after being down 3500%........not bad![]()
yeah, from 2011......
after being down 3500%........not bad![]()
yeah, from 2011......
Nothing poor about it. Means I get to buy back the ones I sold the other day at a profit and then wait for it to happen again. I'm all smiles.
Sent from my SM-P600 using Tapatalk
Try one of the new Bb's with bb 10. . Same keyboard, no freezing.I loved my BB. When it worked. Kept freezing, internal memory sucked. But I loved my physical keyboard. Not once did I have a "damn autocorrect" moment. Now with my touch screen it's all the tome.
Sent from my Nokia Lumia 625 Windows Phone using Tapatalk
It's all my hard work paying off, you welcomePoor Betty.
CTC-A pushing towards another ALL TIME HIGH again today.
Try one of the new Bb's with bb 10. . Same keyboard, no freezing.
You talking about the Bold 9900 w/BB10. Classic, I think they're calling it? Very intriguing. Problem now is I'm getting used to my Windows phone's OS. Plus, when I had the BB with os 7, I received zero support from them with my issues. And I had been through 3 generations of BB. They may have lost me forever because of that.
but you could probably fit all those people on the same short bus.
I was thinking exactly the same thing. The iphone trade is a pathetic attempt to gain business to an already dying brand.ftfy
Free advertising for BB, generate some hype.
When you look at the terms and conditions, it makes no sense to trade up a working iPhone, but if someone 'was' going to do it anyway, it could be a couple $$ in their pocket. But you could probably fit all those people on the same school bus.
Its actually a brilliant marketing scheme. Not only for the tonnes of media exposure they received but.......
anybody who jumped on an iPhone 6 on launch surely isn't going to trade in as they would be early sheeple adopters, and wouldn't be your typical target BB customer anyway.
but there are legions of 4S and 5's out there. The non sheeple among them can see that the iPh 6 is basically their current 4S/5 with a bigger screen and a $1000 price tag. some of these ppl "miss their BB". The incentive could be just the nudge they need to bring them back.......
All the need now is a new Honda to drive while they blackberry all day long and life would be grand. Puff puff passconsidering that they are 'dying', its kinda funny that almighty Samsung turned to BB to for securing the swiss cheese holes of Android "security" so they can be taken seriously in enterprise...... :lol: