Canada post rant

That note isn't enough to stop junk mail. The post office has a legal contract to deliver "junk" mail, and the ONLY way out of the contract is for you to apply to the post office. It has to be done at the post office, before sort... other wise it's up to the carrier to get rid of YOUR junk mail, which can get him fired
I used to be a postie
... and the only people allowed, by law, to put stuff in YOUR mailbox is the post office (that law doesn't get a lot of traction)
Incorrect. Completely in left field about the junk mail. Maybe it used to be that way, but no longer.

it’s called “Consumer Choice”. If you put the note into your mailbox, the postie is supposed to open and app on their Data Terminal, type in the address and check the “NEIGHBOURHOOD mail” box to “no.” Supervisor will come to your sorting station and give you a red dot to put on that address in your sorting case, indicating no junk.

At “sequenced” depots, you’re not allowed to put your junk mail into your case. The only thing supposed to go in is the manual sort mail.
So if I’m not allowed to put my business flyer into the mailbox…what can a lowly contractor do without spending a fortune for CP to deliver it for me?
So if I’m not allowed to put my business flyer into the mailbox…what can a lowly contractor do without spending a fortune for CP to deliver it for me?
put it in their door.
So if I’m not allowed to put my business flyer into the mailbox…what can a lowly contractor do without spending a fortune for CP to deliver it for me?
I think he meant the community mailboxes. Not the individual home mailboxes.
Question to the posties.

Is there a specific time that you need to finish your route by?
Question to the posties.

Is there a specific time that you need to finish your route by?
At our depot there's 2 waves; 1st group leaves around 9.30am, 2nd group around 11.30.

Pretty much you have to be back by 8-8.30pm latest.
Question: I had an item mailed to me Express with tracking number (non-hazardous item). Small box, about 14"x10"x2" and not heavy. It was mailed to my address with a signature required. Mail delivery person came by in the truck, didn't come up the driveway, just left a notice in the mailbox for the item to be picked up at the local Post Office (I'm rural). No reason stated on the card, online stated they were unable to deliver to recipient at address.
Our local delivery lady is away so there's a stand-in person while she's away. Is there any valid reason why this person didn't make any effort to deliver to the door? I'm of the assumption they were lazy and dropping off the card is faster than actually getting out of the vehicle to deliver the item to someone. The local post office is a 15min drive away so it's a bit of an inconvenience.
No construction/dogs/alien ships in front of the house to impede an attempt at delivery. We were home, camera's show no attempt to deliver.
Incorrect. Completely in left field about the junk mail.
Left field?
The difference of what I said and what you said, is I said you had to talk to the post master at the post office (and I didn't actually say THAT, I said "IF...")... and you're saying you can get the message to the post master through the carrier.
COMPLETELY INCORRECT? LEFT FIELD? Take your internet points if you want.
You COULD have said; No, you can talk to your carrier... knowing most people never SEE their carrier.
The GIST of it is: the post master (and the red dot) cancels if you get "junk mail" and if you don't have red dot, the carrier will deliver junk mail, or the carrier is outside their contract with Canada Post.
Putting a sticky note on your mail box isn't enough.
I was a temp on RR, they don't trust temps with important stuff like cancelling junk mail... actually I got ZERO training on the magic PDA. I had to figure it out myself (I did get a hardware manual, but nothing about the software. YAY CANADA POST)... I never got to the cancelling junk mail button.
When I wanted my "junk mail" stopped, I talked to the post master... at the grocery store
Question: I had an item mailed to me Express with tracking number (non-hazardous item). Small box, about 14"x10"x2" and not heavy. It was mailed to my address with a signature required. Mail delivery person came by in the truck, didn't come up the driveway, just left a notice in the mailbox for the item to be picked up at the local Post Office (I'm rural). No reason stated on the card, online stated they were unable to deliver to recipient at address.
Our local delivery lady is away so there's a stand-in person while she's away. Is there any valid reason why this person didn't make any effort to deliver to the door? I'm of the assumption they were lazy and dropping off the card is faster than actually getting out of the vehicle to deliver the item to someone. The local post office is a 15min drive away so it's a bit of an inconvenience.
No construction/dogs/alien ships in front of the house to impede an attempt at delivery. We were home, camera's show no attempt to deliver.
that's exactly the reason.

many figure most people aren't home during the daytime. lugging a package, especially with signature required that you can't just drop in a safe spot = lazy posties.
You are 100% correct on these counts.
My depot was recently restructured (again). They are now interviewing posties every single day wondering why they are doing overtime every single day.

Personal integrity, sure. But the expectations put on us now are nigh impossible. They want you to take a cab back to the depot, have your lunch, then head back out again. Unfortunately, they’ve structured the routes so that the lunch is at about 3pm. If we actually do the cab thing, we will 100% be into overtime.

Hopefully your wife’s depot won’t be restructured anytime soon. We are currently at 210% injuries compared to last year at this time, and it’s been a super easy winter so far.

Simply put, routes are too long and too physically demanding. People are getting hurt due to sheer exhaustion.
She mentioned that another restructuring is coming to her depot. She has to supply her own vehicle so I doubt very much that she is going to leave it on her route, cab back for lunch then go back out. She eats on the fly or waits until she is done delivering anyway.

Last time their depot was restructured, there was a lot of animosity built between carriers as all the routes were up for grabs and selected by seniority. People that had routes for years lost them and it created a divisive atmosphere. My wife's initial route was split into two and she managed to keep the half she preferred to deliver at a reduced amount of points of call and reduced wage, which is another punch in the gut. Sure, you are doing less work but you have also built a lifestyle based on what you were earning. It isn't cool for an employer to do this.

Her route has eventually grown back to just as many POC's as before the restructure and so has her wage...but, another restructure is planned so who knows.

She is that LC that will attempt to make every parcel delivery. She has some elderly that rely on parcels and she knows what their schedule is like and will circle back to them if she knows she has arrived too early. She doesn't get paid to circle back, you know that you only get paid for your line of travel, but she does this sort of thing so people don't have to go out of their way to the retail post office and pick up a parcel.

She's definitely a good egg :)
Can you guys explain this taxi and lunch thing?

Are you supposed to come back from your route to the depot half way through the day to eat your lunch? In a taxi while the car you are driving throughout the route is just sitting there on some random street?
Who is paying for this taxi? Why not just drive the car back to the depot if you choose to go back?
Why not just have lunch on the road if you want?

Is this something that is expected of you to do daily?

Doesn't make much sense to me. Unless I am missing something here.
So how do MCs get paid? By piece of mail delivered? By the quantity of addresses on their route?

Sounds like @JZ67 s wife salary changed with her route unless I’m reading it wrong.

Also, wtf would you take a cab for a lunch!? Seems like a massive waste of resources and time.

Or is that our wonderful govt efficiency at work? Or is it a union thing? It would be cheaper to just pay another 30min for lunch so you don’t spend it on cabs and lunch. Plus I’m sure the 30min clock kicks in once in the lunch room.
Would be cheaper and more efficient to pay everyone $15 as a lunch expense and have them grab something at a local food joint.

Of course only in the city. Rural may not work so well.
Can you guys explain this taxi and lunch thing?

Are you supposed to come back from your route to the depot half way through the day to eat your lunch? In a taxi while the car you are driving throughout the route is just sitting there on some random street?
Who is paying for this taxi? Why not just drive the car back to the depot if you choose to go back?
Why not just have lunch on the road if you want?

Is this something that is expected of you to do daily?

Doesn't make much sense to me. Unless I am missing something here.
Walking routes do not have a company vehicle provided. You get taxi chits to go to the start of your route from the depot and to return at end of shift. You can have lunch wherever and whenever you wish.

Although as previously mentioned, most of us seem to skip it. Even in an 8hr+ day.
So how do MCs get paid? By piece of mail delivered? By the quantity of addresses on their route?

Sounds like @JZ67 s wife salary changed with her route unless I’m reading it wrong.

Also, wtf would you take a cab for a lunch!? Seems like a massive waste of resources and time.

Or is that our wonderful govt efficiency at work? Or is it a union thing? It would be cheaper to just pay another 30min for lunch so you don’t spend it on cabs and lunch. Plus I’m sure the 30min clock kicks in once in the lunch room.

Sounds like his wife uses her own vehicle for deliveries, so her pay is structured differently iirc.
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