BOC Hits 5%

I haven't read the link with any attempt to understand the implications. Did they lose money or just not meet profit expectations? In investment terms neither is good.

For the average Joe just keeping one's head above water is tolerable.

Going forward, the real estate picture isn't being painted as rosy. How much of that downturn is mortgages and how will that play out in the next year or two. My money guru says 2024 will suck.

I hope one of the 2700 to be cut is the Nazi pitbull receptionist at their Cloverdale branch.
Non revenue generating staff go first. Techies, support/clerical, and marketing are the low hanging fruit.

They are also the easiest to recruit if needed.
I’m pretty sure all banks are rolling out “reduction in force” plans already.

They lost a lot of productivity to WFH so so they increased hiring during the pandemic. those folks are back into offices and contact centres where direct supervision and supports increase productivity.

Another issue is a large number of reluctant customers learned how to use telephone and online banking during the pandemic. Turns out a lot of skeptics l grandmas liked it! Less branch staff needed.
I did it and I don't screw up as often as the clerks at the bank.
Wow...yet another F-U from the government to home owners coming up on renewal.

Let's say I have a mortgage with MCAP (which I do), and their interest rate is 1% higher than, say BMO. I can't go to BMO without a stress test (only for renewal) because now I have to stress test at 9-10%....

I'm ok with keeping stress test for new mortgages, or adding to a mortgage (i.e.: refinance). But for simply continuing on your mortgage...seems like this is a great way to NOT have banks compete to keep your business.

'Oh you don't like our 1% higher than BMO? Go ahead and try to get approved with them in today's environment'.

Sent from the future

Sent from the future
Well I guess an even bigger F-U to those that were able to have a larger deposit.


Just waiting for when the govt helps out ‘struggling’ property owners that have over leveraged themselves with their multiple properties.

Real estate agent friend told us last night how screwed things are…agents are going to have to disclose the defects they’re aware of on properties and their officer lawyers is thinking up ways of how to get around the requirement….effing hell. This country is pooched.
Well I guess an even bigger F-U to those that were able to have a larger deposit.


Just waiting for when the govt helps out ‘struggling’ property owners that have over leveraged themselves with their multiple properties.

Real estate agent friend told us last night how screwed things are…agents are going to have to disclose the defects they’re aware of on properties and their officer lawyers is thinking up ways of how to get around the requirement….effing hell. This country is pooched.
About time on the defects they lie to your face about everything then just shrug and say well I am not a expert.

Sent from the future
But I thought they said people shouldn’t be getting raises so that we can tame inflation…

Bonuses aren't raises - a raise would be an increase to your base salary which is permanent, whereas a bonus is typically a % of your base salary based on your performance for that particular year. I'm a huge supporter of both - ideally everyone should be getting a raise to match inflation, otherwise you're technically making less each year. Then the bonus is an effective way to motivate everyone equally for their performance.
Bonuses aren't raises - a raise would be an increase to your base salary which is permanent, whereas a bonus is typically a % of your base salary based on your performance for that particular year. I'm a huge supporter of both - ideally everyone should be getting a raise to match inflation, otherwise you're technically making less each year. Then the bonus is an effective way to motivate everyone equally for their performance.
If 98% of your managers get bonuses in a year where you epically failed at your only job as a company, they are not bonuses for performance. That is just pushing money around in the paperwork.
If 98% of your managers get bonuses in a year where you epically failed at your only job as a company, they are not bonuses for performance. That is just pushing money around in the paperwork.

I was directly responding to the distinction between raises and bonuses and my personal take on them, not specific to the BoC.

That said, without knowing their individual goals, how can we judge? And isn't inflation going down, and who's to say it couldn't be worse?
Bonuses aren't raises - a raise would be an increase to your base salary which is permanent, whereas a bonus is typically a % of your base salary based on your performance for that particular year. I'm a huge supporter of both - ideally everyone should be getting a raise to match inflation, otherwise you're technically making less each year. Then the bonus is an effective way to motivate everyone equally for their performance.
I’ll agree. But giving away millions while stating that salaries should be curtailed is a bad look.
I was directly responding to the distinction between raises and bonuses and my personal take on them, not specific to the BoC.

That said, without knowing their individual goals, how can we judge? And isn't inflation going down, and who's to say it couldn't be worse?
If 98% of the managers meet goals that make them eligible for >10% bonuses, the goals are set wrong. They are bonuses in name only and really part of base salary as they are almost guaranteed.
If 98% of the managers meet goals that make them eligible for >10% bonuses, the goals are set wrong. They are bonuses in name only and really part of base salary as they are almost guaranteed.

But that's 98% of managers, not employees. If managers aren't meeting or exceeding their goals, their entire departments aren't. You can look at the bonus as part of their salary if you want, but it has to be earned every year - it's not guaranteed like a base salary increase. Another way of looking at it is that if they don't do acceptable job, then that percentage of their income can be clawed back. Some may call this semantics, but I'm a stickler for correct terminology.
If 98% of the managers meet goals that make them eligible for >10% bonuses, the goals are set wrong. They are bonuses in name only and really part of base salary as they are almost guaranteed.
I sure hope so, starting a new role on Monday that is salary and bonus based
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Also a way of business owners having some control over costs. Times are good, here's a bonus. Times are tough, sorry not this year as we can't afford it.
Also a way of business owners having some control over costs. Times are good, here's a bonus. Times are tough, sorry not this year as we can't afford it.

Yup. On top of the fixed percentage bonus each employee is eligible for based on their individual performance, there's also an overall business performance factor that gets applied. If the company does well, it's more than 100%, if not, then it's less. I think we had an overall of 70% during one of the COVID years. So if you were eligible for a 20% bonus, you only got 14%.
If 98% of your managers get bonuses in a year where you epically failed at your only job as a company, they are not bonuses for performance. That is just pushing money around in the paperwork.
The company lost $500 million and I got a $5 million dollar bonus because if it wasn’t for me the company would have lost $700 million. I saved them $195 million. Applause graciously accepted. Now off to our executive retreat in Tahiti.
I was directly responding to the distinction between raises and bonuses and my personal take on them, not specific to the BoC.

That said, without knowing their individual goals, how can we judge? And isn't inflation going down, and who's to say it couldn't be worse?
Look at inflation and interest rates. BOCs foray into politics put the hundreds of millions in cash out there. Root cause of inflation, too many dollars chasing too few goods.

Is this epic failure ok because other govts failed too? And do they deserve rewards for cleaning up a mess they created?

Kinda like letting firefighters set buildings on fire, then bonusing them for dousing the flames.
That’s a pretty good analogy.

The bonus conversation in the private sector is pretty hard , the years you make bags of cash , things are easy all around . When you have to curtail bonus is usually the years staff could use it most.
There is nothing more painful than listening to an employee that spent money that had not yet been calculated. But but , we got it last year….. new goalie pads for Jimmy ….. whaaaaa.

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That’s a pretty good analogy.

The bonus conversation in the private sector is pretty hard , the years you make bags of cash , things are easy all around . When you have to curtail bonus is usually the years staff could use it most.
There is nothing more painful than listening to an employee that spent money that had not yet been calculated. But but , we got it last year….. new goalie pads for Jimmy ….. whaaaaa.

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A chemical plant in Mississauga was run for years letting people run up big overtime. They got big mortgages based on their T-4s. Then head office stepped in and banned overtime. Ouch.

Then they closed down.
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