Guys I just invested a lot of time reading all these, um, interesting comments...
It seems pretty clear that Canadian young people, spoon-fed Washington propaganda at every turn via the presstitute mainstream media (MSM), don't really comprehend the true meaning of this historic vote and day!
Washington wants to control the world, and wants Wall Street to be the financial capital of the world economy.
London is a major obstacle to this. Therefore the EU was originally concocted.
I read this blather in the Canadian media about how "the EU was created out of the post-was ashes to ensure friendship, peace and stability" LoL, heheh...
Opposition to Brexit was based on two powerful interests of Washington.
One is the interests of the New York banks and Wall Street to eliminate the UK and London as a world financial centre.
The British have had only one foot in the EU because the UK was permitted to keep its own currency.
The UK does not use the Euro and, thus, retains the power to finance the British government.
In order to trick the UK into joining the EU, the British were given special privileges.
The president of the European Central Bank (ECB) has stated that to complete the political integration of Europe, "the fiscal policies of member states would be centralized".
It is impossible to centralize fiscal policies if the UK is an independent financial centre with its own central bank and currency.
Wall Street understood that the defeat of Brexit would mean a shortened lifespan for London as a financial centre, as it is impossible to be a financial centre unless a country has its own currency and central bank.
As it would be impossible for the UK to be a full member of the EU and not operate under the ECB, once the Brexit referendum was defeated, the process of gradually forcing the UK into the Euro would have begun.
The other powerful interest is the interest of Washington to prevent one country's exit from leading to the exit of other countries.
As CIA documents found in the US National Archives make clear, the EU was originally a CIA initiative, the purpose of which was to make it easy for Washington to exercise political control over Europe.
It is much easier for Washington to control the EU than 28 separate countries.
Moreover, if the EU unravels, so likely would NATO, which is the necessary cover for Washington's aggression.
The EU serves Washington and the One Percent. It serves no one else.
The EU is a murderer of sovereignty and peoples. The intent was for the British, French, Germans, Italians, Greeks, Spanish, and all the rest to disappear as peoples.
Brexit was the last chance to defeat this hidden agenda, and apparently the British voted correctly despite most not having a clue as to what was really at stake and what the vote was about...