It seems more like things are getting worse over time than better. As time goes on, physical punishment became increasingly frowned upon. So as physical punishment decreases, the quality of children also decrease.
You don't just randomly beat your kid for doing something wrong, but kids need to understand there are repercussions to bad behaviour.
What would you do instead of physical punishment to your kids if you found out one of your kids were on this video?
I have kids. And I was beat a lot as a kid and not in a good way. I have seen the damage first hand of what using corporal punishment can do to people. I have seen it through generations of my family. I thought when I had kids I too would whack them when they didn't obey or got out of line. But when the time came to figure out how to handle these insane, running, smashing, little people, I found a better way. My kids are excellently behaved and not just by my own account and I have never had to hit one of them ever. They are afraid of me, because I have a temper and I don't tolerate anything. They know every action they make has a consequence and that I am watching and they will pay. We have a deal, they listen to me and follow my guidelines and I take care of them and reward them when it is deserved. They have empathy and feel quilt. They know how privileged they are and that there are kids with no homes and no parents who have to eat out of trash bins. My kid would never be in this video because right from infancy I taught them to be empathetic. If one of them slips and teases a kid, I only have to tell them once.