BMW riders! What's up with you?!


Active member
I swore I'd never do one of these rants, but I hit my breaking point today.

This season, I've had WAY more harley riders wave to me than BMW riders. It's like they're all too good to wave back to little old me on my non-bmw bike. Seems everyone who rides a bmw is a snob! Just on the way to work alone I had two BMW riders who didn't wave back to me and three harley riders who did. What gives!? I thought Harley riders hate sports bike riders!
Then, after work buying gas a BMW rider pulled into the gas station at the pump in front of me. I nodded, he looked me in the face and looked away. So I said, "That's a nice bike" and he responded with, "Any bike looks nice to someone who rides a crotch-rocket"

Are you kidding me!? Are you ALL snobs or just 99%?!
Im getting more clutch waves than anything these days. It seems bikers are more concentrated on the road and actually using their clutch instead of deamon shifting without it. So I see them fumbling trying to wave while shifting at the same time.

But if your bike is a crotch rocket what is a BMW bike?? Are they in their own category or something??
Pretty funny BMW encounter...Can't wait for the BMW riders responses.
Pretty funny BMW encounter...Can't wait for the BMW riders responses.

I don't have a BMW bike, but I drive a BMW car. And I don't wave to other drivers. This is how I am. Take that! 8)
Hehe. Ever since I bought my non-Japanese bike, BMW riders have been very friendly to me. Not that I really care or anything.
Waving seems to be a very important thing...I'm going to get a hand on a spring and attach it to the left bar end so no one gets offended.

For the record to anyone I don't wave at...I'll catch ya next time, something else must have been requiring my attention.
Awwww pumpkin !!!!!!
Hmmm,I have two BMW's and I wave quite a bit. There's a wanker in every crowd, you just ran into one of them. As far as crotch rockets go does mine qualify? Bike.jpg
Hmmm,I have two BMW's and I wave quite a bit. There's a wanker in every crowd, you just ran into one of them. As far as crotch rockets go does mine qualify? View attachment 25664

I was thinking of your bike model when I was reading the OP's post. Goes to show a lot of people do not care what kind of bike they ride, just the name plate on the tank. Not to stir up the pot, but I think if HD were to release a SS*, there will be people buying it just because it's HD.

* Buell doesn't count, it did not have the HD logo on it.
Whats up with people who generalize based on their limited experience? I ride a BMW bike and wave to everyone. If you want to go by personal experience, whats up with you SS riders? But I really don't care, I wave, if you wave back great, if not, who cares. No reason to get butt hurt over a wave.

And if you really wanted our attention, maybe you should try something a bit more flashy then a wave, maybe a handstand, or some sort of seat twirl, that will earn us BMW riders respect and admiration.
Whats up with people who generalize based on their limited experience? I ride a BMW bike and wave to everyone. If you want to go by personal experience, whats up with you SS riders? But I really don't care, I wave, if you wave back great, if not, who cares. No reason to get butt hurt over a wave.

And if you really wanted our attention, maybe you should try something a bit more flashy then a wave, maybe a handstand, or some sort of seat twirl, that will earn us BMW riders respect and admiration.

:) I ride a Harley and wave to everyone. I feel your e-pain.
Another wave thread. Where is the gun to my own head emoticon?
gotta wonder how you people take being rejected by the opposite sex if something as trivial as this gets you butt hurt
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