Misek is one big reason why the stock jumped today.
Of all the RIM-is-dead analysts to beat their chests, it was this guy. Now he's changed his tune.
Also, the buzz is building, positive reviews are still rolling in. True to RIMs words "carriers are excited over this product". Now Walmart announced they will be pushing BB10, and even the little fish companies like WirelessWave and Tbooth have announced BB10 programs.
The Carriers are terrified of Google/Android, because they feel its only a matter of time before Google sets up its own Carrier and leaves these guy out in the cold. Then that leaves the carriers with Apple, and we all know the carriers are at the mercy of Apple and barely make any money from them. What good is that?
WindowsPhone has been out for 2 years, and hasn't really caught on.
As a result, watch for a huge push by all the carriers over 150+ worldwide of them to push a BB10 device on you next time you go phone shopping.
The carriers really want a solid #3 player to rise. The BB10 looks good from all the reviews. Is coming from an established company. 70,000+ apps at launch (windows only had 5000). And they have 79million existing customers.
The future is looking good for RIM. If they can execute a good launch, and keep the momentum going, they have a chance.
edit : Google wants to compete with Verizon and AT and T.