CBC Sex-Ed Curriculum Debate

Anyways I said my piece and put the voice of reason out there.. You guys can continue.. Enjoy your weekend and ride safe

"If i was educated, I'd be a damn fool"

This statement is not factual. Why be a hypocrite?
This is simple. You have a problem with the curriculum because it teaches homosexuality as being moral.

Show us exactly how it does so. Reference the specific text in the curriculum. If you can't cite it directly then you're just dumping uninformed BS into this discussion.

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1. Proove scientifically that any gender aside from male and female exist

2. Proove scientifically gender fluidity exists

number 7 may be particular interest

"If i was educated, I'd be a damn fool"

1) http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hermaphrodite and http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Intersex
2) http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/?term=gender+identity+disorder number 7 may be of particular interest as it talks about physical brain differences in dysphoric individuals

The point is the consensus in the fields of Biology and Psychology is that it is possible to be born with a different mental biology than physical.
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The argument that schools should just teach facts and stay away from teaching morality is ludicrous. Of course school is going to teach students about morality. Religion is not the exclusive domain of morality. There is also humanistic and social morality that teaches tolerance and acceptance, something that fundamental religions are spectacularly poor at doing.
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The argument that schools should just teach facts and stay away from teaching morality is ludicrous. Of course school is going to teach students about morality. Religion is not the exclusive domain of morality. There is also humanistic and social morality that teaches tolerance and acceptance, something that fundamental religions are spectacularly poor at doing.

I tend to agree with Mart Dilahuntys stance that Secular morality is the only Morality that matters. might enjoy his talk Schneller

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Art is art.. It's not science
Political science is a debate of arguments. (Thought in university btw)
What do you classify the teaching of non proven facts as?

The next time all of you are posting on an anti religious or anti culture , "love it or leave it canada" threads just be very clear that you are being Hippocrates

"If i was educated, I'd be a damn fool"

I call that religion, and it has no place in public education. Religious places of brainwashing/worship should be delt with like pedophiles, can't come with in 500m of a school zone.
I don't know why this ministry is hell bent pushing this sex-Ed reform (actually I know but I would keep the thought to myself). Aren't there anything else more important subjects they should focus on to prepare our kids in a more competitive global economy, such as math, science, or even family value? I don't see how understanding trans/homosexual behavior will do any good to be a more productive member of society. I believe this administration has a hidden agenda.

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Simple reason. Sex education reduces the incidence of teen pregnancy and STD's. look only to US states where evangelical Christian republicans influence what is and isn't taught in schools. Those states have more teen pregnancies and STD's.
Simple reason. Sex education reduces the incidence of teen pregnancy and STD's. look only to US states where evangelical Christian republicans influence what is and isn't taught in schools. Those states have more teen pregnancies and STD's.

I agree. Basic sex-Ed is essential and can be categorized into health subject. Anything more than, which what this sex-Ed reform is about, is ******* child abuse.

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I agree. Basic sex-Ed is essential and can be categorized into health subject. Anything more than, which what this sex-Ed reform is about, is ****ing child abuse.
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There's no excuse for ignorance. Be assured that content will be taught at an age appropriate level. And no, those topics are not being introduced too early. You want children to be prepared, not naive, vulnerable, and misinformed before it's too late.

some people need to get over the fact that LGBT people exist and they are human too.
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If schools aren't supposed to teach morality then they shouldn't teach murder and stealing are bad?

Schools don't teach murder is wrong.. They teach we the allies were within our rights in going to Europe and killing 2 million Germans and Russians is ww2

We stole the land of the natives.... They live in reserves and no one hears their voice

The Russians teach the same thing to their kinds.. That they were right in killing us and going to war..

Education is free for a reason.. It gives governments a way to program it's people from a young age.. This is the price we pay learning algebra and science

To this now we will add this new sex Ed curriculum.. The ideology of a homosexual lobby that has a mission to recreate human gender identity...

Fair enough let them do it..

Just the same Religion has no place in school neither does the "theory" of 6 gender types...

Both are theories. Some believe and some don't some don't find offensive and some do

Let's stick to math and science..

You want to teach equality and respect.., sure I am all for that..

I am sure in multicultural country like canada many cultures have theories they strongly believe in but they do not have it thought in school to kids in grade three.

What if every atheists, Christian, Muslim, Hindu, Sikh group now stands up and demands what they believe also gets thought in school..

The ideology of 6 gender types is as absurd to me as religion is to most.. So why do we teach it..

You try to talk to these people and and explain this but they bring out the "you are homophobic" argument.. Essentially a race card where i am racist?? No I have gay friends, I know gay people who are against this curriculum...

"If i was educated, I'd be a damn fool"

There's no excuse for ignorance. Be assured that content will be taught at an age appropriate level. And no, those topics are not being introduced too early. You want children to be prepared, not naive, vulnerable, and misinformed before it's too late.

some people need to get over the fact that LGBT people exist and they are human too.

I have no problem with teaching everyone with gays and lesbians exist and we should get along and respect them.. Equality for all.

The problem lies in teaching VERY young children theories that are none Scientific and based on a lifestyle of a culture of people., for example 6 gender identities... What's next 2 yeas from now we teach 2 more gender identity??

It's as absurd theory as the universe being created in 6000 years or whatever it is

"If i was educated, I'd be a damn fool"
some people need to get over the fact that LGBT people exist and they are human too.

I agree each to their own but I don't like the overly sexualized LGBT behavior same as I don't like to see people perform certain bodily function in the public either even though they are all part of being human. Everybody is equal regardless their sex orientation. But I have problem with some ******* trying to brainwash children with his/her own sexual preference. It's parents job.

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I have no problem with teaching everyone with gays and lesbians exist and we should get along and respect them.. Equality for all.

The problem lies in teaching VERY young children theories that are none Scientific and based on a lifestyle of a culture of people., for example 6 gender identities... What's next 2 yeas from now we teach 2 more gender identity??

"If i was educated, I'd be a damn fool"

The whole 6-gender theory thing is a misnomer thats being pulled out of the opponents ***. In gender studies there are more that 6 genders that are distinctly some are overlapping names for the same thing. What the curriculum does is mention that it will specifically talk about 6 types of gender male, female, transgendered, transsexual, two-spirited and inter-sexed that you are saying don't exists and are just life styles but thats not true.

Inter-sexed for example is a medically identified issue were people are born with chromosomes not matching their reproductive organels
Transgendered is someone whos gender identify does not match their biological birth. This is both accepted by all majors psychologicaly as a condition not only that but further studies show physical brain differences in transgender individuals. Its also an umbrella term for a few other none conforming people.
Transexuals is someone who is a Transgenderd person who has gone through the transition and is partially or completely living as the gender they associate with.
Two-spirited is simply a Native term that seems to encompass trans people or people with other none conforming genders its no its own distinct gender.
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Schools don't teach murder is wrong.. They teach we the allies were within our rights in going to Europe and killing 2 million Germans and Russians is ww2

We stole the land of the natives.... They live in reserves and no one hears their voice

The Russians teach the same thing to their kinds.. That they were right in killing us and going to war..

Education is free for a reason.. It gives governments a way to program it's people from a young age.. This is the price we pay learning algebra and science

To this now we will add this new sex Ed curriculum.. The ideology of a homosexual lobby that has a mission to recreate human gender identity...

Fair enough let them do it..

Just the same Religion has no place in school neither does the "theory" of 6 gender types...

Both are theories. Some believe and some don't some don't find offensive and some do

Let's stick to math and science..

You want to teach equality and respect.., sure I am all for that..

I am sure in multicultural country like canada many cultures have theories they strongly believe in but they do not have it thought in school to kids in grade three.

What if every atheists, Christian, Muslim, Hindu, Sikh group now stands up and demands what they believe also gets thought in school..

The ideology of 6 gender types is as absurd to me as religion is to most.. So why do we teach it..

You try to talk to these people and and explain this but they bring out the "you are homophobic" argument.. Essentially a race card where i am racist?? No I have gay friends, I know gay people who are against this curriculum...

"If i was educated, I'd be a damn fool"

If being educated would make you a damn fool I guess not being educated makes you a damn ignorant fool?

Just because people did stuff in the past doesn't mean the idea is ok now. Racism and slavery used to be ok, now they are taught as wrong, the fact that they are also against the law like murder and theft also is another reason to teach that sort of thing in school.
War isn't always murder, one side is the aggressor and the other side is the defender and sometimes you have third parties helping one side or the other in which case sometimes you can consider them like police. Is it murder to kill someone who is trying to kill you or a friend?
We have never had a war against the Russians they were on the same side as we were.

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