blackberry stock advice

I was looking into getting into stocks and I found TD had 10$ per trade thing.
I was looking into getting into stocks and I found TD had 10$ per trade thing.
RBC Direct Investing too.

If you have $50k or more in the accounts
or if you do 30 trades or more per quarter.
Read the fine print.

Bah, too much work.

I gotta say though, I started reading The Wealthy Barber and I won't be trading stocks anytime soon, but I am very confident I'll be better off in five years.
Now that I am passed that, for anyone else.... I would not touch Rim until after the next earnings call. I cannot imagine that they will have good earnings so I think there is a pretty good chance of a small correction then. After that there may be a good uptick on BB10 once it is released. Long term is anyone's guess and I will not try to make a prediction (could be flat, could be bought, could go under, could have a renaissance, I give them all an equal likelihood). It is a pretty high risk speculative bet at best.

I agree - but don't hold it after somewhere near the BB10 release date. If there is a run-up leading into the release date, sell.
I use Questrade for trading as their fees are lower than the banks. They arent perfect but they are pretty good.

Regarding RIM, its an incredibly speculative and volatile stock and the best seat in the house is probably on the side lines. The risk/reward proposition was a lot better when RIM was floating around $7 but with the recent run-up, there is now more risk in playing the stock. Im cautiously optimistic that the stock will trend higher, but you never know and if you've really followed RIM this year, you'll know that this stock has hurt a lot of investors. Though Im sure shorts and traders did well. Sentiment has changed recently but in could easily reverse and RIM could just as easily head sub $10 again as it could head to $17-20.

Im sure a lot of people are looking at RIM like its ready to rocket and that the train is leaving the station but thats not a good way to look at this stock at this current time. RIM supporters have often pointed out that the company is in better health than they have been credited with which i think is true but a good/bad company doesn't always make it a good/bad stock. Some companies may be great but at the same time terrible stocks to play. RIM has really been a terrible stock to own and its going to take a while and proven success for them to be a stock market darling again.
I use Questrade for trading as their fees are lower than the banks. They arent perfect but they are pretty good.

Regarding RIM, its an incredibly speculative and volatile stock and the best seat in the house is probably on the side lines. The risk/reward proposition was a lot better when RIM was floating around $7 but with the recent run-up, there is now more risk in playing the stock. Im cautiously optimistic that the stock will trend higher, but you never know and if you've really followed RIM this year, you'll know that this stock has hurt a lot of investors. Though Im sure shorts and traders did well. Sentiment has changed recently but in could easily reverse and RIM could just as easily head sub $10 again as it could head to $17-20.

Im sure a lot of people are looking at RIM like its ready to rocket and that the train is leaving the station but thats not a good way to look at this stock at this current time. RIM supporters have often pointed out that the company is in better health than they have been credited with which i think is true but a good/bad company doesn't always make it a good/bad stock. Some companies may be great but at the same time terrible stocks to play. RIM has really been a terrible stock to own and its going to take a while and proven success for them to be a stock market darling again.

You know what they say though.....fortune Favors the Bold!

Honestly it's a HUUUGE gamble, but it's tempting. You could either double your money or loose half of it. You could always wait till they announce their last quarter earnings.......which will be ****, their stock price will probably dip, buy, and than wait for the stock price buildup to just prior to the BBX release. Easy and relatively risk free way to make a few bucks IMHO. But if you REALLY have balls hold on to the stock through the BBX phone release and you are in for the ride of your life. Could be great, or could be really bad but it will be a roller coaster, that's for sure.
So the quarterly numbers are out and I don't really see much drama in them. Cash is up to 2.9bln, subscribers is flat/slight decline at 79mil, small loss on the quarter. Technically they beat analyst expectations.

Not sure how the market will react but I don't think its going to be all that much either way. Certainly I don't see any panic selling and heavy shorting like in previous results. All fingers are pointing to BB10 launch and hopefully the buzz and hype continues to grow. I think Im going to get one for the wife.
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Yeah, that doesn't sound grim enough to really effect stock price. I'd be tempted to dump a couple K into the stock myself for ***** and giggles but I'm already a couple G's in debt and while, that's nothing, I don't really want to borrow more money to invest in something that risky.
I'm soooooooo glad my greed kicked in because the numbers are actually quite good (for blackberry it means not as bad as everything thinks).

After the numbers came up the stock went up again. It's just under $14 per share now! :D
Aw shucks, $2.9billion in the bank, up $600million from last quarter, you mean they didnt announce their bankruptcy yet?

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Getting spanked hard in after hours now:

(RIMM-O) 12.65
1.47 (10.41%) 6:28PM EST
Getting spanked hard in after hours now:

(RIMM-O) 12.65
1.47 (10.41%) 6:28PM EST

Yup, I just saw that. I just sold all of my RIM stock. Hopefully I can sell first thing in the morning and take my $5k profit and chill. I willl re-invest when the stock continues to drop over the next few days. Gotta keep buying low and selling high.

They indicated they are changing the way they charge service fee's.
You're working backwards bro...
Clear your debts and then think about investing in the stock market.

Really? How so?
My debt is costing me 2.75%....
My investments have earned me about 21% this year.

Should I be paying down my debt... or keep putting into my investments?
They indicated they are changing the way they charge service fee's.

^^ this

The stock was doing well until half way that Thorsten dropped the bomb, and thats when the stock sunk.

Basically, the service fee's that were negotiated years ago when they had power like Apple and which brought them tonnes of $$$ will now evaporate when BB10 arrives. Sure they will still collect service fees, but not to the extent like they did before.

This is bad news, and whats scarier, unless Heins is pulling a bluff, is that he didnt have a confident solution on how they would generate cash to replace this lost revenue. He pitched a few ideas, but nothing concrete.

And for that, the stock will likely keep tanking.
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