Buying House without a realtor?

Op, have you checked out property guys?

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A lot of these realtors are d-bags that want quick sales. Very poor education and no real intelligence. They will say anything to get commission. Very cut throat. Anytime I can do It without realtor I do.

Isn't that also what the seller wants? Does that make them d-bags as well?
Sellers want quick sale with top dollar. Not so good agents want a quick sale, not necessarily at top dollar if they can get most of the commission for less work.
Sellers want quick sale with top dollar. Not so good agents want a quick sale, not necessarily at top dollar if they can get most of the commission for less work.

Yep. They are d-bags that are self-interested above anything else. They really don't care about the client. It's how much they can get out of that person.
I've been lucky I guess, in that I haven't encountered that type of agent.

But, on the other side are the self interested d-bags who want them to make a sale without paying a commission. Oh and to get an unrealistic price, as well.

Anyways, if it's a real competitive market, then you might have to think outside the box.

In our case that was first in going for a stale listing outside of the areas where we were originally looking,
and on the second house offering a competitive bid with a flexible closing date. Both things were suggested by agents.

My brother opted for the top agent in his area, and she talked him into a lower price, and staging the house, which resulted in a bidding war. He ended up being satisfied.

My mother-in-law on the other hand, had a price in mind that was 5 years out of date, and ended up switching agents twice. She ended up finally taking much less than she could have gotten.

It's like anything else in life, if you really know your stuff in the area, then you can do well.
If you don't, then you might do o.k., or you might be better off hiring a professional.
Aight offer is we wait for tomorrow evening to find out about the house.....

anyone have access to forms I can use in a private sale instead of the Realtor forms? Just in case this doesn't push through.
Have a lawyer do. The money you spend will save you headaches later on.

Aight offer is we wait for tomorrow evening to find out about the house.....

anyone have access to forms I can use in a private sale instead of the Realtor forms? Just in case this doesn't push through.
Absolutely get a proper real estate lawyer to work on your behalf.
You might do the leg work of sending forms from your lawyer to theirs, etc. But your lawyer can walk you through it.
LoL love gtam...always entertaining! This one is going through the realtor. But thanks for showing they never make mistakes, makes me feel more comfortable ;)
So, did you get the house?

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On topic of commission and DIY markets.. as someone who has both tried to sell privately, and also gone through all the realtor courses and certifications to become an agent (not practicing), I know one thing for sure: the com-free and fsbo sellers want to save themselves 5% commission. Com-free and fsbo buyers want the same thing. Like it or not, the MLS is by far (far far) the largest real estate market in the region - realtor fees are basically already factored into the market value. When Regular Joe uses the MLS as a market valuation tool to price his FSBO house, he's not giving the potential buyer a break... he's looking to pocket the 5%. Unfortunately, his potential buyers are also looking for that 5%. For me personally, it was not a winning proposition. DIY sellers will routinely get lowballed by at least that 5%, if their house is priced at 'market value'.
It's been 4 hours....

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Yes it has Joe....originally were 3 offers, and then turned out there were 5 offers on the house. I put in a very small amount over asking and now they're all being reviewed....I'm not hopeful.
Yes it has Joe....originally were 3 offers, and then turned out there were 5 offers on the house. I put in a very small amount over asking and now they're all being reviewed....I'm not hopeful.
Power of positive thinking, my friend. I have a feeling that you are $100 over the highest bid. The house WILL be yours. ?

Sent from a Samsung Galaxy far, far away using Tapatalk
Power of positive thinking, my friend. I have a feeling that you are $100 over the highest bid. The house WILL be yours. 

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Joe, I win that house I'm buying you ice cream!
You will.
And you are.

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Sorry Joe no ice cream for you! Looks like there was a total of 6 bids and our bid got blown out by 50k as a minimum. Looks like we're staying in Mimico for the time being!
Sorry Joe no ice cream for you! Looks like there was a total of 6 bids and our bid got blown out by 50k as a minimum.
Holy crap! Sorry to hear. That's freaking insane!

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