddy $300 bill because I told them I would pay the $50 to cancel my old phone, but they kept accumulating the regular monthly usage without me knowing or sending me invoices. So after years of interest it was in the $700 range.

Either way, doesn't look like it's affected me (or doesn't anymore?).


I walked away from a gym membership. They didnt wanna cancel me so i just stop paying them. They wanted $200 from collections. That was 5yrs ago. I recently leased a car this yr. Didnt seem to affect me

Sent from my tablet using my paws
lol had a student loan that went into collection but still managed to get 2 mortgage approvals to buy 2 houses since.

it's not the end of the world having bad credit if you have a stable job and lots of cash on hand.

if Op had this i doubt we would be in this dilemma today .....
Well I'm 23 years old, and it takes 7 years to rebuild credit. No plans for a mortgage or loan anytime soon.
What's the best play? Let's keep honesty out of the equation.

if it's paid off it will be gone from your report in 3 years or at least mines was. I paid mines off in full from collection agency. Not sure how a settlement works.
Yawn.... Let me be the first to give you some REAL advice for this situation...

Don't make any acknowledgments to the CC, don't own up to the debt, don't even admit that it is yours...
And... Don't pay anything to them! Not a cent!!!!!!!!
Look into the staue of limitatation regarding Collections, debt.... Whether or not you pay off the debt, you credit will be affected for the same period of time...
Paying it off is a waste of money!!!
This doesn't count when it's gov debt though
With the interest that added up over the last year - ~$2000
I should of noted that I have an RBC Visa in collections with a balance of $3500.
I also have a Futureshop cc for an iMac purchased 1 year ago probably in collections. Total debt around 6500-7000.
I'm making money, but I have 1k/rent to pay, and other expenses for Toronto city living. I was on the ball for so many years and at one point had a Equifax score of ~700. That all collapsed within a couple months and paying debt off has been downhill since. I've been slacking and I only have myself to blame. My parents think I have this under control.. I'm trying to focus on one cc at a time , hence why I posted about BMO.

I picked up a decent paying job as soon as my bridge collapsed, but spent the last year with horrible money management. I have 2k saved up from last 1.5months. I just want to tie everything off and start fresh. I spoke with MasterCard management today, and they said that if I can pay off my MasterCard in full, they reassured me that they would try to get a fresh MasterCard account set up for me with conditions since my credit score is completely shot.

I would like to pay Bmo in full, settle visa, chase for the lowest amount possible and strategically rebuild my Equifax.

Once your file is in 3rd party collections, the "portfolio" is sold off by the bank to a collections company (as you noted above). Settle for what you can, which will get your file closed, although it will be noted on your credit history that you have "settled" and for what amount. It will not show as "outstanding".

Banks back check history for 7 years (unless that had changed). Especially in the US, you could have claimed bankruptcy in the dotcom bust (circa 2000) - the very same banks would be knocking on your doors in 2008 offering you a pre-approved loan.

Not to point the finger at your directly.. but you are shining example of what's wrong with the youth of today.
"Buy now" with no after thought about how you are going to pay for it.

Yawn.... Let me be the first to give you some REAL advice for this situation...

Don't make any acknowledgments to the CC, don't own up to the debt, don't even admit that it is yours...
And... Don't pay anything to them! Not a cent!!!!!!!!
Look into the staue of limitatation regarding Collections, debt.... Whether or not you pay off the debt, you credit will be affected for the same period of time...
Paying it off is a waste of money!!!
This doesn't count when it's gov debt though

Oh yes... society definitely needs more people like you.

A friend was about 8 Gs in the whole and was offered a substantial one time offer type settlement over the phone and agreed. It was maybe 60%?? After the money was paid they denied the phone call and went after more. Get everthing in writing. The collection agencies don't care about ethics.

Bankruptcies may get wiped clean after 7 years in some places but computer memories are a Bi***. I recall reading of someone losing an opportunity 13 years after a bankruptcy not because they had gone belly up but because they filled out some application stating they had never declared bankruptcy. Someone found out.

I was also told that a CPA loses their credentials if they go bust.

The bottom line is that you never know when it's going to bite you. Judge accordingly.

At todays interest rates good negotiations would have kept the wolves from the door but that water's well past the bridge. Mitigate the damages as much as you can.
Oh yes... society definitely needs more people like you.

It's the truth... why shouldn't the OP know the truth?
I've never received a call from a collection agency... never dealt with one for anything related to myself... only on behalf of an employee...
OP isn't paying debt off to the debtee he owes at this point...

OP.... The statue of limitations is 2 years in your case. Making an agreement, making a payment and/or admission of any sort could restart that 2 years.
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It's the truth... why shouldn't the OP know the truth?
I've never received a call from a collection agency... never dealt with one for anything related to myself... only on behalf of an employee...
OP isn't paying debt off to the debtee he owes at this point...

OP.... The statue of limitations is 2 years in your case. Making an agreement, making a payment and/or admission of any sort could restart that 2 years.

Your semi right but you understand what I was trying to say in a round about way. If its already in a collection agency. Paying the debt is not really required. Your already screwed. The only thing is a third party collection agency can hold your debt for 3 years. Most companies will sell it off before 3 years and it becomes a new collection for the next agency. This can be done many times and is a way that they can keep screwing you and keeping your debt current. Doesn't happen too much in canada though. The collection debt will stay on your bureau for 3 years from the date of last activity so you keep resetting the date everytime you make a payment.

To all the people saying that you can get homes and mortgages with bad debt. You are right, thats because the home is being held as security so if you default on the mortgage they take your house. And house dont usually depreciate so thats why the banks have a lower risk scorecard for mortgages. Difference is you wont get the same rate as someone with better credit. If you lived in a different province, where homes are not worth as much as they are here in the GTA, it would not be as easy to rebuild your credit. A bankruptcy or R9 will follow you for 6 years from the date of last activity.
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Your semi right but you understand what I was trying to say in a round about way. If its already in a collection agency. Paying the debt is not really required. Your already screwed. The only thing is a third party collection agency can hold your debt for 3 years. Most companies will sell it off before 3 years and it becomes a new collection for the next agency. This can be done many times and is a way that they can keep screwing you and keeping your debt current. Doesn't happen too much in canada though. The collection debt will stay on your bureau for 3 years from the date of last activity so you keep resetting the date everytime you make a payment.

To all the people saying that you can get homes and mortgages with bad debt. You are right, thats because the home is being held as security so if you default on the mortgage they take your house. And house dont usually depreciate so thats why the banks have a lower risk scorecard for mortgages. Difference is you wont get the same rate as someone with better credit. If you lived in a different province, where homes are not worth as much as they are here in the GTA, it would not be as easy to rebuild your credit. A bankruptcy or R9 will follow you for 6 years from the date of last activity.

What does the OP care another agency, or how many agencies, buy the debt after it's delinquent. The SOL and credit history are from date of deliquency or last activity.
I didn't see your previous posts until I looked back after reading this one. I understand what you're saying...

Would I be right if I said that the OP's best option, financially, is to ignore the old debts... and put his money towards current debt, or invest it in a TFSA...?
The reason the OP cares is because how many times the debt is sold determines if he has a Collection item on his bureau for 3 years of for 21 years. The debt can be sold up to 7 times in the USA, not sure about canada. But some of those debts can haunt you. If its a low balance, the chances of them reselling it is low.

If the item already went to collection, I wouldn't even bother paying it. It does look better that you paid a debt in collection but the mere fact you had to wait untill it was reported to an agency before you made a payment is bad.
OP you can go one way or the other, but as a guy that worked account collection on a contract basis. ( we bought your 5,000. debt for 1,000 in the hope we would get more than 1k out of you) i'd clean up my trail and move on.
There are legal limits to how hard they can hound you in Canada. But it becomes a sport to these guys and it makes your life miserable. Dont want to answer the phone, scared to open the door. The mail makes your scared.
Then they get tired and if they have enough cash out, drag you into court and get a judgement against you. You get a garnished wage, deposits in your bank acct get pulled.
The good news is if your file isnt big enough or you look like a total deadbeat nobody wants the file and they ignore you.
ok, here is the deal. Your credit rating doesn't distinguish what product isn't being paid or what ends up in collections. When something ends up in collections, this will also affect your credit rating. Dates, amounts, balances, and other creditors if any. All plays a factor if you seek or look for credit in the future.

If you don't pay a major credit card that results in a charge off and they sell it to a collection agency, your credit report will show the payment history and charge off of the credit card and the collection. So, it has two events on your credit report.

If you are looking for secure credit such as a mortgage, vehicle or line of credit and even another credit card, the lender may just ask about it and go on their merry way. Some my charge you more interest because of the risk. It really depends on what is happenning.

Someone with a mortgage, line of credit and a credit card that maintains small balances and pays them regular for the last 10 years and ends up with a collection from telus may not even be looked at twice depending on what they want.

Someone with a charged off Bank of Montreal MC with a balance and a history of late payments with other creditors? Will likely experience some difficulty securing credit down the road. For how long and for what really depends.

Settling or resolving a bad debt is better than having an outstanding one. Depending on the creditor, you maybe able to work out a deal with them or the collection agency they sold the debt to. Some simply wont. Others may. It's best if you can deal with the original creditor. They can buy back the bad debt and work with you sometimes.

You can just let it be and let time distance yourself from the scars but, a credit report with little or no history is like submitting a resume to an employer without work experience. You can say you never had credit and that is fine but, depending on what you are looking for, having no credit history can affect your ability to get some.

Again, if you are looking to obtain something new and still have some poor history, some creditors will lend with a guarantor or coapplicant that has the credit history and ability to repay the debt. So, that is a possibility as well.

If there are multiple debtors with late payments, I'd pick one to maintain well and work out a plan for the rest. It's a bit of a long road but, you can salvage some sort of a good credit rating if your willing.

Bankruptcy will stay on the credit report 7 years after the discharge date. Some believe it's 7 years after they file. And if you have any kind of late payment or bad debt within those 7 years, the bankruptcy may stay on the report longer as it demonstrates a pattern of poor payments/bad debt after a bankruptcy. So, don't take it for granted the bankruptcy will fall away after 7 years like a lot of folks. I've seen some folks take years before they are discharged from their bankrupcty.

Just a few thoughts........
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ok, here is the deal. Your credit rating doesn't distinguish what product isn't being paid or what ends up in collections. When something ends up in collections, this will also affect your credit rating. Dates, amounts, balances, and other creditors if any. All plays a factor if you seek or look for credit in the future.

If you don't pay a major credit card that results in a charge off and they sell it to a collection agency, your credit report will show the payment history and charge off of the credit card and the collection. So, it has two events on your credit report.

If you are looking for secure credit such as a mortgage, vehicle or line of credit and even another credit card, the lender may just ask about it and go on their merry way. Some my charge you more interest because of the risk. It really depends on what is happenning.

Someone with a mortgage, line of credit and a credit card that maintains small balances and pays them regular for the last 10 years and ends up with a collection from telus may not even be looked at twice depending on what they want.

Settling or resolving a bad debt is better than having an outstanding one. Depending on the creditor, you maybe able to work out a deal with them or the collection agency they sold the debt to. Some simply wont. Others may. It's best if you can deal with the original creditor. They can buy back the bad debt and work with you sometimes.

Bankruptcy will stay on the credit report 7 years after the discharge date. Some believe it's 7 years after they file. And if you have any kind of late payment or bad debt within those 7 years, the bankruptcy may stay on the report longer as it demonstrates a pattern of poor payments/bad debt after a bankruptcy. So, don't take it for granted the bankruptcy will fall away after 7 years like a lot of folks. I've seen some folks take years before they are discharged from their bankrupcty.

Just a few thoughts........

Not true, its 7 years in the US and 6 years in Canada.

Also a Line of Credit is one of the most difficult lending products to qualify for. A secured Line of Credit and mortgage are easier because of the collateral of the house.

Dont confuse collections due to utility bills the same as collections due to credit card debit. Underwriters don't care for the $32 collection for Rogers Cable. They know that some utility companies send their clients to collections really quickly. I know the 407 sends you if your more than 30 days past due, tecnically thats a R2 on the bureau. A lot of utilities in collections are unwarrated.

The only thing that repairs credit is time. Every thing is calculated based on the date of activity. If you keep updating the bad debts by making payments your not helping the cause. I was a FICO score specialist trained by Equifax. I know what I'm talking about. Also, the original creditor usually will not buy back the debt as they take a 20% loss buy selling it, then will take a loss again if they buy it back, so to settle fpr a lower amount doesnt make sense.
An unlikely side effect of rotten credit is job limitations. By screwing with your credit you can also limit your job prospects. Its amazing how many jobs are linked to stable credit background.
So many young people really mess up thier career oportunities fooling around with CC debt.
Hey guys,
I screwed up with a BMO cc while in university. MasterCard closed the account, and sold my file to Partners In Credit. I understand the pros/cons settling/vs paying full through google searches, but what I found for settling were mainly Americans stating they paid 30-40% of their total balance. Can this type of settling be achievable in Canada?

Also, maybe time to cut down on the hoes and save some cash moneys son. :lmao:

Is it wise to be dating a girl that's been going on for approx. 3 years, while you have women you want different area codes? Let's say these women are in cities faaaaar faaaaar away, like 604 and 403.

Say these were previous encounters you made on business trips, that don't have you on facebook, but keep in contact with you over you cell phone every now and then; whenever you send/receive texts' from them, you delete them immediately to erase the trails.

Say you were considering telling your girlfriend.. or wife you were going to see your cousins in another city which required plane travel, when really, you're just hopping on a flight to 604. You know what the ending results would be if it backfires, but you just can't help being a cheating-son-of-a-b****!!!

What do you do?*****!!!!
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