BMW riders! What's up with you?!

should have given him the old 1-2 as you pulled out of the gas station

I've never liked the politics of clubs,and i've belonged to a few over the years.The BMWMOA is by far the best organization around for it's dedication to riders and their interests.The rallies these people put together are a ton of fun with no pretentious behavoir whatsoever.Young and old,dirt and street,evryone gets along.I think the problem the Matt has is probably Toronto.
I swore I'd never do one of these rants, but I hit my breaking point today.

This season, I've had WAY more harley riders wave to me than BMW riders. It's like they're all too good to wave back to little old me on my non-bmw bike. Seems everyone who rides a bmw is a snob! Just on the way to work alone I had two BMW riders who didn't wave back to me and three harley riders who did. What gives!? I thought Harley riders hate sports bike riders!
Then, after work buying gas a BMW rider pulled into the gas station at the pump in front of me. I nodded, he looked me in the face and looked away. So I said, "That's a nice bike" and he responded with, "Any bike looks nice to someone who rides a crotch-rocket"

Are you kidding me!? Are you ALL snobs or just 99%?!


Hmmm,I have two BMW's and I wave quite a bit. There's a wanker in every crowd, you just ran into one of them. As far as crotch rockets go does mine qualify? View attachment 25664

sweet, you have a toilet in the garage? I'm guessing its to avoid going inside the house and making eye contact with the significant other
I swore I'd never do one of these rants, but I hit my breaking point today.

This season, I've had WAY more harley riders wave to me than BMW riders. It's like they're all too good to wave back to little old me on my non-bmw bike. Seems everyone who rides a bmw is a snob! Just on the way to work alone I had two BMW riders who didn't wave back to me and three harley riders who did. What gives!? I thought Harley riders hate sports bike riders!
Then, after work buying gas a BMW rider pulled into the gas station at the pump in front of me. I nodded, he looked me in the face and looked away. So I said, "That's a nice bike" and he responded with, "Any bike looks nice to someone who rides a crotch-rocket"

Are you kidding me!? Are you ALL snobs or just 99%?!

The waving thing aside, which I agree with most responders here is not a big deal whether someone waves at you or not, you're doing the same thing you're accusing the BMW people of doing - being rude to a group of people because of what they ride. You're branding all, or the vast majority, of BMW riders based on your experience with a small handful.

I ride a BMW and, when I'm in the mood, wave to everyone. Did the same when I rode a Honda.

Some folks don't wave. Get over it. As far as the BMW rider at the gas station, some folks are just *****. Doesn't much matter what they ride. Considering what I ride, I do find the guy's comment somewhat ironic though. :p

Hmmm,I have two BMW's and I wave quite a bit. There's a wanker in every crowd, you just ran into one of them. As far as crotch rockets go does mine qualify? View attachment 25664

No, it doesn't. But mine does:

BMW_S1000RR.jpg (It's all about the colour!):)
although my buddy did seem to get a little more snobbish when he got his S1000RR, he's still likable enough

and he's a courteous rider who waves to anyone on two wheels
I wouldn't wave to none of you mofo's if I had a BMW RR1000. Jus sayin...
Is this what motorcycling has come to? A whine fest of who's not waving and which brands have the snobbiest riders? Christonacrutch! My late grandmother's knitting circle had tougher broads in it.
Just because mommy raised you to believe that you are a unique and special snowflake doesn't make it true. The world is a cold, cruel and capricious place. There is war, famine, pestilence. And a lack of waving. Such are the horrors of our times.
I ride a Harley.
I almost never wave.
But in almost 40 years of riding I have never - not once - passed a rider on the side of the road without stopping to help. I have lent tools, given gas money, push started until my legs fell off. I have gone home and fetched my truck to haul a stranger's bike to a shop (and been late for my kid's birthday because of it). I have been first on the scene to a couple minor accidents and provided first aid and helped pick up parts. I have ridden many miles out my way to follow bikes home who thought they might not make it.
But you're crying about not getting waved at.
So here's what I propose.
If you're ever on the side of the road, I'll just ride by. But I'll wave like my arm is on fire as I do.
I find that the majority of cars parked like arse-holes tend to be BMW's. I think its the market that they aim for. There are bound to be some good BMW owners out there though. Not sure about BMW motorcycle owners though.

I wouldn't care about people not waving back. Personally I find waving annoying and distracting, I nod instead. People not waving back could be for a multitude of reasons. Personally I plain feel weird doing it.
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I find that the majority of cars parked like arse-holes tend to be BMW's. I think its the market that they aim for. There are bound to be some good BMW owners out there though all I have met are middle aged, balding, think they're better than everyone else and disregard the rules of the road (no offense to those that don't fall under this market and/or are nice folk). Not sure about BMW motorcycle owners though.

I wouldn't care about people not waving back. Personally I find waving annoying and distracting, I nod instead. People not waving back could be for a multitude of reasons. Personally I plain feel weird doing it.

I love how people generalize, you see maybe what, .01% of the population of BMW cars on the road? Same for bikes? Any you make judgements and stereotypes based on that?

Going by that same method, I find the majority of sport bike riders are immature young kids who just wanna go fast not caring about anyone else on the road. There are good riders, there are bad, brand means nothing.
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Hmmm,I have two BMW's and I wave quite a bit. There's a wanker in every crowd, you just ran into one of them. As far as crotch rockets go does mine qualify? View attachment 25664

Don't get discouraged, there are still some of us that have Beemers that wave and ride with fact, I had a fun and rather spirited ride with a fellow on a Triumph (Thunderbird I think, a big cruiser)... I love the Beemer in this pic...but I have to admit it would look WAY more sexy without the toilet in the corner bahahahaha!!
I find that the majority of cars parked like arse-holes tend to be BMW's. I think its the market that they aim for. There are bound to be some good BMW owners out there though all I have met are middle aged, balding, think they're better than everyone else and disregard the rules of the road (no offense to those that don't fall under this market and are nice folk). Not sure about BMW motorcycle owners though.

I wouldn't care about people not waving back. Personally I find waving annoying and distracting, I nod instead. People not waving back could be for a multitude of reasons. Personally I plain feel weird waving.

I am middle aged, not balding yet, and I do ride a BMW (although it would probably not qualify as a crotch rocket). I do wave or nod whenever I can, but often traffic gets in the way. It's nothing personal, just Toronto as someone has already said.

I try not to disregard the rules of the road and I am still alive after many years of riding to prove it. Some of my best friends drive BMW cars and I think they are fine people, and actually they do know how to drive, both on the street and on a track.

As a good friend told me a couple of years ago before passing away, we are here for a good time - not a long time - so let's get on with riding...wave or no wave!
I love how people generalize, you see maybe what, .01% of the population of BMW cars on the road? Same for bikes? Any you make judgements and stereotypes based on that?

Going by that same method, I find the majority of sport bike riders are immature young kids who just wanna go fast not caring about anyone else on the road. There are good riders, there are bad, brand means nothing, no.

My post did sound douchey, edited it sound less so.
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