Never mind about being flat at 17.. 17.50 now What a beast
A few minutes later it peaks at 18.49 and its now sitting at $18.18.
Whatever opinions you may possess on the company itself. Can't deny that this stock has been on an incredible run.
Hypety hype hype....spinnetty spin spin........flattety face fall.
Analyst....“There are several emerging data points that suggest this may be a more successful product cycle than many expected.”
Fearless prediction : the stock will continue the run up until launch day. then after launch, some influential analyst will find some issue, and the stock will lose steam.
Can't wait to see how this plays out.
Considering selling after bb10 launch....oh not me, and not stock; rather Thorsten Heins and the handset division!
If you're asking for stock advice on GTAM, may I make the suggestion that you DO NOT get into stocks. You may get lucky with earning 15, 20% for a few rounds, but if you have little knowledge of the firm, market, investment psychologies, and aren't following news at least once every other hour, you'll eventually get burnt. It's like asking supermarket cashiers how to file your taxes.
But I know those not the words you wanted hear. If you do decide to play (and I hope it's in an field you're knowledgable in), I suggest using the Questrade online platform. $4.95-9.95 per basic trade depending on volume, low min. balance (something like 250USD... forgot exactly how much). And of course, Warren Buffet's wise words: "Investors should remember that excitement and expenses are their enemies. And if they insist on trying to time their participation in equities, they should try to be fearful when others are greedy and greedy when others are fearful. "
I use questrade, and they are unreliable. I have placed two trades and they failed to execute for whatever reason. Most recently, and Notably, RIM at @ 10 something at the market. For **** sakes, if a broker can't do a trade at the market, they can forget my future business.
I use questrade, and they are unreliable. I have placed two trades and they failed to execute for whatever reason. Most recently, and Notably, RIM at @ 10 something at the market. For **** sakes, if a broker can't do a trade at the market, they can forget my future business.
If you're asking for stock advice on GTAM, may I make the suggestion that you DO NOT get into stocks. You may get lucky with earning 15, 20% for a few rounds, but if you have little knowledge of the firm, market, investment psychologies, and aren't following news at least once every other hour, you'll eventually get burnt.
pfft, listening to talking heads who would rather (or can only) blow hot air rather than make money. Trying to trade on news is another way to eventually get burnt. All the talk of rim share prices in the news lately means you've already missed the boat.