"Canada sucks" crusaders move to Russia, find out Canada wasn't so bad after all.

I don't understand from the article why these people left, but I do understand that the article was intentionally written that way.
Comes a point where the propaganda BS gets so thick, it makes more people question the source.
Excessive and sloppy propaganda does a dis-service to all propagandists
I bet this article drove more voters toward the center than to either extremity

Propaganda is an art form. This was a hack job, by amateurs

Who wants to bet they quietly slink home, tail between their legs, but now broke, and end up sapping off the system on wellfare since they sold everything and then promptly lost it all in russia. And now their stupid "canada sucks so bad we're leaving" adventure becomes the taxpayers burden (for at least a while) when they return, because with 8 kids there's no way they're just picking up where they left off arring home broke.

And of course they'll be in line to collect wellfare, baby bonus, and get back on the OHIP ( rolls as soon as they land, and all their entitlements as citizens, of course.

Anyone want to put $20 on that?

I wish more of the "Canada sucks so bad, it's terrible here" reality distortion field crowd would do the same thing, pack their bags, and leave. Just don't f'n come home after the fact if you think it's so bad.
:love: By the way. Welcome to the Wonderful World of Political Posts. :love:

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