CBC Sex-Ed Curriculum Debate

But I have problem with some ******* trying to brainwash children with his/her own sexual preference. It's parents job.

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I have failed in making my daughter a lesbian. I have tried since birth and now at 8 she insists that she will marry a boy and not a girl.......

Oh well, I'll keep trying anyway......
If being educated would make you a damn fool I guess not being educated makes you a damn ignorant fool?

Just because people did stuff in the past doesn't mean the idea is ok now. Racism and slavery used to be ok, now they are taught as wrong, the fact that they are also against the law like murder and theft also is another reason to teach that sort of thing in school.
War isn't always murder, one side is the aggressor and the other side is the defender and sometimes you have third parties helping one side or the other in which case sometimes you can consider them like police. Is it murder to kill someone who is trying to kill you or a friend?

Lol you are calling me ignorant? :-)

Every single war ever fought is about murdering people for the sake of money. And power.. Every single one..

They will give a cloud smoke reason for the war which justifies it.. you along with all the other non ignorant people who are educated and not like me will obviously believe.. Hence my bob Marley quote "if I was educated , I'd be a damn fool"

Learn the facts before you call me ignorant.. We are having a nice civil chit chat here..

Anyways back to the question at hand

What is more believable

The earth only existed for 6000 years
There is 6 different genders ?

"If i was educated, I'd be a damn fool"
The earth only existed for 6000 years
There is 6 different genders ?

"If i was educated, I'd be a damn fool"

Again the curriculum does not say there is six genders only it talks about 6 common types of gender identity

here is the exact text from the document that people are using to claim its teaching their are six genders its from c1.5 and comes from the section were in a class discusion the teaching is prompting discussion to ensure that that the concepts are getting through.

demonstrate an understanding of gender identity (e.g., male, female, two-spirited, transgender,transsexual, intersex), gender expression, and sexual orientation (e.g., heterosexual, gay, lesbian,bisexual), and identify factors that can help individuals of all identities and orientationsdevelop a positive self-concept

Note how it is giving examples of the Gender identities and note say though are the only six
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Of course the two of you don't see any problems,. Because it's very obvious you are for this.

Okay after 250noobs posts let me ask the question

What's a more absurd theory

The earth was create in 6000 years

Or the fact the curriculum not t teaches but "talks about 6 common types of gender identities "

Are we teaching facts in school or lifestyle terminologies?

When do we start teaching about swingers? And orgie party's? That's a life style too and I am sure they want to be just as legit and not discriminated against either

"If i was educated, I'd be a damn fool"
What's a more absurd theory
The earth was create in 6000 years
Or the fact the curriculum not t teaches but "talks about 6 common types of gender identities"

Its a fact that there are Male, female, transgendered, transexual and inter-sexed individuals and those that don't identify as any of those or multiple of those. Its not a lifestyle its a reality both biologically and psychologically for those individuals. Its not a lifestyle choice. No one would choose to go through transition its painful and hard and requires lifetime of medications that often have other side effects. its something they have to to feel them-selfs. Its a fact that rates of suicide are high among these individuals and its important to teach acceptance and understanding to reduce that and promote understanding and to catch young people that may be having these feelings so they can work to understand who they are and find support.

Swinging are Orgies are choices and is a not analogous for comparison.

The statement that the earth was created in 6000 years in contrary evidence and given the glut of that evidence is absurd.
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When you are old enough to handle that some consenting adults like to have group sex and /or multiple partners. I'm sure they won't teach this in the curriculum but if it was I'd have no problem with it. As long as it is taught at an appropriate age.

And they are "just as legit" as a sexually practice, well maybe not to you though.
Cbcanada, do you believe that being homosexual is a choice, or something innate/biological?

How old do you think the earth is?

fundamental Christian beliefs often are at odds with current/best scientific knowledge.
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When you are old enough to handle that some consenting adults like to have group sex and /or multiple partners. I'm sure they won't teach this in the curriculum but if it was I'd have no problem with it. As long as it is taught at an appropriate age.

While not in the curriculum its probably a common questions that gets asked of teachers during sex ed. I know when my friend taught the subject the have an open and anonymous question period and that was one of the questions.

She answered truthfully.
Again I mean no disrespect to the two of you but just consider this..

You know the people that are protesting and going bonkers over this.. They are the emotional ones..

The smart ones are the ones keeping their mouth shut and waiting for this to go through

They are going to use this as spring board to push their own lifestyle or ethnically and religious agenda through.

Because in a court of law they WILL prove that these terminologies and ideas are based on LGBT lifestyle and not scientific facts..

So the result will be further division to the Canadian identity

And if some how they don't get their way. Their will be great animosity towards the gay community for receiving special treatment..

So I hope u are understanding where I am coming from.. I have no homophobic agenda.

This curriculum could be used as a spring board for taking secularism out of public schools

"If i was educated, I'd be a damn fool"
The smart ones are the ones keeping their mouth shut and waiting for this to go through
They are going to use this as spring board to push their own lifestyle or ethnically and religious agenda through.
Because in a court of law they WILL prove that these terminologies and ideas are based on LGBT lifestyle and not scientific facts..
So the result will be further division to the Canadian identity
And if some how they don't get their way. Their will be great animosity towards the gay community for receiving special treatment..
This curriculum could be used as a spring board for taking secularism out of public schools

That is some insane conspiracy theory. Again their isn't LGBTQ lifestyle anymore than there is a straight life style.
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Again I mean no disrespect to the two of you but just consider this..

You know the people that are protesting and going bonkers over this.. They are the emotional ones..

The smart ones are the ones keeping their mouth shut and waiting for this to go through

They are going to use this as spring board to push their own lifestyle or ethnically and religious agenda through.

Because in a court of law they WILL prove that these terminologies and ideas are based on LGBT lifestyle and not scientific facts..

So the result will be further division to the Canadian identity

And if some how they don't get their way. Their will be great animosity towards the gay community for receiving special treatment..

So I hope u are understanding where I am coming from.. I have no homophobic agenda.

This curriculum could be used as a spring board for taking secularism out of public schools

"If i was educated, I'd be a damn fool"

if this is actually your concern and not a smokescreen to cover homophobia, then I think you have nothing to worry about. No one is going to court and win an argument that what is taught isn't based on the current/best scientific knowledge.

i wonder though. So how about it? Is gayness a choice or an innate bio/psychological condition in some people?
if this is actually your concern and not a smokescreen to cover homophobia, then I think you have nothing to worry about. No one is going to court and win an argument that what is taught isn't based on the current/best scientific knowledge.

i wonder though. So how about it? Is gayness a choice or an innate bio/psychological condition in some people?

I am not answering that question Schiller you keep trying to bring this discussion to the same point.. Defending this through homophobia, human rights and racism..

Calling my ideas a smoke screen?

Ok how about this,,, would you agree that the gay lesbian community made their gains through the use of the "human rights and fairness and equality" ideology?

I believe yes right?

Now for the first time they are going to be more equal and more fair then others...
They will have a curriculum pushed through that (does not matter what we think) the public and majority think belongs to them

Then the majority will bite back and demand their own equal rights.. Then the tactics you are trying to use against me.. The homophobic labelling will no longer work because you will be seen as the ones who have received the special treatment and the others will be the discriminated

"If i was educated, I'd be a damn fool"
I am not answering that question Schiller you keep trying to bring this discussion to the same point.. Defending this through homophobia, human rights and racism..

Calling my ideas a smoke screen?

Ok how about this,,, would you agree that the gay lesbian community made their gains through the use of the "human rights and fairness and equality" ideology?

I believe yes right?

Now for the first time they are going to be more equal and more fair then others...
They will have a curriculum pushed through that (does not matter what we think) the public and majority think belongs to them

Then the majority will bite back and demand their own equal rights.. Then the tactics you are trying to use against me.. The homophobic labelling will no longer work because you will be seen as the ones who have received the special treatment and the others will be the discriminate

"If i was educated, I'd be a damn fool"

Sorry, you are wrong. The lgbt community are asking for equal rights, not special/extra rights.
The fact that you won't answer my simple question speaks volumes.
Come on you have to admit if you stop thinking as pationately about this as the protesters against it do....

And really look at it... It's got a lot of holes in it.

"If i was educated, I'd be a damn fool"
Come on you have to admit if you stop thinking as pationately about this as the protesters against it do....

And really look at it... It's got a lot of holes in it.

"If i was educated, I'd be a damn fool"

I came to to position based of evidence with regards to my thoughts towards gender issues but regardless even if i thought I was just a "choice" that someone wanted to be gay or be a none CIS gender I would still have a hard time saying there is anything wrong with it. I don't see a problem with teaching kids about the reality of the Gender landscape. It will go along way to reducing intolerance to a little understood community.
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