If schools aren't supposed to teach morality then they shouldn't teach murder and stealing are bad?
Schools don't teach murder is wrong.. They teach we the allies were within our rights in going to Europe and killing 2 million Germans and Russians is ww2
We stole the land of the natives.... They live in reserves and no one hears their voice
The Russians teach the same thing to their kinds.. That they were right in killing us and going to war..
Education is free for a reason.. It gives governments a way to program it's people from a young age.. This is the price we pay learning algebra and science
To this now we will add this new sex Ed curriculum.. The ideology of a homosexual lobby that has a mission to recreate human gender identity...
Fair enough let them do it..
Just the same Religion has no place in school neither does the "theory" of 6 gender types...
Both are theories. Some believe and some don't some don't find offensive and some do
Let's stick to math and science..
You want to teach equality and respect.., sure I am all for that..
I am sure in multicultural country like canada many cultures have theories they strongly believe in but they do not have it thought in school to kids in grade three.
What if every atheists, Christian, Muslim, Hindu, Sikh group now stands up and demands what they believe also gets thought in school..
The ideology of 6 gender types is as absurd to me as religion is to most.. So why do we teach it..
You try to talk to these people and and explain this but they bring out the "you are homophobic" argument.. Essentially a race card where i am racist?? No I have gay friends, I know gay people who are against this curriculum...
"If i was educated, I'd be a damn fool"