buying a house

Didn't go in this time

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I don't know what is up with the tinny pics but here is the update of the week

Really nice looking crib, man I know exactly what you're going thru, I snuck into my house when they were building so I could snap photos of the insides of the walls so I knew where all the wiring was, it also makes an awesome photo album if u get pics from start to finish.
Almost started a thread on "buying a horse" but i see someone beat me to it.
I think i got ripped off, it hasn't moved since i bought it!


oops, just realized it said "house", sorry.

So ZX600, is that my smoking room in the castle tower?
Yep, all we need is a shotgun and your fine weed
I'd say we're due for a pic update.

How is the shack coming along?
Freaking amazing, was there last weekend and all windows and doors are up, and they are starting to put the stone on the outside, I'll take some pics this weekend
Turret is set on the highest point of the house by the tower (see pic), agave will be on guard 24x7, paying him in weed which will be growing on the backyard and poutine

Its all covered
You don't have a high walled fence or any machine gun turrets? How are you going to survive the zombie apocalypse. Didn't you see the farm get run over in the walking dead?
Turret is set on the highest point of the house by the tower (see pic), agave will be on guard 24x7, paying him in weed which will be growing on the backyard and poutine

Its all covered

Paulo is protected by A.S.S.- Agave's Security Services

Neighbors came out and gave us cupcakes, I love brooklin :)


Awesome looking crib dude, wraparound porch is dope :) be weary of any neighbors with stars on their houses offering you stuff, could be interesting ;) lol totally know what you mean though, it seems the further u get from the city the happier the world around u gets, grats on the new home dude
fake dormer window

Wrong again.
If you bothered to read the thread, you would know that's my Watchtower / Turret / Smoking room.
I will be on guard with twin 50 Cal machine guns, so don't walk on the lawn, or else.
Wrong again.
If you bothered to read the thread, you would know that's my Watchtower / Turret / Smoking room.
I will be on guard with twin 50 Cal machine guns, so don't walk on the lawn, or else.

sorry, meant to write:

fake dormer window, from where agave plans to snipe unsuspecting suburbanites and any ne'er-do-wells that breach the perimeter. . .

boom, headshot. . .
I'm Zombie certified too.
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