blackberry 10

Dug this one up. AT 3+ mins its a little long winded. If you're not in the business of architecture then this does a good job of showcasing the Z10, if not in a gloss over kind of way. To what depth it actually showcases the Z10's strengths, upon deeper reflection...not very well actually. Some gratuitous video calling here, some tweeting there, sending a pick here; nothing really ground breaking. However being part of that business I know this was entire load of BS! But the optics of it are good though....superficially.


It looks like they compiled a team of actors without consulting with any architects, or perhaps asked architects how they would like to see the tech work. For starters:

1) No one designs over a phone. That design was already complete. So sending a photo over, then a designer on the team popping by to add some pretentious "green" add-ons is silly. For laymen consumption that's fine, but for people in the business its not genuine. PS, when you're the lead designer, and the whole team is in the office finalizing the LAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAST touch on the design, the LAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAST thing you want to do is take a VIDEO call from home showcasing to everyone, including the partners and directors that you're late for work and having a casual bowl of cereal!!!! You want to be showcasing a better reason to take a video call then broadcasting your lazy bum!

2) The planning department is nothing like that. Maybe the colleague is there waiting to pick up a permit or something, and he is simply being cc'ed into the image for the hell of it, but this tech has no application at the planning department.

3) If you can't be bothered to pitch your design in person at the MAKE or BREAK city planning meeting (TO THE MAYOR!!!!!), which in a more typical high profile project would be a maaaaaaaaajor meeting to a city council (not eve a mayor); otherwise it would just be a submission at a reception counter, well then your project is f'ed! Presenting a major development from the gym? Really?!?! The sentiment is ok, sure, work from home or do leisure activities and mix it up with work, ok, I do it all the time, but for a meeting like that, I would have loved to see the phone act as a mini projector or something, or a wifi control of a presentation big screen monitor! She should have been flown out to Spain (or wherever), highlighting phone capabilities along the way, and then used the phone to command a meeting through some remote functions, integrating with peripherals.

4) The process of design and approval is so enormously more involved and complex than as described here. Media leaks are calculated and scrutinized. Twitter / FB likes are useless, public committees are held, months, even years go by to get approvals.

5) In the end, a twitter hiring post and handing out BBs to new recruits. The problem with that? Arch firms have notoriously weak IT departments, unless they are corporate entities. In that case, there would be no hiring tweet, instead an HR campaign. And handing out BBs? Pfffft. Architects don't issue phones EVER!!!!! I have never once seen it EVEEEEEEEEEEEER! Architects are cheap! Oh and those employees? Temp staff, expendable. Hired and fired based on the fortunes of a project's success; even less likely to be issued anything by the firm!

So....coming from my perspective I find something always to be off in some way with these spots, either they lack in umph, or they are off the mark in terms of application or utility of the device, or something! That being said, aside from flicking forward a PP presentation to the mayor, any previous BB could have sent a couple images and tweeted some nonsense! This really doesn't showcase the Z10 in any meaningful way. The music is tepid and flat and it does a half assed job at selling a productive life style. The whole thing is rather slow and off beat somehow with a delayed cadence or something. I can't quite put my finger on it.

Others in different fields may not notice the above, but had it been your field you would have picked up a ton of inaccuracies and the scent of BS.
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All that being said (my previous 2 posts). It is a step in the right direction. I just hoped it would have been a bigger step. The phone itself doesn't do anything others can't already do, and the marketing isn't yet doing a good job of selling a GQ professional lifestyle yet. Something is missing, some final touch, like a polish or buffing or something is holding it back from being complete. Let's see if this campaign fizzles like the "BB people" campaign or improves and locks in a branding zeal among new and old users.
You read wrong...after 20 years anyone can do that with any IP. Generic drugs are generally produced after the initial patent expires (sometimes well after when litigation is finished).

Uhh. no?

firstly, after 17 years its not IP, thats why it can be produced, you aren't "using someone elses IP" at all.

Secondly, Generics attack existing patents all the time and aggressively, thats why they are the most litigious entities in all of Canada (not that I think there is a problem with attacking patents that aren't really innovation).

Lastly, if you aren't talking about infringment then I am not sure what socialized medicine has to do with anything.
Dug this one up. AT 3+ mins its a little long winded. If you're not in the business of architecture then this does a good job of showcasing the Z10, if not in a gloss over kind of way. To what depth it actually showcases the Z10's strengths, upon deeper reflection...not very well actually. Some gratuitous video calling here, some tweeting there, sending a pick here; nothing really ground breaking. However being part of that business I know this was entire load of BS! But the optics of it are good though....superficially.


It looks like they compiled a team of actors without consulting with any architects, or perhaps asked architects how they would like to see the tech work. For starters:

1) No one designs over a phone. That design was already complete. So sending a photo over, then a designer on the team popping by to add some pretentious "green" add-ons is silly. For laymen consumption that's fine, but for people in the business its not genuine. PS, when you're the lead designer, and the whole team is in the office finalizing the LAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAST touch on the design, the LAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAST thing you want to do is take a VIDEO call from home showcasing to everyone, including the partners and directors that you're late for work and having a casual bowl of cereal!!!! You want to be showcasing a better reason to take a video call then broadcasting your lazy bum!

2) The planning department is nothing like that. Maybe the colleague is there waiting to pick up a permit or something, and he is simply being cc'ed into the image for the hell of it, but this tech has no application at the planning department.

3) If you can't be bothered to pitch your design in person at the MAKE or BREAK city planning meeting (TO THE MAYOR!!!!!), which in a more typical high profile project would be a maaaaaaaaajor meeting to a city council (not eve a mayor); otherwise it would just be a submission at a reception counter, well then your project is f'ed! Presenting a major development from the gym? Really?!?! The sentiment is ok, sure, work from home or do leisure activities and mix it up with work, ok, I do it all the time, but for a meeting like that, I would have loved to see the phone act as a mini projector or something, or a wifi control of a presentation big screen monitor! She should have been flown out to Spain (or wherever), highlighting phone capabilities along the way, and then used the phone to command a meeting through some remote functions, integrating with peripherals.

4) The process of design and approval is so enormously more involved and complex than as described here. Media leaks are calculated and scrutinized. Twitter / FB likes are useless, public committees are held, months, even years go by to get approvals.

5) In the end, a twitter hiring post and handing out BBs to new recruits. The problem with that? Arch firms have notoriously weak IT departments, unless they are corporate entities. In that case, there would be no hiring tweet, instead an HR campaign. And handing out BBs? Pfffft. Architects don't issue phones EVER!!!!! I have never once seen it EVEEEEEEEEEEEER! Architects are cheap! Oh and those employees? Temp staff, expendable. Hired and fired based on the fortunes of a project's success; even less likely to be issued anything by the firm!

So....coming from my perspective I find something always to be off in some way with these spots, either they lack in umph, or they are off the mark in terms of application or utility of the device, or something! That being said, aside from flicking forward a PP presentation to the mayor, any previous BB could have sent a couple images and tweeted some nonsense! This really doesn't showcase the Z10 in any meaningful way. The music is tepid and flat and it does a half assed job at selling a productive life style. The whole thing is rather slow and off beat somehow with a delayed cadence or something. I can't quite put my finger on it.

Others in different fields may not notice the above, but had it been your field you would have picked up a ton of inaccuracies and the scent of BS.

At first I thought that was a terrible ad, now I think it's a terrible ad and you're a windbag. Thanks for setting the record straight!
At first I thought that was a terrible ad, now I think it's a terrible ad and you're a windbag. Thanks for setting the record straight!

It's not even a ad. 3 minute ads do not exist for broadcast. This is going to be posted on a BB website or something. This would never see a TV screen. I'm a fanboy and I stopped watching it half way.
It's not even a ad. 3 minute ads do not exist for broadcast. This is going to be posted on a BB website or something. This would never see a TV screen. I'm a fanboy and I stopped watching it half way.

Could you explain that in 500 words or more please?
I wasn't impressed with BB's Super Bowl ad...then again my concept kicked *** and anything less was going to disappoint me.
Uhh. no?

firstly, after 17 years its not IP, thats why it can be produced, you aren't "using someone elses IP" at all.

Secondly, Generics attack existing patents all the time and aggressively, thats why they are the most litigious entities in all of Canada (not that I think there is a problem with attacking patents that aren't really innovation).

Lastly, if you aren't talking about infringment then I am not sure what socialized medicine has to do with anything.

20 years for a drug patent.....perhaps ip was the wrong term but the generic companies aren't developing anything after that time, you're simply following a recipe developed by someone else. Generics don't tend to attack until the time of patent is up for the original product OR if the original company is attempting to "evergreen" a compound about to expire OR if a compound of dubious advancement is introduced by the original company at the end of the patentable life of the original. Regardless, the litigation is pretty evenly split between big pharma and the generics. My point about socialized medicine is if you get your compound listed as an approved medicine for treatment then you stand to do pretty well. Social healthcare systems often blacklist a compound if it has dubious value or offers no advantage over a cheaper competitor.
20 years for a drug patent.....perhaps ip was the wrong term but the generic companies aren't developing anything after that time, you're simply following a recipe developed by someone else. Generics don't tend to attack until the time of patent is up for the original product OR if the original company is attempting to "evergreen" a compound about to expire OR if a compound of dubious advancement is introduced by the original company at the end of the patentable life of the original. Regardless, the litigation is pretty evenly split between big pharma and the generics. My point about socialized medicine is if you get your compound listed as an approved medicine for treatment then you stand to do pretty well. Social healthcare systems often blacklist a compound if it has dubious value or offers no advantage over a cheaper competitor.

I am just saying I dno't see what your point is, you say that you dont' want to use foreign tech, and then support generics. To me, its the same thing.
I noticed BlackBerry will be sponsoring the 2013 Mercedes F1 team:

Yup, and I'm still blown away. The OLD rim would never have done something like this. F1 is a worldwide stage with massive viewing audience and will give them tremendous exposure.

Go BlackBerry Benz!

Thorstein can be seen bootin' around Waterloo area in his SLS AMG, no surprise here :)
I am just saying I dno't see what your point is, you say that you dont' want to use foreign tech, and then support generics. To me, its the same thing.

Not supporting exactly, just stating that what we are good at isn't innovative in that field.
Not supporting exactly, just stating that what we are good at isn't innovative in that field.

Still not sure what you are getting at. so making drugs with foreign tech for Canadian consumers is ok but making cars with foreign tech for Canadian consumers is not ok?

When the alternative is to import those things I really don't see any reasonable objection.
Since you guys were talking BlackBerry commercials earlier.... here is their latest. should be on tv soon.

They really should have used this one in the Superbowl. Its that good.

Since you guys were talking BlackBerry commercials earlier.... here is their latest. should be on tv soon.

They really should have used this one in the Superbowl. Its that good.


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