BMW riders! What's up with you?!

Is this what motorcycling has come to? A whine fest of who's not waving and which brands have the snobbiest riders? Christonacrutch! My late grandmother's knitting circle had tougher broads in it.
Just because mommy raised you to believe that you are a unique and special snowflake doesn't make it true. The world is a cold, cruel and capricious place. There is war, famine, pestilence. And a lack of waving. Such are the horrors of our times.
I ride a Harley.
I almost never wave.
But in almost 40 years of riding I have never - not once - passed a rider on the side of the road without stopping to help. I have lent tools, given gas money, push started until my legs fell off. I have gone home and fetched my truck to haul a stranger's bike to a shop (and been late for my kid's birthday because of it). I have been first on the scene to a couple minor accidents and provided first aid and helped pick up parts. I have ridden many miles out my way to follow bikes home who thought they might not make it.
But you're crying about not getting waved at.
So here's what I propose.
If you're ever on the side of the road, I'll just ride by. But I'll wave like my arm is on fire as I do.

Amen to all that!!! well said.

Sometimes I wave sometimes I don't. When I had my BMW I did the same...not because of the kind or brand of bike you ride, or how you look or sound, but because I find it's good to have some sort of, i dont know, camaraderie maybe, and I know hopefully someone will stop and give me a hand if my 26 y/o bike breaks down. But one thing I know, I will always stop and help out, I once used my CAA card to tow a bike and pretended it was mine, and the other guy drove mine to the shop behind us. It was funny...CAA guy was like - "something is not right here" LOL
THIS is what made you reach your breaking point? Thanks for answering my question. The question? Well, when I pass good looking chicks I usually blip my throttle to get their attention. They used to look straight at me with admiration. Heck some even came up and asked for my number after I revved and humped the tank in sync. Now? They barely even look. Why? Because the bad boy image was wrecked by pansies like you.

On a serious note, I actually frantically wave at everyone with one or both hands. It's an awesome way of getting blood flowing again and alleviating fatigue.
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If you're ever on the side of the road, I'll just ride by. But I'll wave like my arm is on fire as I do.

OPDude, i dunno. Sometimes i'm just busy. I feel for your need for me to justify you.
I wouldn't wave to none of you mofo's if I had a BMW RR1000. Jus sayin...

If I trade up to an S1000RR, I'd be waving all right........ waving bye bye to everyone following as they eat my rear tire dust. :)
Then, after work buying gas a BMW rider pulled into the gas station at the pump in front of me. I nodded, he looked me in the face and looked away. So I said, "That's a nice bike" and he responded with, "Any bike looks nice to someone who rides a crotch-rocket"

that three-quarter-length-Motorrad- touring/riding-jacket clad rider at the gas station is clearly exhibiting symptons of stage-4 SV envy.
Ride n' let ride, I say.
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