CBC Sex-Ed Curriculum Debate

They are going to use this as spring board to push their own lifestyle or ethnically and religious agenda through.

Because in a court of law they WILL prove that these terminologies and ideas are based on LGBT lifestyle and not scientific facts..

So the result will be further division to the Canadian identity

And if some how they don't get their way. Their will be great animosity towards the gay community for receiving special treatment..

So I hope u are understanding where I am coming from.. I have no homophobic agenda.

The above quote has been shortened for brevity purposes, my questions to follow.

1, Who is using this as a spring board to push their own lifestyle agenda?, second part: Just what is that lifestyle agenda? State your answers clearly.

2, In response to your "I have no homophobic agenda" comment, you of course realize that everything you have said has been horrifically homophobic right?
Sorry, you are wrong. The lgbt community are asking for equal rights, not special/extra rights.
The fact that you won't answer my simple question speaks volumes.

Ok well if me not answering a question "speaks volumes" then okay that's the end of the discussion? So you are judging me and assuming I am something? because I won't answer a question.. Where as I am not judging you based on anything

My answer to that question has no bearing on tHis discussion just as your answer does not... The whole gay acceptance and what I believe vs you believe is over.. You are accepted! You have a premier! You have musicians artists,, people in powerful places.. I have gay friends everyone does..

Stop playing that card.. In the end they are going to play it against you.

"If i was educated, I'd be a damn fool"
Lol ok fine I am officially out of this thread based on being called homophobic again.. Not sure how many times now.. Enjoy the rest of the discussion

It's been a slice! Some good points 250noob and Scheller

see you guys on another thread

"If i was educated, I'd be a damn fool"
Sorry, cbcanada. Your concern about backlash for the lgbt community as being the reason you are against the new curriculum does not ring true to me. I think you need to be honest about what it is that bothers you about it. This is just my take based on your posts. Could be wrong but I doubt it.
Simple reason. Sex education reduces the incidence of teen pregnancy and STD's. look only to US states where evangelical Christian republicans influence what is and isn't taught in schools. Those states have more teen pregnancies and STD's.

I quote this post for truth, and also to add that if you look at that stats for teen suicide you will also find that the most teen suicides are in bible belt states. So by actually offering proper sex education you are not only saving unwanted babys and STD's your also saving lives.

Women routinely commit suicide because they have become pregnant against their family's beliefs and they feel they have no other options. Sexual education will teach them that they have options. Sexual education will teach them they have options before they get pregnant in the first place.
Lol ok fine I am officially out of this thread based on being called homophobic again.. Not sure how many times now.. Enjoy the rest of the discussion

It's been a slice! Some good points 250noob and Scheller

see you guys on another thread

"If i was educated, I'd be a damn fool"

If your not homophobic, why don't you address the questions asked of you?. You know by bowing out of the conversation you are just cementing the fact that your a raging homophobe?

You make a bunch of non sensical statements and then refuse or are unable to support them. Nobody here really cares what you think, anymore that we expect you to care about what we think. We are all just trying to have a conversation about a topic and see what viewpoints the participants have on the subject. You are unwilling to fully participate and it's irritating to people.
It's been a slice! Some good points 250noob and Scheller
"If i was educated, I'd be a damn fool"

Bit surprised you said that you rarely addressed them you just kinda moved onto another vuage objection without providing any specifics or supporting evidence
Is this the equivalent of taking your (sex) toys and going home?

On balance this thread has proven quite useful. I was against the sex ed on principle alone even tho I'd not read the curriculum and now I'm more than ok with it even tho I still haven't read the curriculum. Good job people!
First world problem. Once again, how does this new curriculum help to prepare our children to compete in the global economy? This government has been beating around the bush for as long as they can instead of focusing on what really matters to the people in this province.
First world problem. Once again, how does this new curriculum help to prepare our children to compete in the global economy?

When they attend a board meeting overseas run by a flamer they don't rear up in disgust?
First world problem. Once again, how does this new curriculum help to prepare our children to compete in the global economy? This government has been beating around the bush for as long as they can instead of focusing on what really matters to the people in this province.

This isn't going to be all they teach, ha, ha! This is just part of the health curriculum.
There will also be reading, writing, math, science, history, ...
When they attend a board meeting overseas run by a flamer they don't rear up in disgust?

As much as that is a troll its a good point. It allows people better empathy towards people of different with different places. I work with a trans women myself.
This isn't going to be all they teach, ha, ha! This is just part of the health curriculum.
There will also be reading, writing, math, science, history, ...

Although TBH our entire system does need reform this no fail way of teaching isn't helping. Prepare kids for the global economy. The teachers union needs to be gutted and moved towards a meritocracy so we can get better teachers based on skill rather than seniority.
As much as that is a troll its a good point.

You'll find a germ of truth in all my posts. That's how I roll. Otherwise I'd just be disappointed in myself.
Although TBH our entire system does need reform this no fail way of teaching isn't helping. Prepare kids for the global economy. The teachers union needs to be gutted and moved towards a meritocracy so we can get better teachers based on skill rather than seniority.

Hit the nail on the head.

Ultimately, the curriculum, whatever it is, is going to be butchered by unqualified and unwilling teachers. There will be those teachers who are vehemently against this curriculum, and will take every opportunity to teach to their own, personal standard.

Best materials in the world cannot compensate for broken tools.
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