blackberry 10

Trust me, I know. I get so many kids that apply at my store. I tried to hire a few, but their sense of entitlement was insane. I tell them they have to be able to work at the same speed as me, but always asking for help and wanting someone else to do the work for them! After that I hire end up hiring an immigrant, their english sucks, but I don't have to babysit them after basic training.
Way to generalize.

I used to run a business that required about 140 staff, most positions were minimum wage, I had all kinds of people, young Canadian Kids, Young Immigrants and a mix of everyone else.

I wouldn't say that immigrant kids were better than Canadian Kids. I think the main difference was the region where the business was located. I find that Toronto proper had the worse employees, the further you were from Toronto the better the employees were. My location in Aurora had the best employees i ever had, my location in Yorkdale had the worse.

I will however admit that my Asian employees were awesome, the ones first generation in Canada.

By the way, good job apple, it only took you 4 years to catch up with or steal ideas

Watch from 1:10 - (this is 2013)

Watch at 0:40 - (this was Jan 2009)
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Saturday morning I was sat at breakfast with a few friends. A mix of Androind, Apple and BB users. A couple of IBM programmer/software types and a couple of HR directors. I had my Z10 on the table and mentioned that I was getting a Q5 next week. "Q5?" they all asked. Not one of them had heard of the Q5. MOTWYW.
Way to generalize.

I used to run a business that required about 140 staff, most positions were minimum wage, I had all kinds of people, young Canadian Kids, Young Immigrants and a mix of everyone else.

I wouldn't say that immigrant kids were better than Canadian Kids. I think the main difference was the region where the business was located. I find that Toronto proper had the worse employees, the further you were from Toronto the better the employees were. My location in Aurora had the best employees i ever had, my location in Yorkdale had the worse.

I will however admit that my Asian employees were awesome, the ones first generation in Canada.

By the way, good job apple, it only took you 4 years to catch up with or steal ideas

Watch from 1:10 - (this is 2013)

Watch at 0:40 - (this was Jan 2009)

I meant kids in general dude. I prefer to hire immigrant adults. Hardest working employees I have. I get great productivity out of them.
Part of this conversation is dejavue to the coffee I had this morning, sitting with a senior level manager of a large Canadian University. He "prefers" to hire women past child baring years , that have no school age kids at home and if they are in an ok marriage thats great.
young women take maternity leave
kids at home? sick kids and PA days mean mommy takes time off
divorced and dating again? too much drama
45 got a husband you hate and kids in uni? sign right here!

He's an HR dept treat.

You cant ask any of this stuff in an interview, but give a women the chance and they will tell you all you want to know. Girl that knows you cant ask stuff like this at an interview? Too smart to work there, will just cause problems. This is not just how he thinks, his entire dept consists of 40-60 year old women that love clerical work.
He's just a treat.
Part of this conversation is dejavue to the coffee I had this morning, sitting with a senior level manager of a large Canadian University. He "prefers" to hire women past child baring years , that have no school age kids at home and if they are in an ok marriage thats great.
young women take maternity leave
kids at home? sick kids and PA days mean mommy takes time off
divorced and dating again? too much drama
45 got a husband you hate and kids in uni? sign right here!

He's an HR dept treat.

You cant ask any of this stuff in an interview, but give a women the chance and they will tell you all you want to know. Girl that knows you cant ask stuff like this at an interview? Too smart to work there, will just cause problems. This is not just how he thinks, his entire dept consists of 40-60 year old women that love clerical work.
He's just a treat.

Send him thank you card on behalf of all the women that struggled to work and have a family therefore this country had future tax payers to ensure he receives all of his government benefits.

I blame women, they rather fight the government for a stupid law to allow them the right to bear their breasts in public like a man BUT do not fight the government for their rights as mothers and not have their benefits reduced to someone that is on EI or be taxed on baby items.
Women need to get it together and stop chasing after sock puppet "causes".

Release the Crackens oops I mean women :)
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such a backlog of people trying to use BBM that you have to wait in a queue before you can activate it
Who would I use BBM with in 2013?

it's still probably the most polished messenging app platform out there

even if you aren't using it to connect with BB users, its far superior to WhatsApp or basic text messaging
Half of the population of the world that seems to be d/loading it right now...

China is currently is prematurely hacking BBM before all government agencies drop it. NSA should have it resolved by least until they cut their losses and it goes to Lenovo. Either way, a temporary setback.
115 Registrations processed per second. Hence the lineup.

LMAO. And the BB fanbois say the Apple people drink Koo-Aid. The comments are hilarious.

To add fuel to the fire, latest iOS update 7.0.3 specifically removes a font that BBM uses causing the app to crash.

In the developer version of 7.0.3, its there, production version, it mysteriously disappears.

Make of that what you will.

Sent using Premium Unleaded
To add fuel to the fire, latest iOS update 7.0.3 specifically removes a font that BBM uses causing the app to crash.

In the developer version of 7.0.3, its there, production version, it mysteriously disappears.

Make of that what you will.

Sent using Premium Unleaded

I believe they fixed it already, apparently.
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